Lecture16. Prevention, Promotion, Protection Flashcards
importance of preventing disease
the need for prevention due to limitations in curing disease, cost of medical care
population based strategy
High risk individual strategy
Comparison between high-risk and population strategies
Healthcare services(primary, secondary, tertiary)
primary- gp, pharmacist, physio, community based
Secondary- specialist care(neurologist, dermatologist)
tertiary- hospital based care, rehab
Alma Ata declaration 1978
Declaration for primary health care:
• Protect and promote health of all
• Advocated a health promotion approach to primary care
Prerequisites for health: • Peace and safety from violence • Shelter • Education • Food • Income and economic support • Stable ecosystem and sustainable resources • Social justice and equity
Health promotion
• Acts on determinants of wellbeing
• Health/wellbeing focus
• Enables/empowers people to increase control
over, and improve, their health
• Involves whole population in every day contexts
Ottawa charter
First International Conference on Health Promotion,
Ottawa, 21 November 1986
‘Mobilise action for community development’
The charter acknowledges that health is:
• A fundamental right for everybody
• That it requires both individual and collective
• The opportunity to have good health should be equally
• And that good health is an essential element of social
and economic development
3 basic strategies in Ottawa Charter
1. ENABLE: To provide opportunities for all individuals to make healthy choices through access to information, life skills and supportive environments (An individual level strategy) 2. ADVOCATE: To create favourable political, economic, social, cultural and physical environments by promoting/ advocating for health and focusing on achieving equity in health (Systems level strategy) 3. MEDIATE: To facilitate/ bring together individuals, groups and parties with opposing interests to work together/ come to a compromise for the promotion of health (A strategy that joins up individuals, groups and systems)
Parts of Building health public policy
- Strengthen community Action
- Develop personal skills
- Create Supportive Environments
- Reorient Health Services towards primary health care
Disease prevention
- Disease focus
- Looks at particular diseases and ways of preventing them( incidence, prevalence, risk factors, impacts)
Health protection
• Predominantly environmental hazard focused
• Risk/Hazard assessment
– Environmental epidemiology
– Safe air and water, biosecurity
• Occupational health & Monitoring
– e.g. safety regulations on work sites
biomarkers of exposure to hazardous substances
• Risk communication
– e.g. relating environmental risks to the public (tsunami
What part has 3 levels?
disease prevention
primary, secondary, tertiary