Lecture Exam 4 Flashcards
A diploid cell makes and divides an exact copy of its nucleus.
It is used in cell growth and cell repair.
Mitosis occurs in body cells.
There are four phases:
- Prophase
- Metaphase
- Anaphase
- Telophase
Two nuclear divisions occur to make four haploid cells.
It is used to make gametes (egg and sperm).
Meiosis occurs in sex cells.
It has eight phases (4 in each meiosis, I & II).
What creates genetic diversity?
Crossing over during prophase 1
Independent alignment of homologous chromosomes during metaphase 1
Random fertilization
Changes in chromosome number
Nondisjunction occurs when both members of a homologous pair go into the same daughter cell during meiosis I, or when sister chromatids fail to separate in meiosis II.
Results of nondisjunction:
Monosomy: cell has only 1 copy of a chromosome e.g., Turner syndrome (only 1 X chromosome)
Trisomy: cell has 3 copies of a chromosome e.g., Down syndrome (3 copies of chromosome 21)
Patterns of genetic inheritance basic terminology
Genotype: Specific genes for a particular trait written with symbols
Alleles are alternate forms of a specific gene at the same position (locus) on a gene (e.g., allele for unattached earlobes and attached lobes); alleles occur in pairs.
A dominant gene will be expressed and will mask a recessive gene (Tt or TT).
A recessive allele is only expressed when a gene has two of this type of allele (tt).
Patterns of genetic inheritance basic terminology continued
A homozygous dominant genotype consists of two dominant alleles (TT or AA).
A homozygous recessive genotype consists of two recessive alleles (tt or aa).
A heterozygous genotype consists of one dominant allele and one recessive allele (Tt or Aa).
Incomplete dominance
Occurs when the heterozygote phenotype is intermediate between phenotypes of the two homozygotes
(curly hair) CC x cc (straight hair) = Cc (wavy hair)
Occurs when the alleles are equally expressed in a heterozygote
(Type A blood) AA x BB (Type B blood) = AB (Type AB blood that has characteristics of both blood types)
Multiple allele inheritance
What type of blood would each of the following individuals have in a cross between Ai and Bi?
Possible genotypes: Phenotypes:
AB Type AB blood
Bi Type B blood
Ai Type A blood
ii Type O blood
Sex-linked inheritance
Traits are controlled by genes on the sex chromosomes.
X-linked inheritance –the allele is carried on the X chromosome
Y-linked inheritance –the allele is carried on the Y chromosome
Most sex-linked traits are X-linked.
X-linked disorders
These are more often found in males than females because recessive alleles are always expressed.
Most X-linked disorders are recessive.
Color blindness is most often characterized by red-green color blindness.
Duchenne muscular dystrophy is characterized by wasting of muscles and death by age 20.
Fragile X syndrome is the most common cause of inherited mental impairment.
Hemophilia is characterized by the absence of particular clotting factors; blood clots very slowly or not at all.
Central Dogma
DNA to RNA to Protein
DNA transcripts to RNA which translates to Protein
In the event of reverse transcriptase, RNA can go back to DNA through the process of replication
Replication, Transcription and Translation
RNA sequence to Comp DNA: AAAUAGCCACGT
Gene therapy
Gene therapy –insertion of genetic material into human cells to treat a disorder
In ex vivo therapy, cells are removed from the body for treatment and then reintroduced back into the body.
In in vivo therapy, the vector is introduced directly into the body.
Gene therapy has been most successful in treating cancer.
Evolution: change in the gene frequency of population or species over time
Adaptation: a characteristic that enables an organism to survive and reproduce in its environment
Natural selection
Three vital elements:
- Variation: There must be physical variations that can be passed from generation to generation
- Competition: There must be competition for limited resources (food, mates, shelter), and those better adapted will survive and reproduce
- Adaptation: Individuals with favorable traits survive, reproduce, and pass their traits onto their offspring’s
Lamarck vs. Darwin
Lamarck argues that characteristics are acquired over time
Darwin argues that desired characteristics are selected by natural selection
Homologous VS Analogous
- Same function
- Differ in fundamental structure
- Different ancestry
- Example: Wings in bats, birds, insects
- Different function
- Similiar in fundamental structure
- Common ancestry
- Example: Pentadactyl limb in vertabrates
Three domains of life
Heterotrophic bacteria
EUKARYA: Protists Plants Fungi Animals
Asian and African apes
Humans are most closely related to african apes
Our closest relative is the Chimp
Evolution of Hominins
Hominins: All species of the genus Homoand their close relatives
- Bipedal
- Flatter face with a more pronounced chin
- Brain size
- Scientists primarily use Bipedal posture as a hallmark of a hominin regardless of the size of the brain to determine relatedness to humans
Components of an ecosystem
Ecosystem: A place where organisms interact with each other and their environment
Abiotic components: Nonliving environment
Biotic components: Living components
Autotrophs: Producers
Heterotrophs: Consumers
1. Herbivores: Feed on plants and algae
2. Carnivores: Feed on other animals
3. Omnivores: Eat both plants and animals
4. Detritus feeders: Feed on decomposing organic matter
Carbon Cycle