Lecture 9: Aves (BIRDS) Flashcards
The anapsid Testudinate skull is likely:
a) Derived from an Anapsid skull
b) Derived from a Diapsid skull
c) An unchanged primitive amniote skull
d) None of the Above
b) derived from a diapsid skull
Which skeletal element in birds prevents the thorax from collapsing during flight?
a) Sternum
b) Gizzard
c) Keel
d) Coracoid
e) None of the above
d) Coracoid
Which Subgroup did birds evolve from?
a) Theropods
b) Ornithopoda
c) Crocodyla
d) Sauropodomorpha
e) None of the above
a) Theropods
What are the charateristic features of 2nd radiation group from Amniotes: Sauropsida?
- 2 temporal fenestrae (diapsid)
- diapsid skulls
Dinosaura: AVES (birds)
where did they radiate from/emerge from ?
- Emerged from Dinosaurs
- Order: Saurischians
- Suborder:Theropods
Which subgroup of the Dinosaur radiation is indicative of fossil records showing feathers?
What vertebrate fossil within the Mesozoic era in the Jurassic period is indicative of the transition from non-avian dinosaurs to birds?
What features distinguishes an Archaeopteryx from a Pterosaurus?
- Pterosaurs
- have 4 digits/wing attachements
- Archaeopteryx
- have 3 digits
Order: Saurischians
- feathered dinosaur
- antorbital fenestrae
- diapsid
- reptilian and avian features
What reptilian features did the Archaeopteryx have?
- Jawed teeth
- Clawed fingers
- Keel-less sternum
What avian features did the Archaeopteryx have?
- forelimbs & girdles
- Furcula- wishbone
- Coracoid - prevents wings fron crucshing thorax from downstroke flight
- feathers
True or False?
Feathers evolved before birds from reptilian scales
likely 150 mya
Feather Morphology
What part of the feather is known as the rachis?
a) tubular central shaft
b) connected to the shaft
c) feather anchored to the body
d) None of the above
a) tubular central shaft
Feather morphology
either side of the rachis
feather morphology
- Barbules
- Barbs
- interlocking connections in the bars
- Connected to the shaft
feather morphology
Rachis + Vane
feather morphology
What is the part of the feather that is the quill called?
Feathers made for insulation/ornamentation have
- poorly defined rachis
- more flexible in structure
- symmetrical vanes about the rachis
Feathers made for flight have
- have a well-defined central shaft
- left side of vane is lobger than right side
Order: Saurischians
Subgroup: Theropods
- lived 160 MYA
- chicken-sized
- flight feathers on forearms
- Fuzzy coating on body
- long feathers on hind legs
What is another reason why birds have feathers?
- Thermoregulation
- Contouring
- gliding
- flight - ornamentation
What are the 7 living birds in the class of Aves?
- ducks
- ostriches
- flamingoes
- pigeons
- terns
- woodpeckers
- songbirds, sparrows
Which of the following statements best describes the hip structure of birds in regards to convergent evolution?
A) Birds have hips similar to those of Saurischian dinosaurs.
B) Birds have hips resembling those of Mammalian mammals.
C) Birds have hips resembling those of Ornithischian dinosaurs.
D) Birds have hips that are unique and unrelated to any other group.
C) Birds have hips resembling those of Ornithischian dinosaurs.
Which of the following adaptations in bird bone structure helps reduce body weight and aids in flight?
A) Marrow-filled bones
B) Solid bones
C) Pneumatic bones
D) Densely mineralized bones
E) Antoribital fenestrae
f) C and E
C and E) Pneumatic bones & Antorbital Fenestrae
Which of the following is a modern avian adaptation related to digestion?
A) Ingestion of stones to aid in flight
B) Development of teeth in beaks
C) Evolution of a muscular stomach known as a gizzard
D) Loss of feathers for increased aerodynamics
C) Evolution of a muscular stomach known as a gizzard
Which of the following flightless birds is likely to lack a keel in terms of flight?
A) Ostriches
B) Penguins
C) Emu
D) Chickens
B) Penguins
- aids them in swimming locomotion
Which of the following reptiles possesses a beak-like structure?
A) Crocodiles
B) Snakes
C) Turtles
D) Lizards
C) Turtles
Which of the following is an ancient flightless bird known for its terrestrial lifestyle and lack of a keeled sternum?
A) Archaeopteryx
B) Gastornis
C) Ichthyornis
D) Hesperornis
B) Gastornis
Which of the following birds are examples of powered true flight?
A) Penguins
B) Ostriches
C) Albatross
D) Kiwis
c) Albatross
What feature distinguishes birds from all other living vertebrates?
A) Feathers
B) Wings
C) Beaks
D) Hollow bones
A) Feathers
Which of the following statements best describes the Anchiron?
A) Anchiron is a subclass of reptiles known for their massive size and herbivorous diet.
B) Anchiron is an order of flightless birds characterized by their powerful beaks and strong forelimbs.
C) Anchiron is a genus of theropod dinosaurs known for their feathered appearance and bird-like features.
D) Anchiron is a subclass of archosaurs, representing an intermediate stage between reptiles and birds.
D) Anchiron is a subclass of archosaurs, representing an intermediate stage between reptiles and birds.