Lecture 8: Reptiles & Dinosaurs Flashcards
The discovery of Mesosaur fossils in South Africa and South America provide evidence for which theory(ies)?
a)Fin Fold Theory
b)Birds evolving from dinosaurs
c)Continential Drift
d) All of the above
e) None of the above
c) Continential drift
Sauropsids include which of the following vertebrates?
a) Birds only
b) Birds & Reptiles
c) Reptiles only
d) Dinosaurs only
e) Birds, Reptiles, Turtles & their ancestors
f) None of the above
e) Birds, Reptiles, Turtles and their ancestors !
The lack of use of of the buccal cavity to pump air into the lungs is indicative of which form of vertebrate respiration?
a) Dual pump respiration
b) Buccal pump respiration
c) Aspiration pump respiration
d) All of the above
e) None of the above
c) Aspiration pump
What are amniotes?
early tetrapods that have developed the ability to lay shelled eggs in response to the changing climate
When did the Diapsids emerge?
after the extinction of the Permian period (250 MYA)
Which group do Sauropsidas come from?
a) Synapsida
b) Diapsida
c) Parareptilia
d) None of the above
What groups are included in the clade: Sauropsida and what common feature do they all share ?
- Amniotes, including birds, reptilians, and ancestors
Aspiration breathing
The air is no longer being forced into the lungs
The buccal cavity is no longer used to pump air
Air is pumped into the lungs by the ribcage and the intercostal muscles (between ribs)
What is the glottis? and what type of animals have them?
- the glottis opens into the trachea
- remains closed except when breathing
- seperates respiratory function from breathing
- allows reptiles to sustain themselves in the terrestrial world
- reptilian feature
Which clade and group is known for having the aspiration pumping style of breathing?
Sauropsids: Reptilia
What style of breathing involves air being pumped into the lungs by the ribcage and intercostal muscles between ribs?
a) Dual pumping
b) Buccal pumping
c) Aspiration pumping
d) lung breathing
c) Aspiration pumping
What two lineages under Reptilia share the feature of aspiration pumping breathing?
a) Mesosaurs & pareptilia
b) Parareptilia & eureptilia
c) Eureptilia & mesosaurs
d) None of the above
b) Parareptilia and Eureptilia
What common feature is shared in all three reptilian lineages: Mesosaurs, Pareptilia and Eureptilia?
they all lack temporal fenestrae - anapsids
- they are also primitive amniotes
What are the features of the Sublass: Mesosaurs?
think about aquatic lifestyle
- They were the earliest amniotes to return fully to the aquatic lifestyle
- First Sauropsid that is specialized for an aquatic lifestyle
Main features:
Long neck
Elongated snout w/ teeth
Paddle-shaped feet w/ long digits (aquatic lifestyle)
Laterally compressed tail (aquatic lifestyle)
Poorly ossified (not much bone) due to having an aquatic lifestyle
Limbs are quite long
What features are known in Subclass: Parareptilia?
- Early reptiles
- Are successful and diverse in the middle Permian period
- Medium-sized
- Herbivores
- Swollen (bigger) neural arches
- Digits articulated with ankle bones - their ankle bones and the digits, the tarsals and metatarsals are connected on top of one another
- went extinct by the end of Triassic period
What two orders come from the Subclass: Eureptilia?
- Captorhinidae (basal form - early form)
- Diapsida
Which of the following do these reptilian lineages: Mesosaurs, Parareptilia, Eureptilia & Captorhinidae have in common?
a) diapsid skull
b) primitive amniotes
c) anapsid skull
d) b & c
e) none of the above
d) b & c
What 3 lineages from Subclass: Eureptilia fall under Diapsida:
a) Archosauramorpha, Eurapsidya & Lepidosauramorpha
b) Testudinada, Archosauramorpha, Eurapsidiya
c)Lepidosauramorpha, Archosauramorpha & Crocodylamorpha
a) Archosauramorpha, Euryapsida & Lepidosauramorpha
What are the characteristic features of the Infraclass: Archosauramorpha?
- reduced forelimbs
- bipedalism
- antorbital fenestrae
What are the 5 orders make up Infraclass Archosauramorpha?
- Thecodonts
- Crocodylamorpha
- Pterosaurus
- Dinosaura
- Birds
What features are characteristic of the Order:Thecodonts
- within diapsida
- extinct at end of triassic
- emerged late permian
- bipedal
- similar to aligators &crocodiles
- ankle joint
- Cruotarsal joint - bent at the ankle
- Mesotarsal joint - specialized for walking/running
What features are characteristic of the Order: Crocodylamorpha
- emerged 230 MYA to the end of the triassic period
- some were Bipedal
- specialization of Aspiration pumping
- Inhalation: rib cage expands, liver pulls back
- Exhalation: rib cage contracts, liver moves forward, compressing lungs - example: Machimosaurus Rex
What are the three subgroups within the Order of Crocodylamorphs within the Archosauramorphs that are living with us today?
- Crocodyladae
- Alligatoridae
- Gavialidae
What feature distinguishes an Aligator from a Crocodile?
the teeth - alligators teeth are in a single line, whereas crocodiles teeth stick out up and down when mouth closed.
What are the characteristic features of the Order: Pterosaurs
- emered late Triassic period
- extinct enf of Cretaceous period
- distant cousin of dinosaur
- not a dinosaur
- Antorbital fenestrae
- extraordinarily long finger
- true and powered flight
For which theory does it state that the bipedal ancestors of birds had feathered forearms to catch insects, by leaping in the air and actively catching the insects leading to eventual flight?
a) Fin-Fold theory
b) Climbing theory
c) Arboreal theory
d) Insect-theory
d) Insect theory
what are the three theories in regards to explaining the origin of flight?
Which of the three has the most empirical support?
- Arboreal theory
- Insect-Net theory
- Climbing theory
clibing and arboreal theory = most support
Which theory states that flight came about by being bipedal, began in trees, leaping b/t branches, and involved gliding & flapping that led to eventual flight.
a) Arboreal theory
b) climbing theory
c) Gill-Arch theory
d) Insect theory
a) Arboreal theory
Which theory for the origin of flight involved protowings to enhance the ability to dash up lines?
a) Climbing theory
b) Insect theory
c) Arboreal theory
d) None of the above
a) Climbing theory
Who were the ancestor to dinosaurs?
What group within Archosauropmorpha is the protodactylus from?
- ancestors to the disnosaurs
- small, size of a cat
What mass extinction took place 250 MYA during the Permian - Triassic period?
The Great Dying
What were the consequences of the Great Dying?
- Created empty niches
- Took many of the crocodilians
- The limited diversity of crocodilians we see today because of this event
- Took many of the other early tetrapods
- giant salamander
What is a Key characterisitc of the Order: Saurishchians from the Order: Ornithschians?
the three different bones radiat outwards from the center. (Ilium, Pubis & Ischium)
What two Orders seperate the Dinosaurs into 2 groups?
- Saurishchians
- Ornithschians
What two Suborders arise from Saurischians?
- Theropods
- Sauropodomorphs
What features are characteristic of the Suborder: Theropods?
- Carnivorous
- led to birds
- Bipedal locomotion
- reduced forelimbs
- includes velocoraptor & T-Rex
True or False?
On the T-rex the two small forelimbs are reduced in size to help capture prey.
* The two smaller hand on the side are NOT there to capture prey it is there to allow them to walk better on their hind legs and bipedally.
Enhances their adaptation towards running
What subgroup of Saurischians had feathers and showed evidence of feathers evolving before birds?
What were feathers used for
What features are characterisitic of Suborder: Sauropodomorphs?
hint: herbivores….trees
- have long necks
- herbivorous
- Emerged Late Triassic (225 MYA) to Late Cretaceous
- Includes brontosaurus and brachiosaurus
- can be divided into 2 groups:
- Prosauropod (basal form)
More bipedal, relatively short limbs
2. Sauropod Quadrupedal locomotion Extreme body sizes
- Prosauropod (basal form)
What allowed the Suborder: Sauropodomorphs (Branchiosaurus) to get long necks?
- Quick growth that allowed them to evade predators
- Access to high quality food/leaves on high trees
- Availability of high quality plants in the mesozoic era
- Lightweight bones (similar to birds) = efficient locomotion
What are the ornithschians known for?
- pubis, illeum, ischium
- projects backward to tail
- primarily herbivorous
- Includes Stegosaur, Triceratops and Pachycephalosaur
What dinosaur is a unique example of the Suborder: Ornithschians?
- dorsally thickened cranium
- head butting
- unique-shaped dome heads
Which period and era did the asteroid hit (we lost the dinosaurs?)
a)Paleozoic era, carboniferous period
b)Mesozoic era, cretaceous period
c) Cenozoic era, permian period
d) Mesozoic era, triassic period
b) Mesozoic Era, at the end of the cretaceous period - (165 MYA)
Asteroid hit 66 MYA what is now called Mexico
Climate change followed
The fossil evidence of calf in birthing placemnet & the origin of live births is indicative of which Infraclass?
a) Lepidosauramorpha
b) Icthyopterygia
c) Eurapsida
d) Archosauramorpha
e) None of the above
b) Icthyopterygia
also showed evidence of The Bends - nitrogen bubbles
What happens in The Bends?
- this happens when bone gets damaged from nitrogen bubbles
- weakend bone
- occurs when you surface too quickly in water to evade predators
- occurs in aquatoc organisms as well
- fossil evidence in Icthyopterygia
What are the 4 Diapsida groups that emerged from the Eureptilian radiation?
- Archosauromorpha
- Eurapsida
- Lepidosauramorpha
- Testidunada
Infraclass: Icthyostega
Superclass: Gnathostomata
Class: Reptilia
Subclass: Labrynthodontia
Mesozoic Era
Emerged late Triassic period to early Cretaceous period
Emerged from Diapsida:
Superorder: Sauropterygia
- diapsids
- specialized for aquatic lifestlye
- long necks, flat skulls
- early forms had short necks
- Neck elongation appeared independent across tetrapod groups:
- Pterosaurs (air)
- Sauropods (and girraffes)
Emerged from Diapsida
Infraclass: Lepidosauramorpha
- modern reptiles and ancestors
- 4000 living species
- Order: Eosuchia (extinct): ancestor of all modern snakes, Lizards
- Order: Squamates: Snakes, lizards and tropical/subtropical reptiles
What is a unique skull adaptation that is indivative of snakes?
**Hyperkinetic skull: **the skull allows the snake to eat prey that’s larger than them
* 20 skull bones
* articulated not fused
* can independently move bones
Emerged from Diapsida
Superorder: Testudinada
* appeared in the late triaasic period
* Had a diapsid skull but lost one hole and fused - became anapsid
* Carapace
* Ventral plastroon (under shell)
* shell was there to enhance a burrowing lifestyle as well as protection
Turtle Shell Evolution:
Which form of shell had a carapace, appears later in fossil record & closely resembles modern turtles? They emerged 210 mya.
a) Pappochelys
b) Proghanochely
c) Modern testidunada
e) None of the above
b) Proghanochely
Turtle Shell Evolution:
Which form of shell had the belly protected by rod-like bones that had some fused together, development in aquatic environment to protect from predator ambush from below, had two openings behind its eye socket and suggestive that they derived from diapsid amniote. They also emerged 240 MYA.
a) Proghanochely
b) Modern testidunada
c) Pappochelys
d) Cryptorida
c) Pappochelys
Turtle Shell Evolution:
Modern testidunada:
diverges into 2 lineages
- Suborder: Cryptodira (Hidden-necked)
- Verticxal retraction
- SeaTurtle - Suborder: Pleurodira (side-necked)
- horizontal retraction
- African side-necked turtle
Which of the following characteristics are associated with Parareptilia?
A) Carnivorous diet and small body size
B) Swollen neural arches and herbivorous diet
C) Flight adaptation and feathers for locomotion
D) Nocturnal behavior and adaptation for underwater hunting
B) Swollen neural arches and herbivorous diet
When did diapsids emerge?
A) Early Jurassic period
B) Late Carboniferous period
C) Cretaceous period
D) Permian period
D) Permian period
- after the extinction of the permina period (250 mya)
Which of the following is a characteristic of reptiles within the Sauropsida group?
A) External gills for respiration
B) Pumping of air into the lungs using the buccal cavity
C) Aspiration breathing with air pumped into the lungs by the ribcage and intercostal muscles
D) Lungless respiration through skin permeability
C) Aspiration breathing with air pumped into the lungs by the ribcage and intercostal muscles
Which of the following lineages fall within the Sauropsida group?
A) Therapsida and Anapsida, diapsida
B) Parareptilia, eureptilia and Mesosaurs
C) Synapsida and Eureptilia
D) Plesiosaurs and Ichthyosaurs
B) Parareptilia, Eureptilia & Mesosaurs
Which group of amniotes returned to an aquatic lifestyle?
A) Sauropsids
B) Parareptiles
C) Mesosaurs
D) Therapsids
C) Mesosaurs
Which features are characteristic of mesosaurs, the earliest amniotes to return fully to an aquatic lifestyle?
A) Short neck and broad snout
B) Short limbs and compact body
C) Paddle-shaped feet with long digits and a laterally compressed tail
D) Well-ossified bones and short digits
C) Paddle-shaped feet with long digits and a laterally compressed tail
Which geological period saw the earliest known fossils of Parareptila?
A) Jurassic period
B) Permian period
C) Triassic period
D) Carboniferous period
B) Permian period
When did Parareptila go extinct?
A) Middle Permian period
B) Late Jurassic period
C) End of the Triassic period
D) Beginning of the Cretaceous period
C) End of the Triassic period
Which group lacks temporal fenestrae and is characterized as small and lizard-like?
A) Captorhinidae
B) Diapsida
C) Eureptilia
D) Sauropsida
A) Captorhinidae
Which of the following is not one of the major lineages within Diapsida?
A) Archosauromorpha
B) Euryapsida
C) Testudinada
D) Lepidosauromorpha
C) Testudinada
What is a distinguishing feature of Archosauromorpha?
A) Well-developed forelimbs
B) Quadrupedalism
C) Lack of antorbital fenestrae
D) Temporal fenestrae located behind the eye socket
D) Temporal fenestrae located behind the eye socket
What is the primary mode of locomotion associated with Archosauromorpha?
A) Swimming
B) Flight
C) Bipedalism
D) Quadrupedalism
C) Bipedalism
Which of the following is not a group within the Infraclass: Archosauramorpha?
A) Thecodonts
B) Crocodylamorpha
C) Pterosaurs
D) Dinosaurs
D) Dinosaurs
Which joint in the ankle of Thecodonts allowed for bipedalism and is also observed in dinosaurs and birds?
A) Crurotarsal joint
B) Tarsometatarsal joint
C) Mesotarsal joint
D) Coxofemoral joint
C) Mesotarsal joint
What is a characteristic feature of Sauropodomorphs?
A) Short necks
B) Quadrupedal locomotion
C) Carnivorous diet
D) Small body sizes
B) Quadrupedal locomotion
How did Sauropodomorphs manage to attain such large sizes and long necks?
A) They had slow growth rates
B) They primarily fed on low-lying vegetation
C) Their lightweight bones allowed for efficient locomotion
D) They possessed strong jaws for breaking down tough plants
C) Their lightweight bones allowed for efficient locomotion
- Which subgroup of Sauropodomorphs is characterized by being more bipedal and having relatively short limbs?
A) Prosauropods
B) Sauropods
C) Theropods
D) Ceratopsians
A) Prosauropods (early form)
Which two suborders emerged from sauropods?
a) Theropoda and Ornithischia
b) Prosauropoda and Sauropoda
c) Ceratopsia and Stegosauria
d) Ankylosauria and Hadrosauridae
b) Prosauropoda and Sauropoda
Which infraclass includes modern snakes and lizards and their ancestors?
a) Archosauromorpha
b) Lepidosauromoprha
c) Diapsida
d) Euryapsida
What order includes extinct Eosuchia and modern snakes and lizards?
a) Testudinata
b) Squamates
c) Crocodylia
d) Pterosauria
a) Testudinata
Which characteristic is unique to the skull of squamates?
a) Presence of lower temporal fenestrae
b) Absence of upper temporal fenestrae
c) Fused teeth to skull
d) Elongated snout
C) fused teeth to skull
- What was a possible advantage for the ancestors of snakes hunting in burrows?
a) Slender hind limbs
b) Fused teeth to skull
c) Loss of lower temporal fenestrae
d) Reduced or absent limbs
d) reduced or anscent limbs