Lecture 9 Flashcards
Sex versus gender
SEX refers to the biological sex
GENDER refers to the psychological sex
Factors influencing gender identity:
1) biological factors (genes, hormone exposure)
2) environmental factors (society, cultural and parental)
3) the interaction between the two
Can Gender Be Assigned?
David Reimer had a botched circumcision but was one of two male twins
It was decided to remove his testicles and give E then raise him as female
Despite this Brenda never fit in, felt male
He was XY and so was exposed to androgens in development
When he found out what had happened he transitioned and considered himself male
Eventually, he killed himself. This should not have happened
Gender Dysphoria
XX or XY chromosomes
-Gender is opposite biological sex
DSM 5 Diagnostic criteria
- A marked incongruence between one’s experienced/expressed gender and primary and/or secondary sex characteristics
- A strong desire to be rid of one’s primary and/or secondary sex characteristics
- A strong desire for the primary and/or secondary sex characteristics of the other gender
- A strong desire to be of the other gender
- A strong desire to be treated as the other gender
- A strong conviction that one has the typical feelings and reactions of the other gender
Change from DSM-IV
Symptoms of gender dysmorphia
- Belief that they will grow up to be the opposite sex
- Expressed desire to be the opposite sex
- Disgust with their own genitalia
- Withdrawal, isolation, depression
- Not due to a physically intersex condition
Old vs new treatment of gender dysmorphia
Thought to be entirely a disorder of the mind
Attempted to treat this through psychotherapy
Now recognized that there may be biological basis: psychological intervention is ineffective
Combination of causes for gender dysmorphia
Prenatal hormonal imbalances
Genetic abnormalities
Defects in normal human bonding - much greater chance of having experienced child abuse
No strong bond with parent
Society doesn’t like continuum….
-Societal constraints: only universally accepting of male and female as gender identities.
-Confronted by discrimination or harassment regularly
-Don’t mess with status quo
-Transgender individuals now protected under the Human Rights Act under the grounds of sex – as of 2017
-Quebec and other provinces following suit
(actually QC did it before, 2016)
2D:4D story – physical measure for in utero androgens
- Men typically have longer ring than index fingers
- Females have similar index and ring fingers, or longer index finger
- Ratio of 2D:4D measure of in utero androgen exposure, androgen exposure is negatively correlated with ratio (males have a smaller ratio)
-Serves as a pretty reliable measure of early androgen exposure
When we want to research sex-related variations in the brain:
We are interested in effect of testosterone in determining sex differences
Cognition, behaviour, orientation, identity
Biological mechanism for maleness
Contrast to traditional perspective: gender is based on nurture how a child is raised
Difficult – accurate studies in humans so many in animals
Examine people with CAH, CAI, or mothers treated with androgens
We wind up using either animals or rare human conditions as we cannot expose humans to androgens
Melissa Hines did this
Hormones and play study
Male–typical play
- Rough and tumble
- Outdoors
- Cars
Female–typical play
- House, crafts
- Indoors
- Dolls
Subjects had
Congenital adrenal hyperplasia, maternal androgen admin and naturally higher maternal androgens
Naturally higher maternal androgens
Sometimes assessed in mothers during pregnancy if there is reason to do so, if not also use digit ratio
Androgen exposure was correlated by Hines with male typical behaviour in females
Hormones and play study resultd
Female typical play
- Typical girls do lots of female typical play
- CAH girls did much less of it but still more than CAH boys and typical boys
Male typical play
- Girls with CAH do more than typical girls
- Less than boys with CAH and typical boys
Using the Preschool Activity Inventory which measures sex-typed childhood activities (is a more general measure and takes into account HOW the children’s played e.g. using a doll in a male way)
You see a magnification of the results. CAH females no different from CAH boys and normal boys on the PSAI and far higher than normal girls.
Play in primates
No socializing role Give an array of toys Females choose female typical toys Males choose male ones Teases apart nurture and nature Probably there is a biological drive for this
Sex differences in other activities
Targeting, fine motor, spatial ability and aggression
Higher in males
Verbal fluency and empathy
Higher in Females
Male preference for vehicles and rough and tumble
Males prefer Prefer spatial movement?
Sex difference in primary visual cortex
Toy preference reflects underlying basic characteristic of stimuli
Sex differences in brain development
Testosterone exposure masculinizes the brain
Rodents and monkeys: castration and hormone administration
Males have larger brains, females deeper gyri/larger sulci
Women thicker cortex
Testosterone enlarges sexually dimorphic brain regions
Medial hypothalamus, bed nucleus of stria terminalis (BNST), and amygdala
Some changes linked to gendered behaviour
Amygdala in rough and tumble play
Hormones and Gender Identity
Pubertal hormones activate what was organized early in life
Act in brain areas organized in development
Females with CAH have identify as male more often
CAIS almost always identify as female even though XY
Klinefelter’s reports higher incidence of gender ambiguity and transgenderism
Could be that changes in androgens contributes to changes in gender
Neurobiological differences in gender dysphoria Hypotheses
Major testosterone induced sex difference in rats brains
Decided to examine humans on: post-mortem examination of the interstial nucleus of the anterior hypothalamus (INAH) does it differ in:
Male to female trans
Trans individuals?
Effect of adult changes in gonadal hormones?
Size based on number of neurons AND number of synapses is different with increased androgens
Neurobiological differences in gender dysphoria (results)
Female gender consistently lower volume and neurons than male in INAH
- Male to female trans – smaller than men regardless of hormone replacement treatment
- Female to male trans in range of biological men
Adult hormone makes no difference
Some evidence this region is larger in hetero than homosexual men
Inconsistent results
Castrated males (had prostate cancer so removed) later in life had no androgens but still no difference in INAH which points to an early organizational effect
Post menopaused women’s INAH does not change size either