Lecture 9 Flashcards
heritable trait, assumed here to vary between but not within lineages
character evolution
1) reconstruct history: seq of ancestral states and inferred changes on branches
2) use a model to infer parameters that describe underlying processes of change
-questions about general trends
step matrix for parsimony
-costs (relative weights) associated with state changes in parsimony inference of ancestral states
Fitch parsimony
default, all costs equal
other step matrices (pars)
- asymmetric-> yield equally parsimonious reconstructions that differ in direction of change
- linearly ordered states: abcd
parsimony algorithm for estimating ancestral states at node
1) down pass: tips to root, collects info from descendants of node
2) up pass: root to tips, collects info from rest of tree
each traversal visits every internal node-> computes conditional length for each character state
What kind of matrix does likelihood inference of ancestral states have?
- matrix of transition rates (Q)
- assume tree has branch lengths measured in expected # of changes
transition probability equation
P(t) = e^Qt
P is prob matrix for all combos of ancestor-descendant states for branch of length (t)
Likelihood inference of ancestral states process
- down pass calculating conditional likelihoods(CL) for each state at every node
- CL at a node incorporate CLs of immediate descendants (recursion)
- total likelihood at root is sum of CL of states
- find rates (a & b) that maximize TL at root node
- after finding optimal rates-> estimate the fractional likelihoods at internal nodes
Likelihood/ancestral states to estimate ML at each node
For each state at each node:
1) fix node to that state
2) recalculate fractional likelihood for that state at root
Likelihood ratio test for directional bias in evolution
- estimate likelihood for null hypothesis (a=b) w/1 free parameter
- next estimate L with 2 free parameters (a and b can differ)-> going to be higher
- look at twice the difference in log-likelihood (likelihood ratio)-> will be chi-squared with 1 degree of freedom
Brownian motion
- most common null model of evolution for continuous characters
- start at t=0, value = 0; at each step move up or down by amount randomly drawn from normal distribution
variance parameter in Brownian motion
rate of random walk
squared change parsimony (general)
- used to estimate continuous ancestral states
- find states at internal nodes that minimize the sums of squared ancestor-descendant differences, weighted by branch length
squared change parsimony algorithm
1) recursively traverse the tree (down pass)assign states to internal nodes that minimize sum of weighted squared differences of descendant node values
2) up pass: root to tips, adjust internal node values based on parent nodes
generalized least-squares to identify if trait values are correlated with phylogenetic divergence
- uses phylogenetic regression model
- each spp’ value treated as random walk from root
- estimate y-intercept(ancestral value at root) and slope (correlation of trait values with divergence), given variance-covariance structure of the tree (e)
- can ask if slope is significant using likelihood ratio tests
phylogenetic regression model
y =Xß + e
- y is species’ trait values
- X is spp’ distances from the root
- ß is regression parameters (slope/intercept)
- e is error (residuals)-> the phylogeny
How do you determine if the evolution of a character of interest is actually predicted by assumed branch lengths, or if they can be transformed to improve the fit?
likelihood ratio test with kappa parameter that scales branch lengths exponentially
-k=1 means branch lengths are unchanged; gradualism
-k=0: all lengths equal to 1-> indicates character evolution is independent of branch length; punctuated
k>1: on longer branches, more change occurs than expected
character change predicted by “true” branch lengths; k=1
punctuated evolution
character change predicted by equal branch lengths; associated with lineage divergence