Lecture 8 - Globalization and Development Flashcards
What 2 factors motivated interest in development post-WWII?
- The Cold War –> capitalist VS communist for control over less developed countries
- Globalization –> Western businesses wanting new international markets
Define capitalism.
An economic system where enterprises seek to maximize profit through wage labour
Why should we care about development? (2 perspectives)
- Morality + social justice
- Poor in the world should be lifted out of poverty (given opportunities) - Self-interest + security
- Violence is associated w/ poverty
- There would be inequality b/w neighbourhoods + within poor neighbourhoods
What are the 3 concepts of world inequality?
- Inequality of average income for each country (Increasing)
- Inequality of average income per country, weighted for population size (decreasing bc populous countries have become richer)
- Inequality of income for each individual (Starts high and increases slightly, since there are billionaires in all countries)
How is wealth distributed globally?
- Wealth has increased for the richest 1% and decreased for the other 99%
- 0.000028% of the richest have wealth equivalent to the bottom 59.7%
What is modernization theory?
- Variant of functionalism
- Inequality exists bc poor “traditional” societies have a culture that doesn’t emphasize saving/investing/education/innovation, etc. (Poor countries should follow in the ideas of the West)
- Ignores the relationship of rich and poor within the societies themselves
What is dependency theory?
- Variant of conflict theory
- Most powerful countries impoverished the least powerful as a matter of state policy
- Industrial Revolution allowed industrializing countries to amass wealth, which allowed them to establish armies that subdued + colonized the rest of the world
- Ex. British destroyed the Indian textile industry (by building up their own textile industry) + prevented agriculture from industrializing
- Ex. The French made Haiti poor by having them pay for their independence (so Haiti had to borrow from rich Western banks, leaving them with massive loans)
- Japan is the exception to this
What are the 3 reasons why development is hindered in areas dominated by family farms?
- Estate owner compensate workers with land (NOT money)
- Little incentive for advanced agricultural machinery
- Estate owners had political power (could influence free trade policy)
How did Canada overcome its colonial past? (3 reasons)
- Wealth produced by Europeans went back into the local areas
- Geopolitical position –> allows for us to supply raw materials + manufactured goods
- State policy protected/stimulated economic growth
What is neoliberal theory?
The theory that markets free of government interference allow for competitive entrepreneurs to maximize economic growth
(Markets work perfectly if left free to do so)
(Idea of MNCs)
What are structural adjustment programs?
Programs that:
- Privatize state-owned enterprises
- Let in international goods
- End tariff protection
- Encourage lines of agricultural exports
What are the 4 issues with neoliberalism?
- Level of consumption VS Quality of life + environment
- Rural areas have non-monetary benefits, while city life has more security and health risks - Absolute poverty + global income inequality
- More people in poverty
- Large gap of income inequality that increases with neoliberalism - No growth stimulation in Global South
- Strong states needed in industrializing countries - Barriers for women in the workforce
- Gender inequality in households + rural incomes are undermined
Define import substitution.
Replacing foreign goods w/ domestic goods
What is neo-colonialism?
A country having economic control + political influence (NOT political control)
What are the 4 strategies of neo-colonialism?
- Investment in primary + secondary industry in less developed countries (taking advantage of cheap labour + raw materials)
- Encouraging aid/borrowing from developed countries
- Providing support for authoritarian governments + military (to keep order)
- Invade/Organize coup-d’etats (removal of government power if order isn’t maintained)
What are the 3 tiers of countries (according to Wallerstein)?
- Core –> major sources of capital + technology (rich countries like the US, Japan, Germany)
- Periphery –> raw materials + cheap labour (Former colonies)
- Semiperiphery –> former colonies on their way to being prosperous (South Korea, China, Singapore, etc.)
What 4 things distinguish a peripheral from a semiperipheral nation?
- Type of colonialism –> Did colonial power give infrastructural support? (Ex. Japan building up the economies of their colonies)
- Geopolitical position –> Were they helpful to the US?
- State policy –> Did they have a pro-growth policy?
- Social structure –> Did they undertake land reform? How ethically homogenous is the country?
What are the 3 issues with foreign aid as a solution to underdevelopment?
- Not enough provided (amount given is roughly equal to the interest payments on foreign debt)
- Aid is received in goods that aren’t a high priority (food aid stunts local agricultural development)
- Benefits well-to-do citizens
What is democratic globalization?
- Developing countries can only use aid if it benefits the entire population (Ex. Irrigation, sanitation, education, transportation, communication)
- Foreign debt is written off in recognition of historical injustices
- Tariffs are lowered for poor countries, subsidies are eliminated for the rich
How does democratic globalization encourage democracies?
- Increases political stability (improves investment climate)
- Difficult for the elite to misuse their power
- Enacts policies that benefit a wide range of ppl. (all social classes)
(Dependency theory) What 3 things replaced direct political control?
- Substantial foreign investment –> MNCs gaining wealth through raw materials
- Support for authoritarian governments –> rich give support to local authoritarian governments
- Mounting debt –> poor countries are in debt to Western institutions