Lecture 8- DSM disorders Flashcards
What is a phobia?
Excessive or unreasonable fears of objects, places or situations.
The phobic stimulus is avoided or endured with intense anxiety or distress
What drug can facilitate extinction in conditioned fear in animals?
Are MZ or DW twins more likely to share phobias?
MZ more likely to share animal and situational phobias
What is the DSM 5 criteria for phobias?
Marked fear or anxiety about a specific object
or situation (e.g., flying, heights, animals,
receiving an injection, seeing blood).
The phobic object or situation almost always
provokes immediate fear or anxiety.
The phobic object or situation is actively
avoided or endured with intense fear or
The fear or anxiety is out of proportion to the
actual danger posed by the specific object or
situation and to the sociocultural context.
Fear and anxiety is persistent
What are the types of phobias?
Animals, natural environment, blood injection injury, situational, other
What are the DSM 5 criteria for social phobias?
Marked fear or anxiety about one or more
social situations in which the individual is
exposed to possible scrutiny by others.
The individual fears that he/she will act in a
way or show anxiety symptoms that will be
negatively evaluated.
The social situations almost always provoke
fear or anxiety.
The social situations are avoided or endured
with intense fear or anxiety.
The fear or anxiety is out of proportion to the
actual threat posed by the social situation and
to the sociocultural context…
What are the types of social phobia?
Performance situations and general
How prevalent is social phobias?
60% are women
Who looked at where social phobias originate?
Ruscio et al
What did Ruscio et al find?
Social phobias originate from early-middle adolescence
How many people abuse alcohol due to social phobias?
What is the psychodynamic theory of phobias?
Phobias are from unconscious anxiety is displaced onto a neutral or symbolic object, e.g. Little Hans
What are the behavioural theory of phobias?
Phobias are from conditioned fear responses. The two process model
Who looked at behavioural theory of phobias?
Ost and Hughdahl
What did Ost and Hugdahl find?
58% of phobic clients cited traumatic experience conditioning as the source of phobia
Who made the 2 process theory of phobia acquistion and maintenance?
What is the 2 process model?
Classical conditioning
Operant conditioning (prevents extinction and reduces anxiety)
How are phobias evolutionary prepared?
As we are evolutionarily prepared to associate certain objects with frightening events
Prepared fears are easily acquired and resistant to extinction
Who looked at evolutionary preparedness?
Ohman et al
What did Ohman et al find?
Fear conditioned more effectively to snakes and spiders than flowers and mushrooms
Why is blood injection injury evolutionary?
As a drop in blood pressure can decrease blood loss
What are the treatments for phobias?
Exposure therapy and CBT (social phobias),
What is fear?
Activation of the fight or flight
What are the 3 components of fear?
Physiological, behavioural and cognitive
Who looked at anxiety corresponding to depression?
Brown and Barlow
What did Brown and Barlow find?
People with an anxiety disorder may experience at least one depressive episode
Who looked at neuroticism?
Klein et al
What did Klein et al find?
Neuroticism is a major factor in developing an anxiety disorder