Lecture 8 - Cardiovascular System and Blood Flashcards
Formation of blood cells.
Done by the yolk sac -> Liver -> bone barrow through development
Pluripotent Hemetopoetic Stem Cells
Stem cell for all blood cells and fragments
Be able to ID the megakaryoctye
How can blood be considered a Connective Tissue
The plasma is the ECM
The Cells is the RBC
Very large cell near a sinus
has a polyploidy nucleus
Cells not considered mature until they leave themarrow
What color do platelets tain, H and E stain
Blood Composition
Plasma - Water, Proteins (Albumin), Nutrients
Buffy Coat - WBC and platelets
Erythrocytes (how they stain, properties)
Stain Eosinophillic because hemoglobin is positive
Lifespan 120 days
Get stuck and destroyed in the spleen
Biconcave Allows
Increase gas exchange and increase surface area
Size of RBC
7.5 micrometers so can be used to measure nearby
How Hemoglobin is Recycled
Recycled in Spleen
Heme -> goes to liver for excretion
Iron -> recycled in liver
White Blood Cell Classification (two broad ones)
Granulocyte - cells with specific granules with function
Agranulocytes - Granules that it has do not have specific function
ID TIP - Look at nucleus then cytoplasm
Order of frequency of WBC
Neutrophil, Lymphocyte, Monocyte, Eosinophil, Basophil
Neutrophil (nucleus and granule type)
two -Five lobed nucleus
cytoplasm granules
- specific granules - are bacteriolytic enzymes (dont stain)
- azurophilic granules - stain a little purple, are non specific lysozyme
- Tertiary granules = facilitate movement through Connective tissue
ID - See multilobed nucleus, and not staining cytoplasm
Eosinophils (nucleus and Granule Type)
Two - three lobed nucleus
Granules stain color of RBC (pink)
- eosinic granules - involved in parasite infection stain pink
- Axurophilic granules - non specific for breaking bacteria
ID - Look for the pink cytoplasm and bilobed nucleus
Basophils (nucleus and Granule Type)
Granulocyte Cannot See nucleus Granules Dark Basophilic granules - releases histamin and heparin - specific Also Azurophillic Granules
ID - look for the dark staining all of cell
Monocytes (nucleus and Granule Type)
largest cell in peripheral
Nucleus is kidney shape located not in the middle
Some grandules not specific
** when migrates to connective tissue becomes a macrophage **
ID - look for kidney
Lymphocytes (nucleus and Granule Type)
Very Large nucleus centered and circular
cannot see the granules
ID - the nucleus takes up most of the cytoplasm it is huge
Which WBC are agranulocytes and which are granulocytes
Agranulocytes - Monocytes and Lymphocytes
Granulocytes - Eosionophils, Neutrophils Basophils `
The three Layers of the Heart
Epicardium, Myocardium and endocardium
Serous Membrane (Therefore contains mesothelium and Connective tissue)
It is the outer surface of the heart
Attaches to the paracardial cavity -
location of major blood vessels
Muscle layer of the heart in the middle. Note this is the layer that changes between the two ventricles
Inner membrane of the heart
it is endothelium with connective tissue
it is the location of conducting system
Layers of the Heart going from inside to the outside of the Pericardial cavity
Endocardium -> Myocardium -> Epicardium (AKA visceral pericardium) -> Pericardial Cavity - > Pariaital Pericardium (another serous membrane with mesothelium and CT) -> Fibrous pericardium
visceral - means on the organ side
Pariaital - means on the cavity side
Tunica Intima
Inner Layer is endothelium, has a basement membrane
All vessels have this layer
Tunica Media
Smooth Muscle in the middle - modified the most in vessels
Tunica Adventitia
Connective tissue on the outside layer. Type I collagen
It is the tunica intima
All vessels are lined with this and it is special simple squamos cells
That lay parallel to the long axis
is semipermeable
Elastic Arteries
Sheets of Elastic Fivers are found in the tunica Media
Elastic Stain very pale in eosinophil
Wavvy wavvy vessels
Smaller blood vessels actually will nourish the vessel itself
Muscular Arteries
Has less pale with some elastic fibers but not many
Replaced by the smooth muscle in the tunica media
smaller Muscular
Has one to 3 layers of smooth muscle in the tunica Media
(ID look at the nucleus)
Only endothelial ( Tunica Intima) with basement membrane Identify by looking if one RBC could pass through. Very thin
3 Types of Capillarys
Continuous - Has tight junctions sealing the endothelial.
Fenestration - In kidneys allows some thing to go through based on side
Sinusoidal - has huge gaps between cells so lots of things get out
Diameter is larger for vein than capillary
thin walled Endothelium with basement membrane
Run next to arteriole
Larger than the arterioles nearby
Capillary Beds
smooth muscle sphincters are located before it in the arterioles to shunt blood
Veins have valves - which are extensions of the tunica intima.
There is a thin tunica media
Adventitia is well developed
Large Veins
Actually see longitudinal bundles of smooth muscle in the adventitia
We still see the inner circular muscle in the tunica media though also
Lymphatic System
System from the interstitual fluid from the capillaries that drains back to the heart
Location of many white blood cells
Filled with debris and products and pathogens that will travel though nodes on its way
it is unidirectionl with vavles
Vessels are single layer thin walled anchored by filaments and elastin
Blind Ended System
It starts in the periphery the lymphatics and then go back to enter the heart
Thoracic Trunk
Very Large part of lymphatic draining the entire left side of the body
Right Lymphatic trunk
Drains the upper right quadrant including head and neck lymphatic system