Lecture 8 Flashcards
In order to assign a word to something what do you need
A concept/foundation to recognise something. A visual representation of the thing, e.g knowing what a chair is. Symbolic thinking
What are the two main perspectives for the origins of thought
Cognitive and social engagement perspectives
What is the cognitive perspective
How different cognitive abilities develop overtime. Focuses on the individual and organic basis of development.
Who introduced the cognitive perspective
What did Paiget say about cognitive perspective
Said it was both the constructivist approach and the intellectual development. There is two milestones… Object permanence and deferred imitation - the more exploration = the more knowledge
What is object permanence
To test whether a child has a concept of something. Child plays with a toy then you hide it and see what happens
What were the results from the object perks ands
4-8 months = infant may r cognise and reach for an object if it is partially obscured. However, if it is totally covered the child will not look for it.
8-12 months = child searches for and retrieves hidden objects
12-18 months = child can only cope with visible displacement NOT invisible displacement
18-24 months = when symbolic thinking happens, Even if they can’t see the object it must be there so will keep looking
When does deferred imitation occur
9months = 1 day
14 months = 1 week
Discuss object permanence and imitation
Happen very early in development and in other species yet neither young infants not macaques have language or symbolic thinking. Thus object permanence and imitation may not be a good indicator of symbolic thinking
What are mirror neurons
A neuron that fires not only when executing an action but also when seeing someone else’s executing an action
Why is imitation important
Is a profoundly social process which enables learning and acquisition of cultural shared knowledge. Adults provide relevant cues - using eye contact while performing an unusual action influences 14 month olds. Infants asses intentions of models - prior intentions increases chances of imitation
What do we use for thinking
Language primarily, but images too
What is selective imitation
Imitating intentions/outcomes rather than actual action
Who found that apes imitate outcomes rather than actions?
Call & Carpenter 2002
Who found that children imitate intentions rather than actions to learn a knew skill
Meltzoff 1995