Lecture 8 Flashcards


Discuss the definition, function, and importance of the local church in contrast to the universal church


Local Church - an expression of the universal church in a specific geographic location.

Universal Church - spiritual organism of which Christ is the head, consisting of all the regenerated saints in Christ from Pentecost until the Rapture.

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Argue for the value of church discipline


Unity and agreement in doctrine and practice can only be achieved as the local church acknowledges its responsibility both in its teaching and in its discipline.

There are 5 main reasons for Biblical church discipline in love:

1) To obey God who commands discipline
2) To restore the one who has sinned
3) To cause others to fear to sin
4) To remove the defilement of sin in the group
5) To consistently recognize the seriousness of sin

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Explain and defend the Baptist distinctives


The Baptist Distinctives are an array of truths held and practiced in a distinctive way.

B - Biblical Authority (the Bible is the supreme authority for faith and practice, and each believer has the right and responsibility to interpret the Bible for himself.)

A - Autonomy of the Local Church (each local church is under the direct authority of the resurrected Christ. No outside religious organization has a right to dictate practices for a local church. Each local church must be separated ecclesiastically from outside control and doctrinal corruption.)

P - Priesthood of the Believer (Every born again person has the Holy Spirit. All believers are to walk by means of the Spirit, in obedience to the Word of God, as they grow toward Christlike spiritual maturity. God works through each individual first, and then through the assembly as a whole.)

T - Two Ordinances (water baptism by single immersion and the Lord’s Supper to remember Christ’s death until He comes again.)

I - Individual Soul Liberty (each individual has a right and responsibility to follow his conscience and the Scriptures as he interprets them. In order to persuade people, we must use the Bible.)

S - Saved Church Membership (every member of a local church must give a credible confession of faith in Christ alone for salvation, and he must be baptized in water by single immersion, to declare his identification with Christ and his desire to walk in newness of life.)

T - Two Officers (Bishop/Pastor/Elder and Deacons. The authority of the Pastor is by Bible Teaching and Example. He is a member of the congregation where he pastors, and he is under the congregation’s authority.)

S - Separation of Church and State (the state has no doctrinal competence or authority to determine Church matters, and the church has no right to force the state to comply with its wishes. The church must be separate ethically from the morals of the state.)

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List the types of church government and state the case for congregational government


Episcopal (Greek word episkopos, meaning overseer) - Identifies churches governed by the authority of bishops. These bishops oversee a group of churches, and they have the power to ordain ministers or priests. The simplest form is the Methodist, more complex is the Episcopal (Anglican) church, and most complex is the Roman Catholic church). The Lutheran church also follows the episcopal form.

Presbyterian (Greek word presuteros, meaning elder) - Elders, who are appointed or elected by the people govern the church. The hierarchy is as follows: session (like a local church), presbytery (district of sessions), synod, general assembly (the highest court).

Congregational - autonomy (no authority outside of the local church has any power over the local church) democratic (all the members of the local congregation make the decisions that guide the priesthood of all believers). This includes Baptists, Evangelical Free, Congregational, some Lutherans, and some independent churches.

The episcopal form of church gov’t can be seen in the 2nd century, but not in the first. In the NT, there is no organization beyond the local church (no hierarchy). The congregational form of church gov’t finds biblical support for all the people being involved in the decision making of the church.

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Give a biblical summary of church leadership, including the key biblical terms for the church offices


ELDERS - “presbuteros” (older Christian who is a leader, dignity, maturity - deals with dignity of the office) and “episkopos” (overseer - deals with the work of the office) watch over like a shepherd. It stresses the work or function of the elder. It is his duty to nurture and feed the flock God entrusted to him.

The qualifications for Elder - above reproach, one wife, not divorced or remarried, temperate, prudent, hospitable, able to teach, not addicted to wine, not pugnacious, gentle, uncontentious, not a lover of money, not a new convert, good reputation with unbelievers.

DEACONS - “diakonos” (minister or servant) The deacons began when the seven men were selected to care for the material needs of the widows in the congregation. This allowed the apostles to devote themselves to prayer and ministry of the Word. This indicates the function of deacons is to be subordinate and auxiliary to the elders.

The qualifications for Deacon - men of dignity, not double-tongued, not addicted to much wine, not fond of sordid gain (dishonest), hold to the mystery of the faith, tested, one wife, good managers of their households.

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