lecture 7: lipid control in health and disease Flashcards
To be able to describe and understand: - the general features and roles of the different classes of lipoprotein - lipid transport - the factors that affect blood levels of cholesteryl esters and trialglycerols -hypercholesterolaemia and hypertriglyceridaemia and some of the causes - a current model of how atherosclerosis develops
What are classes of plasma lipoproteins?
- with one exception, the lipoprotein classes were named according to where they band in an equilbrium density gradient centrifugation
- increasing density – more protein and less lipid
- lipoprotein = lipids + proteins
- spherical particles
- complexes incorportaed into spheres

What is the structure and composition of e.g. LDL?
- all look like little spheres
- not absolutely uniform in size
- 4 classes:
- chylomicrons (very big particles)
- top to bottom get smaller
- lipoproteins exist due to the inability of oil and water to mix
- lipids will not happily move through an aqueous environment
- these particles have a polar outer surface that is happy to exist in an aqueous environment while the inside is non-polar
- the only thing that brings lipids together into a class is that they are non-polar
- outer shell is a layer of phospholipid
- phospho part is polar and on the outside
- non polar ends are aimed in towards the centre of the sphere
- also on the outside is free (unesterified) cholesterol embedded in the membrane
- cholesterol is almost entirely nonpolar except for this tiny little bit of polar character which enables it to participate in the outer membrane
- the inside is a very non polar environment
- triacylglycerols (TAGs) (same thing as triglycerides)
- cholesteryl esters (polar bit is lost through esterisation with a fatty acyl chain)
- one protein: ApoB-100

What is the relationship between blood lipids and risk of heart disease?
- there is a positive correlation between blood cholesterol levels and the risk of heart disease (heart attack)
- there is an inverse correlation between HDL cholesterol level and risk of heart disease
- a strong positive correlation exists between the ratio of total cholesterol/HDL cholesterol and risk of heart disease – ↑ ratio, ↑ risk
- risk increases signficantly as total cholesterol levels rise above ~5mM
What is the structure and composition of chylomicrons?
- chylomicrons are formed in the intestinal mucosa
- they carry TAGs from the diet to tissues via the lymphatics and blood
- virtually no cholesterol ester inside
- outer layer is still phosopholipid and unesterified cholesterol
- 3 major apolipoproteins
- B-48
- C-II
- these differences are why these particles function differently – recognised by different tissues

What are properties of lipoproteins (Lp)?
Lp - density (g/mL) - prot - PLs - Chol - CEs - TAGs
- CM - less than 1.006 - 2 - 9 - 1 - 3 - 85
- VLDL - 0.95 - 1.006 - 10 - 18 - 7 - 12 - 50
- LDL - 1.006 - 1.063 - 23 - 20 - 8 - 87 - 10
- HDL - 1.063 - 1.210 - 55 - 24 - 2 - 15 - 4
- key differences include the increase in the amout of protein (% composition, g/100g)
- the more dense have a lot more protein
- CM and VLDL are far and away responsible for transporting TAGs
- Cholesterol + cholesteryl esters = total blood cholesterol
- most of the cholesterol that is being transported has been converted to esters and is being transported inside these particles
- LDL is the main transporter of cholesterol in the blood (~45% of LDL is cholesterols)
- HDL has a very low level of TAGs

What are the three pathways of lipid transport?
- exogenous pathway
- endogenous pathway
- reverse cholesterol transport
What is exogenous lipid transport?
- dietary fats are broken down to free fatty acids and mono- and diacylglycerols by intestinal lipases
- breakdown products are taken up by the mucosa and reformed into TAGs, incorporated into chylomicrons
- more hydrolysis of TAGs by lipoprotein lipase attached to the endothelium of capillaries and re-esterification of free fatty acids
- CMs depleted of most TAGs are called ‘chylomicron (CM) remnants’
- CM remnants are carried in blood back to the liver for uptake by receptor-mediated endocytosis
- END of exogenous lipid transport
- bile salts emulsify dietary fats in the small intestine, forming mixed micelles
- intestinal lipases degrade TAGs
- fatty acids and other breakdown products are taken up by the intestinal mucosa and converted into TAGs
- TAGs are incorporated, with cholesterol and apolipoproteins, into chylomicrons
- chylomicrons move through the lymphatic system and bloodstream to tissues
- lipoprotein lipase, activated by apoC-II in the capillary, converts TAGs to fatty acids and glycerol
- fatty acids enter cells
- fatty acids are oxidsed as fuel or reesterified for storage

What is endogenous lipid transport?
- VLDL is produced in the liver
- mainly a transporter of TAGs
- enters the circulation
- delivers lipid/fatty acids from broken down TAGs to:
- adrenal glands, gonads
- muscle
- adipose
- as this process occurs VLDL shrinks gives off its surface and becomes LDL
- passes through IDL
- LDL is taken up by other tissues or returned to the liver
- all starts in the liver with ApoB-100 and various other proteins e.g. microsomal transfer protein etc
- produce VLDL
- apoB acts like a scaffold
- VLDL released into circulation where it picks up additional lipoproteins (Apos E, CII) - not on the first produced particle
- travels into capillaries etc → adipose tissue and muscle
- lipoprotein lipase enzyme hydrolyses TAGs to mainly monoacylglycerol + 2 free fatty acids (other enzymes take off third fatty acid)
- once that’s happened - the particle shrinks, sheds ApoCII → IDL (more ApoCII comes off after this step too)
- apoCII is the activator protein of lipoprotein lipase
- further acted on by hepatic lipase to make it even smaller → LDL
- LDL is like a metabolic end product of VLDL
- by the time we get to LDL activation of lipoprotein lipase is lost because apoCII is lost
- LDL has only one apolipoprotein - ApoB-100
- about 50% of IDL is converted to LDL
- about 70% of LDL goes back to the liver
- about 30% taken up by extra hepatic tissues

What is the synthesis of VLDL and conversion to LDL?
- VLDL is assembled in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) of hepatocytes on a scaffold of ApoB-100 (4,536 amino acids residue)
- ApoB-100 has several binding sites for microsomal transfer protein (MTP) necessary for assembly of VLDL
- ApoE and ApoCII mainly become associated with VLDL in the circulation
- TAGs in VLDL are broken down by lipoprotein lipase (LPL) and the free fatty acids are taken up by skeletal muscle (for storage)
- loss of TAG from core via lipolysis converts VLDL to IDL (intermediate density lipoproteins, also called VLDL remnants). Surface apoCII is released into the blood leaving ApoB-100 and ApoE
- ~50% of IDL is taken up by the liver via the LDL receptor (LDLR) that recognises ApoE on IDL
- ~50% of IDL is converted to LDL via extra lipolysis. ApoE is shed leaving only APoB-100 on LDL
- ~70% of LDL is removed from blood by the liver cia the LDLR
- end of endogenous lipid transport
What is reverse cholesterol transport (RCT)?
- the process where excess cholesterol is picked up from tissues and returned to the liver for disposal
- RCT is a possible explanation for the inverse relationship between HDL levels and atherosclerosis, i.e. high HDL-chplesterol, low risk of atherosclerosis
- atherosclerosis is the build up of lipid and growth of smooth muscle cells (SMCs)
- plaque or ‘atheroma’ contains fatty material (mainly cholesterol), SMCs and connective tissue
- cholesterol is a molecule that doesn’t have any natural enemies - needs to be eliminated in foeces, but even this is hard
- HDL produced in the blood picks up excess free cholesterol from artery walls, converts them to cholesteryl esters (CEs) and delivers them to the liver for disposal as bile
- e.g. takes it up from macrophages/foam cells and delivers it to the liver by a receptor called SR-BI
- HDL starts as a disc of ApoA-1 and phospholipid
- it is made in liver and intestine
- the disc → a sphere when free cholesterol is esterified to CE by the enzyme LCAT (HDL3) (lecithin cholesterol acyl transferase)
- the sphere grows as more free cholesterol is picked up and esterified (HDL2)
- HDL2 exchanges cholesteryl ester for TAG from LDL and VLDL under the action of protein CETP (cholesteryl ester transfer protein)
- HDL finally interacts with membrane protein SR-B1 on the liver and transfers its cargo of CE to the liver
- LDL delivers the CE from HDL via uptake by the LDL receptor

What does HDL start as?
- a disc of ApoA-1 and phospholipid
Where is HDL made?
- it is made in liver and intestine
What are factors that affect blood cholesterol?
- can change
- diet: foods high in saturated fat and C are associated with high blood C
- exercise: can decrease LDL-C and increase HDL-C
- weight: overweight is associated with high blood C. weight loss can decrease LDL-C and increase HDL-C
- smoking: there appears to be a correlation with smoking intensity and increased total C, LDL-C, and triglycerides, and decreased HDL-C
- cannot change
- genes: familial hypercholesterolaemia caused by mutations in the gene expressing the LDL receptor or that cause decreased LDL clearance. ApoB and Apo E mutations can increase blood C
- age: blood C rises with age
- sex: usually women have lower C than men before age about 55 years, then they catch up
What are factors that increase blood TGs (TAGs)?
- acquired or secondary causes
- insulin resistance –
- diabetes: ++ TG production, – TG clearance
- obesity: ++ TG production, +/– TG clearance
- excess alcohol: ++ TG production, +/– clearance
- hypothyroidism: + TG production, – TG clearance
- medications:
- beta blockers: + production, – clearance
- immunosuppressants: ++ production, + clearance
- protease inhibitors: – production, – clearance
- oestrogen replacement: + production, + clearance
- insulin resistance –
- primary
- genes (all rare causes)
- mutations in ApoB-100 can cause increased VLDL production
- mutations in lipoprotein lipase (LPL) or its activatory ApoC-II (found on VLDL and chylomicrons) lead to decreased lipase activity and increased TG
- genes (all rare causes)
What are dyslipidaemias?
- disorders of Lp metabolism
- hypercholesterolaemia: ↑ total cholesterol (i.e. free and esterified) in blood
- ↑ blood levels of cholesterol associated with LDL particles and ↑ small, dense LDL particles – which are ‘atherogenic’
- hypertriglyceridaemia: ↑ blood levels of triglycerides, or ‘TGs’, also called ‘triacylglycerols’ abbreviated to ‘TAGs’
- ↓ HDL-cholesterol (i.e. free and esterified cholesterol associated with the HDL class of lipoproteins)
What is the relationship between dyslipidaemia and the metabolic syndrome?
- alterations to blood lipids in both LDL and HDL particles, elevated TGs
- LDL-cholesterol levels are often normal
- The LDL particles themselves have an abnormal structure that makes them atherogenic:
- small, dense, triglyceride-rich
- oxidised
- glycated (particularly of the ApoB-100)
- atherogenic LDL particles remain in the circulation for longer → accumulation of cholesterol in the arterial wall
What is the role of HDL in metabolic syndrome and T2DM?
- blood levels of HDL are lower due to increased catabolism
- one cause of increased HDL catabolism is hyper-triglyceridaemia
- the action of CETP on HDL and VLDL → TG-rich HDL, a good substrate for hepatic lipase
- increased glycated HDL could interfere with cholesterol efflux from cells and reverse cholesterol transport (RCT)
- note that the decreased HDL does not only affect RCT
- decreased HDL is associated with a loss of its other beneficial properties
- HDL is:
- anti-oxidative
- anti-inflammatory
- anti-thrombic
- endothelium-dependent vasorelaxant
How does atherosclerosis develop?
- some blood vessels express adhesion molecules which encourages the adhesion and migration of monocytes
- monocytes can move into the intima, not normally present here
- LDL can also enter blood vessels between endothelial cells into the intima
- oxidation → oxLDL
- oxLDL can be taken up by non-regulated transport steps
- scavenger receptors
- stuff the macrophage with lipid
- damage to endothelium (e.g. by Ox-LDL, infection, etc)
- uptake of LDL and increased production of Ox-LDL by oxidants from endothelial and smooth muscle cells and macrophages
- Ox-LDL → increased expression of:
- adhesion molecules e.g. P-selectin
- chemotactic factors e.g. monocyte chemattractant protein-1 (MCP-1) and macrophage colony stimulating factor (MCSF)
- → tethering, activation and attachment of monocytes and T lymphocytes to endothelial cells
- migration of monocytes to the subendothelial space
- uptake of LDL and differentiation of monocytes → macrophages → increased ROS causing conversion of ox-LDL → highly ox-LDL
- highly ox-LDL is taken up by macrophages in an unregulated way → formation of foam cells
- foam cells plus leukocytes → formation of fatty streak on the blood vessel
- foam cells secrete growth factors that cause smooth muscle cells to migrate into the intimal space (and so on..)
- the fatty streak is eventually converted to a fibrous plaque with a fibrous cap and lipid-rich core
- if the fibrous cap is thin, the plaque is unstable
- it can rupture leading to the formation and release of thrombi that can block vessels