lecture 13: tissue engineering - introduction Flashcards
What is a stem cell?
- undifferentiated cell
- capable of self-renewal
- ability to differentiate into multiple cell types
- operational definition: stem cells maintain tissue and organ integrity by sustaining life long production of mature, functional cells in the steady state and in response to occasional stress
Why is stem cell research important?
- basic biology - cell fate decisions
- development - tissue formation
- homeostasis - tissue maintenance and turnover
- understand how alterations to steady state can result in disease
- cancer
- potential to use cells as therapeutics
What are classic stem cell properties?
- renewal
- high proliferative potential
- clonal repopulation
- multi-lineage differentiation
- present in low numbers - rare
- often morphologically unrecognisable
- quiescent in niche
What is the classical stem cell hierarchy?
- stem cells living in niche
- in response to cues in the microenvironment we get a triggering of proliferation (self renewal) or differentiation
- series of events associated with becoming more specialised
- transit amplifying progenitors
- eventually there is a range of differentiated cells
- increasing lineage restriction + decreasing proliferative potential
- can get transdifferentiation
- can also get dedifferentiation

What determines stem cell behaviour?
- microenvironment or niche
- restrictive
- permissive
- local or systemic factors that may influence stem cell behaviour
- stromal cells
- combination of soluble factors, ECM, cell-cell interactions that the give the stem cell in its niche cues on how to behave

What is the extracellular matrix?
- the extracellular space is comprised of a complex and dynamic network of macromolecules which constitute the ECM
- the ECM provides structural support, regulating cell-cell communication, sequestering of growth factors, and signalling molecules
- proteins and polysaccharides which assemble into an organised meshwork
- distribution and composition of the ECM in different tissues is unique
- seemingly equal cells can behave differently depending on the microenvironment to which they are introduced
- the microenvironment includes biomechanical and biochemical components in addition to the ECM
- cartilage: collagen, elastin, proteoglycans, hyaluronan, fibrinogen, laminin, fibronectin
What are clues from ontogeny?
- what determines stem cell fate?
- how can we grow and control stem cells in the lab?
- study ontogeny:
- gives us clues as to cells
- cell-cell interaction
- matrix
- and soluble factors required for proliferation and differentiation

What do we do when tissues or organs fail?
- transplantation
- require human donor (low incidence of organ donors)
- organ rejection - require immunosuppressants
- transplant rejection can damage other functional and healthy tissues
- prostheses
- requires replacement
- provides structural support but often limited function
- what about making the tissue from scratch?
What is tissue engineering?
- exciting, new, innovative, multidisciplinary field
- scientists, clinicians, engineers
- bioengineering/material science, chemistry, biology, medicine
- alternative to traditional surgical procedures including organ transplantation, reconstructive surgery, and prosthesis
- biological approach
- tissue engineering is the process of growing new tissues and organs for the maintenance/repair/improvement/replacement of damaged, diseased, or poorly functioning tissues or organs
- trauma/birth defects/cancer/disease
- regenerative medicine more specifically refers to the application of stem cells to regrow tissues and organs
What is the history of tissue engineering?
- genesis: the lord, breathed a deep sleep on the man and while he was asleep he took out one of his ribs and closed up its place with flesh. The lord god then built into a woman the rib that he had taken from the man.
- few thousand years later: pioneering studies in 1980s
- first studies developing skin grafts for tissue engineering
- epicel: layer of keratinocytes
- dermal regeneration template: combination of two naturally occuring ECM molecules, chondroitin and collagen, with a silicone membrane, requ ired to close large wounds that can’t heal themselves
- apligraf: combination of a collagen matrix with dermal fibroblasts
- 1990s: application of tissue engineering approaches for regenerating or repairing cartilage surfaces
- cartilage is avascular
- low cell density
- chondrocytes are poor at regenerating
- one approach to take some cartilage from a non weight-bearing area of the joint, grown up in the lab, periosteal patch, injected under surface → relativley successful
- more recent approach: use of combining chondrocytes with some kind of ECM / scaffold in order to repair weight bearing surfaces
- similarity between skin and cartilage transplants is that they are thin and flat and comprised of one cell type
What occurs with tissue complexity?
- increasing functional parameters
- increasing metabolic requirements
- increasing cellular interactions
- increasing inter-organ interactions
- increasing engineering complexity: flat tissue structures (e.g. cornea) → hollow structures (e.g. trachea) → hollow, viscous structures (e.g. bladder) → solid organs (e.g. kidney)

What are limitations in tissue engineering?
- vasculature
- attempts to tissue engineer skin and cartilage have been more successful because they are less dependent on the generation of a vascular supply
- cartilage is avascular
- skin is thin enough for diffusion
- one of the major challenges to the field in the development of strategies for other tissues is the establishment of a vascular supply
- why do tissues need vascularisation?
- nutrients
- oxygen
- removal of CO2 and cellular waste products
- any tissue thicker than 400µm must be vascularised. Oxygen transport is limited to 150-200µm
- needs to be established while constructs grown or assembled or implanted
- how are tissue engineers addressing this?
What are approaches to dealing with the vascularisation challenge?
- provide biochemical signals within transplant to signals within transplant to stimulate endogenous angiogenesis (new vessels from pre-existing) and vascularisation (new vessels in absence of pre-existing – embryogenesis)
- the generation of well distributed blood vessels within engineered tissue in vitro remains a major challenge
- currently vascularisation of engineered tissue is most successful when preimplantated within body at a different site (or animal)
What are the three key factors of tissue engineering?
- soluble factors/biomolecules
- cells
- scaffold/biomaterials
What cells can be used in tissue engineering?
- autologous (from own body)
- proliferative capacity of adult stem cells may not be sufficient to meet that need
- allogenic (from another individual of same species)
- expand up a large number of cells from an individual in the lab
- can have them ready to go as a product on the shelf
- use when required
- immune response
- transmission of disease
- less variable
- short turn around time is advantageous
- differentiated
- lower proliferative capacity so harder to expand up the number of cells to use
- functionally mature cells that will behave in the way that we want them to
- undifferentiated (stem cell)
- going to need to differentiate these cells in the dish - how?
- can’t transplant stem cells in because we are putting them into an environment where we don’t know how they are going to behave
- how do we isolate? where from? enrichment?
- non-invasive (autologous)
- purified (only desired cells)
- how generate enough cells for transplantation?
- turn-around time from harvest to transplantation?
- cell number/density is tissue dependent
- how do we guide cells to differentiate and maintain desired phenotype?
- how do we deliver cells to the correct location?
- how do we ensure survival, maturation, and function?
- need immediately
- yes:
- large organ:
- allogenic adult SCs, ESCs
- banked iPSCs
- small organ/substructure:
- autologous adult SCs, allogeneic SCs
- large organ:
- no:
- large organ:
- autologous adult cells and iPSCs
- small organ/substructure:
- autologous adult primary cells or SCs, iPSCs
- large organ:
- yes:

What considerations of signalling molecules in tissue engineering?
- tissue engineered constructs are also influenced by the presence of soluble growth factors
- in vitro - soluble factors can drive differentiation of cell types
- ‘usual suspects’ include BMPs, FGF-2, VEGF, and TGFbeta1. Clues on the appropriate factors are provided from studies of morphogenesis
- although chiefly soluble – these factors can now be incorporated into the ECM during scaffold fabrication – not unlike the sequestering of growth factors within the ECM in vivo
What are considerations of scaffolds in tissue engineering?
- three-dimensional biomaterials designed to
- direct the organisation, growth, and differentiation of cells in the process of forming functional tissue
- maintains space and provides structural support. Can additionally provide biological and mechanical cues
- biologically acceptable to the body (biocompatible)
- transient structure - gradual degradation/remodelling (biodegradable)
- support transplanted or endogenous cells to attach, survive, proliferate, and differentiate
- should mimic the native ECM
- promote native ECM production
- natural – polypeptides and polysaccarides
- because natural - recognised by cells
- synthetic (fabricated)
- can modify degradation rate
- can be reproducibly manufactured with mechanical properties
- can combine synthetic scaffolds and ECM moieties
- factors that give scaffolds different properties
- porosity (permeability)
- cell adhesion and biorecognition
- water content
- mechanical properties (i.e. stiffness)
- resorption and degradation
- haemostatic?
- gelatin
- collagen
- elastin
- fibrinogen
- hydroxyapatite
- tricalcium phosphate
- hydrogels
- polyglycolic acid (PGA)
- polylactic acid (PLA)
- polyactide-co-gycolide (PLGA)
What are decellularised tissues?
- removal of cells from an organ
- series of mechanical, enzymatic and/or chemical treatments
- provides an acellular, naturally occuring three dimensional scaffold
- ultra-structure and arrangement of native complex ECM are conserved
- collagen rich matrix to support growth of selected seeded populations
- dynamic interactive environment between cells and tissue specific ECM
- mechanical properties of tissue are retained
- topology and ECM profile most cloesly support recapitulation of the organ, immediate vascularisation and integration with surrounding tissues
- ECM is highly conserved across species and will therefore be well tolerated across individuals
- need endothelialisation to avoid thrombosis of ECM
- this approach require an intact organ
- where source organs from?
- xenogeneic scaffold
- allogeneic: use of organ donations – only ‘perfect’ organs used for transplant – remainder could be utilised for scaffolds
What is bioprinting/3D printing?
- techniques for the manufacture of scaffolds are becoming more sophisticated including computer assisted 3D fabrication of custom scaffolds and tissues i.e. robotic printing
- precise control of architecture
- control density, functionality, shape to mimic organs
- controlled gradients in mechanical properties
- controlled gradients of biologically active factors

What is the relationship between stem cells and the metabolic syndrome?
- the effects of met synd. include organs and tissues
- nephropathy etc
- can we use stem cells as a therapeutic for effects of metabolic synd?
- currently clinical trials in using stem cells:
- diabetic neuropathy
- diabetic nephropathy
- diabetic retinopathy
- peripheral vascular disease
- ischaemic heart disease
- stroke
- arthritis
- engineer new tissues
How can stem cells be used in respiratory disease?
- interstitial lung disease
- asthma
- lung transplant
- specific cell populations
- re-epithelialisation
- whole segments or lobes
- tissue engineering
- modulate the immune response
- biologicals lecture
What is the tissue engineering of food?
- consumption of meat will increase by 72% by 2030
- 218 million tonnes per year to 376 million tonnes
- population growth
- increase of populations moving from poverty (and predominantly vegetarian diet) to middle class (high meat diet)
- demand is unsustainable
- 50% of agricultural land is used for livestock
- tissue engineered protein
- environmental reasons:
- current meat production methods are a major source of pollution and significant consumer of fossil fuels, land and water resources
- 15 - 24% greenhouse gas emissions (including deforestation for grazing)
- current meat production methods are a major source of pollution and significant consumer of fossil fuels, land and water resources
- ethical reasons - animal welfare
- circumvents the requirement to slaught a sentient creature
- what does it take to make a quarter pounder?
- 6.7 pounds of grain and forage
- 52.8 gallons of water for drinking and irrigating crops / 200L water
- 74.5 square feet for grazing and growing feed crops / 7square metres
- 1,036 BTUs for feed productions and transport - energy
- 12.4 pound of Co2 equivalent released /6kg
- tissue engineered meet
- in vitro generation of bio-artificial muscles from bovine satellite cells (skeletal muscle resident stem cell) - grew them under tension so they started to twitch
- in august 2013, first in vitro burger made from 20,000 muscle strips. burger was cooked and eaten
- complexities such as vascularisation, taste, texture in progress
What will tissue engineering and regenerative medicine require?
- demonstrate great promise but will require collaboration between scientists, clinicians and engineers