lecture 17: tissue engineering - understanding tissue mechanics Flashcards
What is the easiest way to understand a material?
- try to break it
- when you try to/do break a material you can understand its structure
- e.g. stretching a rubber band → it elongates → try to measure force being exerted on the material
- plot a graph of force vs displacement
- can convert force into stress, displacement into strain
- yungst blah?
- if steeper line than material is stiffer
- relates to ligaments/tendonds
- tissue engineering is about replacing parts → need to understand the biological tissue
How does the ACL get injured?
- ACL injuries occur when bones of the leg twist in opposite directions under full body weight
- ACL stabilises the knee
- very susceptible to injury

What is functional tissue engineering?
- functional tissue engineering: the role of biomechanics
- Butler DL, Goldstein SA, Gulak F
- tissue engineerng uses implanted cells, scaffolds, DNA, protein and/or protein fragments to replace or repair injured or diseased tissues and organs
- despite its early success, tissue engineers have faced challenges in repairing or replacing tissues that serve a predominantly biomechanical function
- an evolving discipline called “functional tissue engineering” (FTE) seeks to address these challenges
- replacements for load-bearing structures
- in vivo stress/strain histories need to be measured for a variety of activities
- provide mechanical thresholds that tissue repairs/replacements will likely encounter after surgery
- mechanical properties of the native tissues must be established for subfailure and failure conditions
- these “baseline data” probide parameters within the expected thresholds for different in vivo activities and beyond these levels if safety factors are to be incorporated
- a subset of these mechanical properties must be selected and prioritised
- standards must be set when evaluating the repairs/replacements after surgery so as to determine “how good is good enough?”
- some aspects of the repair outcome may be inferior, but other mechanical characteristics of the repairs and replacements might by suitable
- new and improved methods must also be developed for assessing the function of engineered tissues
- the effects of physical factors on cellular activity must be determined in engineered tissues
- knowing these signals may shorten the iterations required to replace a tissue successfully and direct cellular activity and phenotype toward a desired end goal
- to effect a better repair outcome, cell-matrix implants may benefit from being mechanically stimulated using in vitro “bioreactors” prior to implantation
- increasing evidence suggests that mechanical stress, as well as other physical factors, may significantly increase the biosynthetic activity of cells in bioartificial matrices
- incorporating each of these principles of functional tissue engineering should result in safer and more efficacious repairs and replacements for the surgeon and patient
What is a multi scale approach?
- to research methods
- gross level → whole body measurements
- macro level → joints
- micro level → cellular level
What about cartilage and bone?
- ligament failing but articulating surface is also being damaged

What is micro-damage in the osteochondral explants following a single impact load?
- adult equine stifle
- diamond saw
- embedded explant
- microscope
- compression indenter
- light
- embedded specimen
- high speed camera 1000 fps
- can see the cartilage and bone with impactor coming
- when you apply a high speed load the material stiffens
What is planar measurement of deformation?
- tracking the points 2D in motion studio
- can measure how much strain is on the cartilage and how much strain is on the bone
- without failing and when it fails
- the maximum slope of the tangent to loading curves - maximum Young’s modulus
- the grey area under the loading curve was calculated as the maximum absorbed energy per unit volume

What is seen in µCT scanning of impact-induced injury?

What is finite element modelling?

What is seen when comparing locations of fracture and lines of high strain and stress?

What is the structure of bone?
- complex structure
- hard bone
- spongy bone
- cells in it
- canals
- blood vessels
- composite
- not homogeneous material
- what type of data would i get out of it?
- trabecula bone
- composed of a network of branching, interconnected sheets and bars called trabeculae
- this internal structure creates a series of interconnected spaces that are filled with vascular tissue called marrow, a functional part of the circulatory system producing both red and certain white blood cells

What do you do to understand the mechanical properties of bone?
- quasi static tensile/compression tests conducted using Instron Micro-tester
- take a bone
- apply load to creation compression
- pull it apart to test tension
- tissue samples from C0-C7 were extracted from 5 male cadavers
- shape it nicely → want to have a dimension that can be measured
- camera to see what happens

What is a stress-strain plot of cortical bone?
- the stress-strain curve for bone in tension is as shown
- it has three distinct regions
- in the initial region, the curve is nearly a straight line → elastic zone, if you apply load and don’t go past this zone you should be able to return to normal position
- a modulus can be calculated to be about 17GPa
- in the intermediate region, the bone exhibits non-linear elastoplastic material behaviour → if you get to this point and return, you will have a permanent deformation
- yielding also occurs in this region
- the yield strength of bone is about 110MPa
- the final portion, the bone exhibit a plastic material behaviour and the stress-strain plot begins to straighten
- bone fractures at about 128 MPa, for which the tensile strain is about 0.026
- strain is the amount of elongation over the original length
- can’t stretch it a lot
- a lot of information → once you produce this curve you have information to compare to a tissue engineering construct

What experiments demonstrate the complex structure of bone?
- figure shows the viscoelastic nature of bone
- the specimen of bone subjected to rapid loading (high strain rate) has a greater elastic modulus and ultimate strength than a specimen that is loaded more slowly (low strain rate)
- the stress-strain plot is also dependent upon the orientation of bone with respect to the direction of loading
- figure demonstrate the anisotropic behaviour
- the cortical bone has a larger ultimate strength and a arger elastic modulus in the longitudinal direction than the transver se direction
- viscoelastic materials cause a lot of problems for engineers
- anisotropic

What is the ultimate strength and elastic and shear moduli for human femoral cortical bone?
these numbers are important because tissue engineering structures need to mimic some of these properties

What is the stress-strain plot of cancellous bone?
- the compressibe stress-strain plot contain an initial linearly elastic region up to a strain of about 0.05
- the material yielding occurs as the trabeculae begin to fracture
- this initial elastic region is followed by a plateau region of almost constant stress until fracture (Ductile)
- however, cancellous bone fractures abruptly under tension, showing a brittle material behaviour
- cancellous bone is about 25 to 30% as dense, 5 to 10% as stiff and 5 times as ductile as cortical bone
- energy absorption of cancellous bone is higher under compressive than under tensile
- all of the trabecula structures start to break and fill up and as you keep going you get a sort of compact material

What is whole bone failure?
- the load at failure of a whole bone will depend on
- geometry
- material properties
- rate of loading
- orientation of loading
- mode of loading
- tensile load: clean break
- compression: oblique
- rotation: somewhat combined
- bending
- bending + compression
- most bones are subject to bending

What are two main types of fibres that could be found in connective tissues (skin, ligament, tendon…)?
- collagenous fibres (collagen) are unbranched, colourless fibres that are usually deposited in bundles to form wavy, parallel groups
- elastic fibres are branching, yellowish fibres that are deposited singly and stretch readily under tension. the individual fibres are straight rather than wavy

What are the relative concentrations of elastin and collagen in various tissues?
percent of dry weight
- skin:
- elastin: 0.6 - 2.1
- collagen: 71.9
- lung:
- elastin: 3 - 7
- collagen: 10
- aorta:
- elastin: 28 - 32
- collagen: 12 - 24
- ligamentum nuchae:
- elastin: 74.8
- collagen: 17
- achilles tendon:
- elastin: 4.4
- collagen: 86.0
- liver:
- elastin: 0.16 - 0.30
- collagen: 3.9
What are stress-strain plots for collagen and elastin fibres?
- both collagen and elastin impart a certain amount of resilience to tissue, collagenous fibres are stronger than elastic ones and can withstand far greater tension before they break
- you can stretch elastic fibres to about 200% before it fails, stress is very low until just before it breaks
- collagen: very strong but you can’t stretch it a lot
- ligaments have high percentage of elastin therefore very elastic and can stretch
- achilles tendon has low amount of elastin therefore cannot stretch very much
- ligaments connect bone to bone, tendons connect muscle to bone
- contract muscle → force distributes to bone via tendon
- if the tendon was very elastic it would take some time for that → slap face

What are varying morphologies of collagen and elastic fibres in soft tissue?
- skin
- similar percentage to tendon
- behaves something like a ligament → can be stretched quite a bit before failure
- pulling it is bascially applying force to align the collagens
- once they are aligned you get the strain
- tendon
- in tendon, the collagens are orientated in alignment with the tensile stresses that the tendon undergo physiologically, whereas skin in a relaxed state has fibres that are not in any order
- ligament
- just because they have similar composition does not mean they will have the same behaviour
- have to take morphology of the microstructure into consideration

What are langer’s lines?
- these maps indicate that there are definite lines of tension or cleavage lines within the skin that are characteristic for each part of the body
- in microscopic sections cut parallel with these lines, most of the collagenous bundles are in cross section
- the cleavage lines correspond closely with the crease lines on teh surface of the skin in most parts of the body
- the pattern of cleave lines, according to Cox varies with the body configuration, but is constant for individuals of similar build regardless of age
- there are limited areas of the body in which the orientation of the bundles is irregular and confused
- the cleavage lines are of particular interest to the surgeon because an incision made parallel to the lines heals with a fine linear scar, while an incision across the lines may set up irregular tensions that result in an unsightly scar
- prestress in the body