Lecture 7 - Language & Crime Flashcards
Briefly explain the role of language in FP.
Language is a medium of law and a topic.
The law is written down and we adhere to the letter of the law’, turning behaviour into language that fits the category of crime.
Identify and define the 3 main concepts in language and crime.
Stylometry - linguistic style, written language
Idiolects - own unique way of writing ‘linguistic fingerprinting’.
Spoken language - voice recognition, earwitnesses:
- Naive= ordinary ability
- Technical Speaker Identifaction
Using evidence from Horvath et al 2012, describe the role of language, culture and crime.
Found an overlap in the content of convicted rapists talk and the contents of contemporary lad mags.
The framing of such content in mags may normalise it for young creating a dangerous culture instilled in society.
Briefly describe the construction of crime.
“Killer Nuns” - category and activity that do not fit, put together by language.
Lexical analysis (selection of words) Connotation (what word carries with it) Inference & Transivity.
-Agent/Nominalised (no agent)
-Main Clause & Subclause
What difficulties are there when asking the Q What Happened?
It is difficult to objectively describe what happened as language gets in the way.
Ehrlich 2002 - looking at sexual assault trials, the difference between victim and perpetrator accounts omit agency and how the crime was committed. Down to jury to choose what account/language they believe.