Lecture 62 Flashcards
Porphyrin Metabolism
- cyclic compounds that readily bind metal ions, usually ferrous (Fe2+) or ferric (Fe3+) iron forming metalloporphyrin (a prosthetic group)
- heme porphyrin: structure → one Fe2+ coordinated in the center of the tetrapyrrole ring of protoporphyrin IX; function → prosthetic group for hemoglobin, myoglobin, cytochromes in ETC, cytochrome p450 monooxygenase system, other enzymes
- porphyrins absorb visible light due to conjugated double bonds
pg 1573
heme and hemoproteins
- hemoglobin and myoglobin must be in Fe2+ state to reversibly bind oxygen
- cytochrome, cyt p450, and catalase can be in either Fe2+ or Fe3+ form
pg 1574
overview of heme biosynthesis
- tissue locations: liver (~15% CYP proteins → cytochrome p450 enzymes here) and RBC precursor cells in bone marrow (~85% → start with organelles, but lost with maturation)
- substrates: glycine (AA), succinyl CoA (a TCA cycle intermediate)
- subcellular localization of enzymes: mitochondria, cytosol
- stages of biosynthesis → 3 major stages: synthesis of pyrrol ring, conversion to a tetrapyrrole, incorporation of iron
- turnover rate: very rapid (~6-7 g of hemoglobin are synthesized per day to replace heme lost through normal turnover of erythrocytes)
- all metabolites are extremely neurotoxic
pg 1576
heme biosynthesis: stage 1 → aminolevulinic acid synthase (ALAS)
- functions in the mitochondria converting glycine and succinyl CoA to δ-aminolevulinic acid (ALA)
- two isoforms with tissue-specific expression: ALAS1 in the liver (and other tissues), ALAS2 is present only in erythroid tissues
- require as a coenzyme PLP (from vitamin B6)
- rate-limiting committed step
- ALAS1 regulation: feedback inhibition by excess heme with Fe3+ (hemin) which… represses transcription of its gene, increases degradation of its mRNA, decreases import of the enzyme into mitchondria
- ALAS2 regulation: regulated ONLY by the availability of intracellular iron (want as much heme as possible)
pg 1577
effect of drugs on ALAS1
- administration of any of a large number of drugs metabolized by the microsomal CYP monooxygenase system results in a significant increase in hepatic ALAS1 activity
- in response to the drugs, the synthesis of CYP proteins (requiring heme) increases, leading to an enhanced consumption of heme in the liver
- leads to an increase in the synthesis of ALAS1 and prompts a corresponding increase in the synthesis of ALA (accumulation leads to toxic adverse effects)
pg 1578
x-linked sideroblastic anemia
- more than 50 loss-of-function mutations in ALAS2
- result in reduction in the amount of heme which prevents these cells from making enough hemoglobin
- reduced production of heme leads to a buildup of excess iron in the cells
- triggers increased uptake resulting in an overall iron overload
pg 1578
heme biosynthesis: stage 1 → ALA dehydratase
- condenses 2 molecules of δ-aminolevulinic acid (ALA) to porphobilinogen (a pyrrol ring), releasing 2 water molecules
- inhibited by lead which contributes to the cause of anemia in lead poisoning
pg 1579
heme biosynthesis: stage 2
- formation of the tetrapyrrole ring
- 4 molecules of porphobilinogen condense into a tetrapyrrole ring and undergo isomerization, decarboxylation, oxidation…
- ring formed in the cytosol and modified in the mitochondria
- eventually forms protoporphyrin IX
pg 1580
clinical presentation of porphyria
- depends on the defective enzyme and respective intermediates that accumulate
- if the enzyme defect is prior to synthesis of the tetrapyrrole ring, manifestation includes abdmonial and neuropsychiatric signs
- if the enzyme defect is after the ring is formed, tetrapyrrole intermediates accumulate and account for observed photosensitivity → itching and burning skin when exposed to visible light, which is a consequence of oxidation of the accumulated intermediate and production of reactive oxygen species
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heme biosynthesis: stage 3 → ferrochelatase
- converts protoporphyrin IX to heme in the mitochondria by incorporating Fe2+
- inhibited by lead which contributes to the cause of anemia in lead poisoning
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lead poisoning
- ferrochelatase and ALA dehydratase (ALAD) are particularly sensitive to inhibition by lead
- protoporphyrin and ALA accumulate in urine
- ALAD deficiency porphyria is a very rare autosomal recessive acute hepatic porphyria
pg 1581
- rare, inherited, or sometimes acquired, defects in heme synthesis, resultng in the accumulation and increased excretion of porphyrins or porphyrin precursors
- hepatic and erythropoetic
- hepatic: chronic (porphyria cutanea tarda) and acute (AIP, VP, HCP)
- erthyropoetic: ALL chronic → photosensitivity characterized by skin rashes and blisters that appear in early childhood (EPP and CEP)
pg 1582-1583
chronic liver porphyria cutanea tarda
- most common → chronic disease of the liver; about 80% acquired
- clinical onset: typically during the fourth or fifth decade of life
- presentation: cutaneous symptoms (skin blisters) and urine that is red to brown in natural light (pink to red in fluorescent); photosensitivity
- can be caused by an autosomal dominant deficiency in uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase
- uroporphyrin accumulates in urine
pg 1584
acute liver porphyrias
- characterized by: acute attacks of GI tract, neuropsychiatric, and motor symptoms that may be accompanied by photosensitivity
- accumulation of ALA and porphobilinogen cause abdominal pain and neuropsychiatric disturbances, ranging from anxiety to delirium
- condition can be induced by drugs metabolized by the cytochrome p450 system
- check urine levels of accumulated metabolites → ALA, porphobilinogen, coproporphyrin III, uroporphyrin III
pg 1585
acute intermittent porphyria (AIP)
- acute autosomal dominant disease caused by a deficiency in hydroxymethylbilane synthase
- porphobilinogen and ALA accumulate in the urine
- urine darkens on exposure to light and air
- NOT photosensitive
pg 1585
variegate porphyria (VP)
- acute autosomal dominant disease caused by a deficiency in protoporphyrinogen oxidase
- protoporphyrinogen IX and other intermediates prior to the block accumulate in the urine
- photosensitive
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hereditary coproporphyria (HCP)
- acute autosomal dominant disease caused by a deficiency in coproporphyrinogen III oxidase
- coproporphyrinogen III and other intermediates prior to the block accumulate in the urine
- photosensitive
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erythropoietic porphyrias
- result in photosensitivity characterized by skin rashes and blisters that appear in early childhood
- congenital erythropoietic porphyria (CEP): chronic autosomal recessive deficiency in uroporphyrinogen III synthase, uroporphyrinogen I and coproporphyrinogen I accumulate in urine, photosensitivity
- erythropoietic protoporphyria (EPP): chronic autosomal recessive and dominant deficiency in ferrochelatase; protoporphyrin accumulates in RBCs, bone marrow, and plasma; photosensitivity
pg 1586
treatments for porphyrias
- acute porphyria attacks: patients require medical support, particularly treatment for pain and vomiting; severity of acute symptoms of the porphyrias can be diminished by IV injection of hemin and glucose (which decreases activity of ALAS1)
- photosensitivity: protection from sunlight, ingestion of β-carotene (provitamin A) that scavenges free radicals, and phlebotomy (removes porphyrins)
pg 1586
heme degradation steps 1 and 2
- senescent RBCs are a major source of hemeproteins
- breakdown of heme to bilirubin occurs in macrophages of the mononuclear phagocyte system, particularly in the liver and spleen
- bilirubin appears to function at low levels as an antioxidant; heme oxidized to biliverdin which is then reduced by biliverdin reductase generating bilirubin
- heme oxygenase releases the iron and CO from heme to form biliverdin (tetrapyrrole ring is open)
pg 1588
heme degradation steps 3 and 4
- # 3: unconjugated bilirubin is transported through the blood (complexed to albumin - highly blood soluble) to the liver
- # 4: bilirubin is taken up via facilitated diffusion by the liver and conjugated with glucuronic acid
- bilirubin converted to biliburin-albumin complex which is carried through the blood to the liver
pg 1589
heme degradation steps 5-10
- # 5: conjugated bilirubin (bilirubin diglucuronide) actively secreted into bile and then the intestine
- # 6: in intestine, glucuronic acid is removed by bacteria → resulting bilirubin converted to urobilinogen
- # 7: some urobilinogen reabsorbed from gut and enters portal blood
- # 8: portion of urobilinogen participates in enterohepatic urobilinogen cycle
- # 9: remainder of urobilinogen transported by blood to kidney where it is excreted as yellow urobilin which gives urine its color
- # 10: urobilinogen is oxidized by intestinal bacteria to brown stercobilin (feces color)
pg 1590
deficiency of bilirubin UDP-glucuronosyltransferase
- Crigler-Najjar syndrome (I and II) → most severe is type I
- Gilbert syndrome → mild and often diagnosed version
- symptoms: high levels of unconjugated bilirubin can be very toxic to nervous tissue
pg 1591
- NOT a single disease, but a condition that refers to the yellow color of skin, nail beds, and sclerae caused by deposition of bilirubin, secondary to increased bilirubin levels in the blood (hyperbilirubinemia)
- symptom of an underlying disorder
- blood bilirubin levels in a healthy adult below ~1 mg/dL → jaundice begins to appear above 2-3 mg/dL
- total bilirubin measured in methanol, direct is only conjugated and measured in water
pg 1592
hemolytic jaundice
- any number of conditions that result in hemolytic anemia which overwhelms the ability of liver to conjugate bilirubin
- increased serum unconjugated bilirubin (UCB)
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hepatocellular jaundice
- any liver damage results in a defect in conjugation and/or secretion
- may lead to increased serum levels of both unconjugated and conjugated bilirubin
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obstructive jaundice
- blocking the bile duct leading to accumulation of conjugated bilirubin in the liver
- increased serum conjugated bilirubin (CB) due to its release from liver
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neonatal jaundice
- a transient, physiologic jaundice seen in most newborns during the first postnatal week
- presents with a rise in serum levels of unconjugated bilirubin (very toxic to infants)
pg 1593
neonatal jaundice
- activity of the enzyme that conjugates bilirubin with glucuronic acid (bilirubin UDF-glucuronosyltransferase) is low in newborns and especially low in premature babies
- serum levels of bilirubin rise after birth in full-term infants, although usually not to dangerous concentrations
- serum levels of bilrubin in premature infants may rise to toxic levels
- increased unconjugated bilirubin
pg 1595
neonatal jaundice treatment
phototherapy with blue fluorescent light which reacts with the bilirubin and makes it more soluble, so that is it able to be filtered by the kidneys and excreted into the urine
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