Lecture 21 Flashcards
Cell Signaling III
introduction to receptor guanyl cyclases
- single pass proteins, dimerize, autophosphorylate
- receptor guanylyl cyclases - quintessental example: natriuretic factor
- receptors function as enzymes (analogous to RTKs) -> convert GTP to cGMP
- soluble, NO-activated guanylyl cyclases, contain heme, also convert GTP to cGMP
- cGMP leads to protein kinase G
- atrial natriuretic factor (ANF) and endotoxin use guanyl cyclase receptors
pg 504
acetylcholine induced vasodilation
example of GMP signaling
- process begins with Gqα signaling
- calmodulin activated eNOS (endothelial nitric oxide synthase) -> produces NO, which diffuses from endothelial cells to SMCs
- NO then activates a guanylyl cyclase, which produces cGMP -> activates protein kinase G
- PKG phosphorylates a number of targets, some of which lead to a reduction in cytoplasmic [Ca2+] -> vasodilation (smooth muscle relaxation)
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treatments for erectile dysfunction
- goal is to block cGMP phosphodiesterase which converts cGMP to inactive 5-GMP
- drugs like viagra inhibit the enzyme causing cGMP levels to remain elevated and blood vessels to remain dilated leading to longer lasting erection
pg 506
nuclear receptors
- intracellular receptors
- two major classes
- dual-function proteins: hormone receptors and transcription factors
pg 508
type I nuclear hormone receptors
- bound to Hsp70 in cytosol in absence of ligand
- hormone binding induces a conformational change, which causes dissociation from Hsp70
- most often form homodimers (two identical proteins bound to each other)
- can be inhibited by IncRNAs -> although this is NOT unique to type I NHRs
- glucocorticoids, androgens, estrogens
- Tamoxifen – Estrogen receptor antagonist –Cancer therapy
- Mifepristone – Progesterone receptor antagonist – Contraceptive & Early pregnancy termination (before wk 10)
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type II nuclear hormone receptors
- bound to DNA and corepressor proteins in the absence of ligand (these receptors are sent to nucleus immediately after translation)
- ligand binding includes a conformation change, which kicks off corepressors and brings in coactivators
- most often form heterodimers with the retinoid X receptor (RXR)
- thyroid hormone
pg 510
gated ion channels
- provide maintenance of electrial gradient
- a lot of cells NEED these channels as they rely on excitability for their function
- electrogenic Na+K+ATPase pump produces a transmembrane potential of 60 mV (inside is negative)
- chemical gradient of Na+ and Ca2+ drives them inward (depolarization) and K+ outward (hyperpolarization)
- electrical gradient drives Cl- outward against its concentration gradient (depolarization)
pg 512
voltage-gated ion channels in neuronal action potential
- plasma membrane of the pre-synaptic neuron is polarized (negative inside)
- stimulus to the neuron causes an action potential to move along the axon -> opening of 1 voltage gated Na+ channel allows Na+ entry, local depolarization causes adjacent Na+ channels to open (directionality ensured by refractory period)
- wave of depolarization reaches axon tip -> voltage gated Ca2+ channels open allowing Ca2+ entry
- increase in internal [Ca2+] triggers exocytic release of acetylcholine into the synaptic cleft
- acetylcholine binds to a receptor on postsynaptic neuron causing its ligand-gated ion channel to open -> Na+ and Ca2+ enter depolarizing the postsynaptic neuron
pg 513
eicosanoids signaling
- local paracrine signaling, fatty acid based
- four major classes of eicosanoids: prostaglandins, thromboxanes, leukotrienes, lipoxins
- derived from diet or membrane phospholipids
- major precursors include linoleic acid, linolenic acid, and arachidonic acid
- most function as ligands for GPCRs (eicosanoids undergo a GPCR mechanism)
- major functions: inflammation, pain, fever, gastric acid secretion, blood clotting, platelet aggregation
pg 516
major regulation of phospholipase A2
- phospholipase A2 converts a phospholipid to arachidonic acid to form the eicosanoids
- activated by BOTH Ca2+ and phosphorylation from a MAPK protein
- expression inhibited by glucocorticoids
pg 517
the COX pathway
- COX = cyclooxygenase
- COX1 and COX2 major players in PGH2 production
- gives rise to prostaglandins and thromboxanes (collectively called “prostanoids”) -> from arachidonic acid
- target of anti-pyretic (fever -> decrease temp) and anti-pain drugs
pg 518
- created through the COX pathway
- acts on hypothalamus to increase body temperature in response to inflammation
common OTC pain meds target COX enzymes
- aspirin: suicide inhibitor of COX
- acetaminophen and ibuprofen: competitive inhibitors of COX
- side effects: COX enzymes are involved in mucus production in the stomach (can cause ulcers by blocking mucin production)
pg 519
prostaglandins and thromboxanes
created through the COX pathway
- prostaglandins: responsible for pain, fever, inflammation
- thromboxanes: platelet aggregation, blood clots
- both inhibited by COX inhibitors
the lipoxygenase pathway: leukotrienes
- 5-lipoxygenase is a major player (helps convert arachidonic acid to leukotrienes which are produced in leukocytes)
- gives rise to cysteinyl leukotrienes -> LTC4, LTD4, LTE4, LTF4
- CysLTs involved in a number of processes, including vascular and bronchial smooth muscle contraction(can lead to asthma attacks), many others
- lipoxins: anti-inflammatory roles (type of eicosanoid)
pg 520
eicosanoids, class, and function
LTC4, LTD4, LTE4 -> contract vascular and bronchial smooth muscle, stimulate mucus secretion in airway and gut -> block these eicosanoids and may have relief from asthma attacks
pg 521
drug names, targets, relevance
- prednisone: binds to glucocorticoid receptor to influence gene transcription -> cools inflammation by inhibiting phospholipase A2 and transcription of COX-2
- aspirin: irreversibly acetylates and inactivates COX-1 and COX-2 -> pain and inflammation relief, long term prophylaxis for heart attacks
- ibuprofen/naproxen: competitive inhibition of COX-1 and COX-2 -> pain and inflammation relief
- celebrex: competitive inhibition of COX-2 (more gastric side effects) -> pain and inflammation relief
- acetaminophen: may function to inhibit COX activity in the CNS specifically -> pain, fever relief (no anti-inflammatory effects)
- singulair: antagonist of CysLT (leukotriene) receptors -> asthma and allergic bronchitis relief
- zyflo: 5-Lox inhibitor, blocks production of ALL leukotrienes -> prophylactic anti-asthma therapy
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