Lecture 55 Flashcards
Glycerophospholipid Synthesis, Degradation, and Role in RDS
(glycero)phospholipid functions
- structural component of: cellular membranes (lipid bilayer), lipoproteins, pulmonary surfactant, bile
- precursors for second messengers: PIP3 and PIP4, diacylglycerol (DAG)
pg 1422
- glycerol backbone with polar group
4 most common in human body:
- phosphatidylcholine (PC, lecithin)
- phosphatidylethanolamine (PE, cephalin)
- phosphatidylserine (PS)
- phosphatidylinositol (PI)
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synthesis of phospholipids
uses intermediates from the TAG synthesis pathway as precursors for phospholipids
- lysophosphatidic acid (glycerol-3-P + 1 FA) is precursor for cardiolipin, phosphatidylinositol, and phosphatidylglycerol
- phosphatidic acid (DAG phosphate -> 2 FAs) is precursor for PC, PS and PE
can be produced by all cells as they need to maintain their membranes
synthesis done in smooth ER
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CDP-DAG pathway
- used for synthesis of PI, PG, and cardiolipin
- reduces phosphatidic acid (using CTP) to CDP-diacylglycerol
- CDP-diacylglycerol undergoes exchange with an alcohol (glycerol/inostiol) to form the glycerophospholipid
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transfer of activated CDP-choline or CDP-ethanolamine to DAG (Kennedy pathway)
- used for synthesis of PC, PE, PS (PE converted to PS through a base change reaction)
- converts phosphatidic acid to diacylglycerol
- diacylglycerol converted to glycerophospholipid via transfer of activated alcohol (CDP-choline or CDP-ethanolamine)
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hydrolyze phosphodiester bonds of glycerophospholipids, each type can only cleave particular bonds
phospholipase A1
- can only cleave FA at position 1
- present in many mammalian tissues
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phospholipase A2
- can only cleave FA at position 2
- present in many mammalian tissues and pancreatic juice; also in snake and bee venoms
- pancreatic secretions rich in A2 proenzyme, which is activated by trypsin and requires bile salts for activity
- releases arachidonic acid when acting on PI
- inhibited by glucocorticoids (like cortisol)
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phospholipase C
- cleaves position 3 -> diacylglycerol intermediate
- found in liver lysosomes and the α-toxin of clostridia and other bacilli
- membrane-bound, activated by PIP2 system and plays a role in producing second messengers
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phospholipase D
- involved in signal transduction
- generates phosphatidic acid (PA), choline from PC and diacylglycerol from PA
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alveolar structure
- grape-like sacs with optimal SA for gas exchange
- single layer of type I alveolar cells, scattered type II
- thin epithelium
- type II alveolar cells secrete surfactant
- macrophages present to attack inhaled bacteria/toxins
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unique properties of water
- large difference between electronegativity of the H and O atoms
- highly polarized bonds in water molecules and partial (+) and (-) charges
- intermolecular hydrogen bonds
- tetrahedral geometry: interaction with up to 4 adjacent water molecules
- high boiling point and surface tension due to strong H bonds
pg 1430-1432
surface tension
- a phenomenon in which the surface of a liquid, where the liquid is in contact with a gas (such as the air), acts as a thin elastic sheet
- if the surface is between two liquids (such as oil and water), it is called “interface tension”
- intermolecular attraction between water molecules is greater along the air surface than in the bulk water phase
- almost forms a membrane
pg 1433-1434
surface tension and alveolar function
- the alveolus must expand easily upon inhalation and remain open (not collapse!) upon exhalation
- phospholipids (major component of surfactant) penetrate through the air-water interface to reduce intermolecular hydrogen bonding between water molecules and lower surface tension
- surface tension decreases as phospholipid monolayer is compressed (molecules move closer together)
- this prevents collapse upon exhalation and allows for easier re-inflation
pg 1435-1438
composition of lung surfactant
- 90% lipids including:
- phospholipids -> 70% PC, other glycerophospholipids, and sphingomyelin
- cholesterol
- 10% proteins:
- SP-A, SP-B, SP-C, SP-D
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surfactant phosphatidylcholine
- 1/2 dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine (DPPC) -> both R1 and R2 are palmitate/palmitic acid
- 1/2 unsaturated PC (R1 and/or R2 are unsaturated FAs)
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surfactant proteins (SP)
- minimal component, but important function
- hydrophilic surfactant proteins: SP-A and SP-D, involved in innate host defense, antimicrobial properties, help to regulate inflammation
- hydrophobic surfactant proteins: SP-B (required for life) and SP-C, interact strongly with PLs, adsorption and spreading on surface, prevent collapse of alveolus
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the life cycle of lung surfactant
- de novo synthesis occurs in ER
- transported to GA for modification
- released as lamelar body particles (LBP)
- can be recycled in lysosomes or degraded by macrophages
- synthesis and recycling both occur in alveolar type II cells
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genetic disorders of surfactant homeostasis
mutations in genes encoding SP-B and SP-C and the LB-associated lipid transporter protein (ABCA3) are causes of rare, but severe, pulmonary diseases in newborn infants and children
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neonatal respiratory distress syndrome (RDS)
- names: neonatal respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) or infant respiratory distress syndrome (IRDS) or hyaline membrane disease
- occurrence: most common causes of respiratory distress in preterm infants
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RDS risk factors
- # 1 is prematurity -> < 28 weeks gestation (~100%), 28-34 weeks (33%), > 34 weeks (5%)
- perinatal depression
- male predominance
- maternal diabetes
- C-section
- multiple birth
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RDS etiology and results
- etiology: structural and functional immaturity of lungs due to underdeveloped parenchyma and surfactant deficiency
- results: decreased lung compliance, unstable alveoli
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phospholipid concentration and gestation week
- fetus lung maturity can be gauged by determining the PC (lecithin) to SM (sphingomyelin) ratio in amniotic fluid
- PC/SM (L/S) > or = to 2 reflects lung maturity
- indicates a major shift from SM to PC synthesis in type 2 pneumocytes which normally occurs around 32 weeks of gestation
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medication for RDS
corticosteroid administration before delivery (if concerned about early delivery) speeds up lung development and surfactant production
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acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS)
- characterized by: hypoxemia, lung edema, increased alveolar-capillary permeability leading to leakage of surface-active blood and serum proteins into air spaces
- lung surfactant function is impaired and exacerbates the work of breathing
- leakage of serum proteins into alveolar spaces leads to: inflammation, edema, and surfactant dilution affecting its microstructure and converting highly packed assemblies into loosely packed membranes
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