Lecture 39 Flashcards
Digestion, Absorption, Transport and Storage of Selected Micronutrients
macronutrients vs micronutrients
- macronutrients: consumed in large quantities, major source of energy
- micronutrients: consumed in small quantities, usually not a source of energy, essential for life (can not be synthesized endogenously)
pg 1026
metabolism of vitamin A
- β-carotene and retinol can enter the intestinal cell -> become retinyl esters -> sent to chylomicrons
- chylomicrons go to lymph and blood and eventually the chylomicron remnants go to the liver
- all-trans retinol in liver released as retinol or stored as retinyl pamitate (vitamin A intermediates stored in stellate cells)
- retinol stored as retinyl esters in liver and adipose tissue
pg 1029
role of vitamin A in retina
- retinol bound to RBP (retinol binding protein), which is bound to TTR (transthyretin) for transport to the retina (as retinol is hydrophobic)
- once in retina, all-trans retinol is eventually converted to 11-cis retinal which is a component of the visual pigment rhodopsin (11-cis retinal + opsin)
- vitamin A deficiency causes night blindness
pg 1030
vitamin A role in other cells
- some transport system as to the retina
- in target tissues: retinol is oxidixed to retinoic acid, which binds to nuclear receptors; retinoic acid-receptor complex activates responsive genes
pg 1031
functions of vitamin A
- acts as therapeutic agents: all-trans retinoic acid (treitinoin) for treatment of mild acne and skin aging, 13-cis retinoic acid (isotretinoin) for treatment of severe acne
- maintenance of reproduction, vision, promotion of growth, differentiation/maintenance of epithelial tissue, gene expression
- vision, normal differentiation of epithelial cells, reproduction
pg 1032-1033
vitamin A deficiency
- night blindness
- severe: xerophthalmia (pathologic dryness of the conjunctiva and cornea) caused by increased keratin synthesis which may result in blindness
pg 1033
vitamin A hypervitaminosis and toxicity
- dry, puritic skin
- cirrhotic liver
- fragile bones
- CNS - raise in intracranial pressure
- teratogen
pg 1033
vitamin D synthesis
- skin cells produce vitamin D from cholesterol (cholecalciferol)
- storage form in plasma: 25-OH-D3 (calcidiol)
- vitamin D from diet: cholecalciferol (D3) from animals, ergocalciferol (D2) from plants -> chylomicron to lymph to blood to liver
pg 1034-1035
active form of vitamin D
- storage form (calcidiol) goes to the kidney from the bloodstream
- kidney uses 1-hydroxylase to form 1,25-diOH-D3 (calcitriol)
- calcitriol is the active form of vitamin D
pg 1036
active form of vitamin D pt 2
- active form goes to intestinal cells where it leads to increased absorption of calcium via calbindin (a Ca2+ binding protein)
pg 1037
function of vitamin D
maintain adequate plasma levels of calcium
pg 1038
vitamin D deficiency, hypervitaminosis and toxicity
- deficiency: demineralization of bone resulting in rickets and osteomalacia; renal osteodystrophy
- hypervitaminosis and toxicity: can be stored and is slowly metabolized; hypercalcemia -> leads to deposition of calcium in many organs, particularly the arteries and kidneys
pg 1038
minerals (micronutrients)
- macrominerals: Ca, Cl, Mg, P, K, Na
- trace microminerals: Cr, Cu, F-, Fe, Mn, Zn
- ultratrace microminerals: I, Mo, Se
pg 1039
chloride transporter CFTR
cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR)
- ion channel transporter reponsible for luminal secretion of chloride -> PKA-mediated regulation
- also expressed in the epithelia of the lung and sweat glands
- loss-of-function mutations lead to cystic fibrosis
pg 1040
nutrient malabsorption in cystic fibrosis
- pancreatic insuffiency (clogged duct)
- nutrient and fat malabsorption
- vitamin deficiency
- acute/chronic pancreatitis
- CF-related diabetes mellitus
GI Tract
- nutrient malabsorption
- distal intestinal obstructive syndrome
- biliary duct obstruction
- focal biliary cirrhosis
- chronic constipation
pg 1041
anemia and classification of anemias
- the term anemia refers to a reduction of hemoglobin or RBC concentration in the blood
- morphological anemia: based on a correlation between RBC size and Hb concentration (MCV, MCH, and MCHC) -> microcytic/hypochromic, normocytic/normochromic, macrocytic
- etiological anemia: based on the underlying cause for anemia (nutritional deficiency, ineffective RBC formation, etc)
pg 1043
microcytic anemia
- deficiency in iron
- functional deficit: impaired hemoglobin synthesis
- other possible causes: mutation leading to thalassemia, lead poisoning
pg 1044
dietary iron
- ~10% of dietary iron is actually absorbed
- red meat has heme (type of iron readily absorbed), plants have another form of iron that is not readily absorbed
- iron used by intestinal epithelial cells, liver, bone (erythropoiesis), RBCs (hemoglobin), RE cells, and other tissues (as cytochromes, iron-enzymes, myoglobin)
- iron loss: skin desquamation, sweat, urine, feces
pg 1045
iron absorption by intestinal cells
- animal sources: heme -> straight to cells by HCP -> heme oxygenase converts to Fe2+ (ferrous/reduced iron)
- plant sources: Fe3+ (nonheme iron) -> vitamin C (aids in absorption) converts to Fe2+ -> enters the cell
- iron stored in cells as ferritin (Fe3+) or exported to blood stream via ferroportin as Fe2+ -> then oxidized to 3+ to bind to transferrin
- transferrin is transport protein to carry Fe3+ into circulation
- TfR on cells is regulated by mRNA stability
pg 1046
protein produced in liver -> regulates iron absorption in gut (inhibits)
pg 1048
iron overload
- diagnosis: increased serum iron & ferritin, iron saturation, decreased total iron-binding capacity; liver biopsy required
- treatment: repeated phlebotomy, liver transplant (in advanced cases)
- etiology: mutation in HFE gene leads to low hepcidin; abnormal iron sensing causes excess iron absorption; increased accumulation of iron (as ferritin and hemosiderin) generates hydroxyl free radicals that cause fibrosis of organ
pg 1049
HFE protein
- HFE protein regulates iron levels in liver cells by preventing transferrin from binding to its receptor which results in low hepcidin
- loss-of-function mutations of HFE gene results in hereditary hemochromatosis (HH)
pg 1049
autosomal recessive iron absorption disease
- clinical features: classic triad of liver disease, diabetes mellitus, bronze skin
- complications: cirrhosis & HCC, cardiomyopathy, arthritis, hypogonadism, hypothyroidism
- presents after 40
pg 1050
copper metabolism
needed for a lot of enzymes to function; ex: lysyl oxidase which forms cross-links in collagen and elastin
pg 1052
copper deficiency
- Menkes disease
- low copper concentration
- X-linked
- ATP7A affected
pg 1052
copper overload
- Wilson disease
- high copper concentration
- autosomal recessive
- ATP7B affected
pg 1052
Wilson Disease
- diagnosis: increased urine copper and LFTs, decreased ceruloplasmin and alkaline phosphatase; liver biopsy shows elevated Cu levels
- therapy: chelation (D-penicillamine or trientine to remove/detoxify excess Cu deposits) or oral zinc (prevents uptake of dietary Cu)
- etiology: autosomal recessive mutations in hepatocyte copper transporting ATPase (ATP7B gene); leads to decreased Cu excretion into bile
- clinical symptoms: Kayser-Flesicher rings (in eyes), liver disease (acute hepatitis, cirrhosis), renal involvement, neurological and psychological deficits (dystonia, tremor)
pg 1053-1054
ATP7B transporter mutations
- decreased Cu export into the bile resulting in decreased seum ceruloplasmin
- Cu remains inside the liver and accumulates over time
pg 1053