Lecture 6: Fundamentals of Property Accountability Flashcards
Classes of supply: Class I items**
rations and gratuitous issue of health, morale, and welfare items
Class III iems**
petroleum, oils, and lubricants
Class V items**
Class VIII items***
medical and components for medical equipment maintenance
TDA (Tables of Distribution and Allowance) unit***
describes a unit that is NOT self-sustaining or deployable. This is what most hospitals are.
4 types of property***
1) Organizational
2) Installation
3) Theater-provided
4) Real property
Organizational property***
property authorized under an MTOE or deployable TDA authorization document and all CTA property which deploys with the unit
Installation property***
non-deployable property issued to a unit by authority of a CTA or other HQDA approved or NGB authorization docs, except expendable items and personal clothing
Theater provided property***
Property that has been identified and forward positioned to offset equipment deployment requirements (aka equipment already in place at your deployment location when you arrive there)
Table of organization and equipment
-field unit that can deploy
JTA unit
(Joint Tables of Allowance)
-unit that is both deployable and in garrison
Real property
equipment attached to and made part of buildings and structures and not movable
3 classifications of property***
Nonexpendable (N)
Expendable (X)
Durable (D)
which class(es) of property require formal accountability?
Durable requires hand receipts only
Command Supply Discipline Program (CSDP)***
a COMMANDER’s program directed at ensuring compliance with HQ, DA supply policies and procedures
o it is a MANDATORY program
How is the Command Supply Discipline Program enforced?
- leadership
- command emphasis
- training
- administrative and disciplinary measures
the obligation to keep records of property, documents, or funds
the obligation of an individual to ensure that govt. property and funds entrusted to his or her possession, command, or supervision are properly used and cared for, and that proper custody and safekeeping are provided.
5 types of responsibility
1) Command
2) Supervisory
3) Custodial
4) Direct
5) Personal
Property Book Unit Supply Enhanced (PBUSE) system**
a web-based property accountability application designed to deliver total asset visibility in real-time
DA Form 2062 = **
temporary hand receipt
The 6 basic steps of conducting inventories:
o 1. Determine what is to be inventoried o 2. Set the dates o 3. Use correct publications o 4. Notify the hand or sub hand receipt holder o 5. Conduct the inventory o 6. Record results and adjust records
DA Form 200 =
Financial Liability Investigation of Property Loss (FLIPL)
When is DA Form 200 used?
negligence or willful misconduct is suspected as the cause, but there is no admission of liability and refusal to make payment**
when the property involves a change of accountable officer’s inventory and there is no voluntary reimbursement by the outgoing accountable officer
the value of the property involved exceeds the individual’s base pay
as a voucher to adjust the property