lecture 6: framing Flashcards
Prospect theory (Tversky & Kahneman, 1981)
In general people avoid risks when it concerns gains
- people are risk averse when confronted with gains
- rather receive 900 euros for sure than 90% chance receiving 1000 euros
- People are more willing to accept risks when losses are salient
- 90% chance of losing 1.000 euros vs. for sure losing 900 euros
Why does preference depend on framing?
- value function
- gains
- pleasure doesn’t increase much after +400 -> causes risk aversive behavior - losses
- pain doesn’t increase much after -400 -> causes risky behavior (to try to prevent to lose everything)
gain-frame vs loss-frame
- gain-frame
- focuses on good things that will happen and bad things that will not happen
- when you use a condom, you don’t have to worry about STD’s
- more effective when talking about prevention - loss-frame
- focuses on bad things that will happen and good things that will not happen
- if you don’t use a condom, you have more risk at getting a STD
- more effective when talking about detection
results detection/prevention and gain/loss-frame
results research mammography (=detection)
- loss-frame: 62% wen to get a mammogram
- gain-frame: 51% went to get mammogram
results sunscreen (=prevention)
- loss-frame: 53% picked free sample
- gain-frame: 71% picked free sample
rothman et al. study 1: dangerous virus results
participants received health info about dangerous virus
H1: Detection behavior? Loss-frame > gain-frame
H2: Prevention behavior? Gain-frame > loss-frame
H3: especially participants with high need for cognition
- H1: accepted
- H2: gain and loss frame had the same results for prevention
- H3: accepted
So: They only found partial support
rothman et al study2: promote use of mouthwash results
- function mouthwash ( either mentioned as prevention vs. detection)
- flyer that promotes use of mouthwash (gain vs. loss-frame)
- loss frame in combination with detection worked good the best
- gain frame with prevention worked also good (significant)
implication: if you don’t perceive detection behavior as risky, then gain-frame can be more effective
mann et al. about flossing teeth results
hypothesis: match between frame and motivational disposition is most effective
people differ in their motivational orientation
- approach motivated: “ i go out of my way to get things i want –> gain frame worked best
- avoidance motivated: “i worry about making mistakes” –> loss-frame worked best