Lecture 6: contaminants and pesticides Flashcards
no definition of food safety, but comes close to it:
assurance that food will not cause harm to the consumer when it’s prepared/eaten according to its intended use
art 17. responsibility of the FBO for safety risk
- prevention
- prepardness (traceability)
- response (withdrawal, recall and inform)
food safety hazard types
- biological (bacteria, viruses parasites)
- chemical (pesticides, processing chemicals, allergens, drugs)
- physical (bones, pits, bugs, metal hair)
3 types of instrument used to regulate hygiene of foodstuff
- prescriptive rules
- procedures
- guides to good hygiene practices
hazard vs. risk
hazard= identified agents that cause damage
risk = probability of hazard causing something
2 types of chemical hazards
- unavoidable (contaminants)
- environmental
- natural toxins
- chemicals formed during process - avoidable (regulated)
- pesticides residue
- veterinary residue
- food contact material
- food improvement agents
ban & ALARA in reg. 315/93 on contaminate in food
ban = unacceptable level/toxicological level
ALARA= contaminants as low as reasonable be achieved
what are ML’s
= maximum levels for specific contaminants
Set based on:
- toxicty
- occurance & concetration of food
- consumption of food it occurs in
what are pesticides
= prevents, destroys or controls an organism (pest) or a disease harmful to plants/products
- contains at least 1 active substance
- PPP = final product containing at least 1 active substance
what about MRL’s
- MRL’s not known: set at lowest possible level
- also for non-EU regulated substances
chronic vs. acute toxicity
chronic = ADI (daily intake over long period of time)
acute = ARfD (short period of time) –> when exceeding –> RASFF