Lecture 6 and 7 Flashcards
Why could a sling seat for a wheelchair be harmful?
How could we help this?
It is not good for proper spinal alignment, promotes a posterior pelvic tilt
use a towel to sit on
A reclining back on a wheel chair is good for …
a patient with lack of trunk and head control
What is the axle of the wheelchair?
Axle placement affects..
Moving the axle posteriorly will cause less or more stability?
Anteriorly less or more stability?
Some axles can be easily removed to allow …
The bar in the middle of each wheels
more stability because they are less likely to tilt backwards
less stability
for transport of the wheelchair
What is camber?
the inward angle of the wheel relative to the vertical position
The typical wheel has ___ degrees of camber
Studies show that people generally prefer 6 degrees for …
comfort and performance it allows for arms to be closer to the body
What if someone cannot push the push rims effectively?
Instruct them to start pulling from further back for better ROM
If they lack the grip strength, there are gloves
Rubber tires vs Traditional pneumatic air filled tires
T: must be inflated efficient for propulsion and wheel locking
R: require less energy to propel and better for indoors
Pneumatic tres with tread have traction and can ….
navigate uneven terrain (outdoor)
What are casters?
Large vs small casters
They can be turned in order to
smaller wheels at the front designed for directional changes
large: more stability, small: more maneuverability
increase the BOS slightly
What patients are at higher risk of tipping?
SCI or heavier upper bodies
Anti tippers need to be flipped ….
up during the transfer, and back down after transfer is done
Benefit of tilt in space wheelchair
effective for pressure relief because it tilts the whole body back
Sip n Puff wheelchairs are designed for patients who …
This is good for
have no upper extremity function, breathe pressure controls movements
Considerations for wheelchairs
1 patient goal’s
2 anticipated use of wheelchair (frequency, longevity, durability)
3 financial resources
4 current abilities and limitations
5 lifting wheelchair into home or car
6 stability vs mobility
It is important to train _______ on managing wheelchair
caregiver, patient, family
represents the scientific measurement of the human body (evaluating growth, nutritional status, weight status and disease risk)