Lecture 6 Flashcards
ISI definition
o Substituting previously imported manufactured goods with domestically produced goods
o As opposed to focusing on producing goods that can be exported to int. markets (export oriented industrialization)
Easy ISI
Easy ISI – domestic manufacturing of relatively simple consumer goods (beer, apples and soda) for home market
* Low skilled labour, easily acquired technology and machines from abroad
Once you have exhausted ISI, two options
* Start exporting these easy ISI stuff (Asian model)
* Or secondary ISI
Policies promoting secondary ISI
Trade barriers
Investment activities private sector wouldn’t produce
State-owned enterprises
Tax policies
Neoliberal criticism of ISI
States are bad planners
Gov had to cover industry losses
* Created budget deficits, funded through borrowing
Persistent trade imbalance (current account)
* More import than export
Economic ideas behind ISI -structuralism
Dominant in development economics; industrialization -> development
Prebisch-Singer hypothesis; free trade doesn’t benefit developing countries
* Developing countries terms of trade will diminish over time, because demand in primary commodities is less elastic than demand in manufactured goods
Belief that industrialization wouldn’t happen by itself, required big push by governments
* Coordination problems, infant industry arguments and need for government provided infrastructure
Who held political power
Pre WW1
* Land owners had political control
The depression and WW11 led to price shocks and closed markets
* State had to produce own goods
* Land owners lost income because of tough times
* Capital and labour grew as political forces
After WW11
* Capital had political control and imposed protectionist (ISI) measures to maintain incomes
Latin American ISI
How did they pay for ISI?
* Sovereign borrowing and marketing boards
Debt crisis
* Starting in 1982
* States lost access to global credit market when unable to repay loans
* Had dramatic consequences on their ability to manage economy
* No longer able to fund or subsidize unprofitable industries
IMF intervenes and forces reform
* Bails out countries with debts, but forces them to abandon ISI and adopt Washington consensus
East Asian model
They adopt easy ISI after WW11
Late 50s early 60s, shift emphasis to exports
* Forced manufacturers to worry about international competitiveness
* Invested in successful domestic industries that were profitable in world markets
* Path; labour intensive -> capital intensive -> technology and skill intensive
Relied on protectionism for domestic markets
Allowed selective liberalization to lower costs for critical inputs
Benefited from stable macroeconomic environment
* Low inflation, fairly valued exchange rate and conservative fiscal policies
Why did Asian tigers reform and not Latin American states
One explanation is interests and institutions
* Losers from globalization gain power with great depression/WWs worldwide
* WW11 decimated political power of existing interest groups in Asia, so they start from a clean slate
* In Latin America, interest groups remain intact, so losers from globalization remain in power
Why didnt states move away from ISI quicker?
* Primary motivation of leaders to remain in power
* Good politics is not equal to good policies
Leaders who tried to adopt policies against interest of political supporters were removed from office (or threatened)
* Ghana example p. 136
ISI persisted not because it was good policy, but because those in political power would lose from liberalization
* Workers grew dependent on manufacturing industries and subsidies
* Farmers who lost powers couldn’t support politicians that would adopt export oriented approaches
* ISI became entrenched
How did states move away from ISI?
Trade imbalances and debts couldn’t last forever.
Eventually, creditors stopped financing loans and politicians couldn’t provide the goodies that individuals had grown accustomed to.
In danger of losing power, they sought aid from the IMF and World Bank
IMF and WB made loans conditional on adopting neo liberal policies (Washington consensus)
Economic coercion
o Refers to use of a state’s economic power, rather than military power, as a tool of foreign policy
o Goal is to force another state to change policies or behaviour
Five forms of economic coercion
Trade sanctions
* Most common
* Export or import sanctions
Aid – more on this later
* Positive or negative
* Lending and investment restrictions
* Positive or negative
Currency (monetary)
* Destabilize the value of country’s currency
Asset targeting
* Seizure of a country’s assets
Further distinction economic coercion
- Unilateral, one state imposes sanctions
- Multilateral, many states impose sanctions – the more the better as there are few alternative markets
Sanctions require interdependence
Existing ties or dependence on another country is often necessary for sanctions to be useful
US and EU give aid to many countries and have large consumer markets that are a magnet for imports
Many countries are dependent on their aid and market