Lecture 58 Flashcards
What are catabolic factors (hormones) that increase plasma glucose levels?
1) Glucagon
2) Epinephrine
3) Cortisol
4) Growth hormone
What are anabolic factors (hormones) that reduce plasma glucose levels?
As blood glucose levels decrease, list the order of factors that occur in the body to try maintain blood glucose levels
1) Insulin production decreases (above 80 mg/dL)
2) Epinephrine and glucagon production increases (60-70 mg/dL)
3) Growth hormone production increases (60-70 mg/dL)
4) Cortisol production increases (60-70 mg/dL)
5) Adrenergic symptoms begin (anxiety, palpitation, tremor, sweating) (Just below 60 mg/dL)
6) Neuroglycopenia symptoms begin (headache, confusion, slurred speech, seizures, coma, & death) (50 mg/dL or below)
What blood glucose levels are indicative of diabetes?
1) Fasting blood glucose levels =>126mg/dL
2) Random blood glucose levels =>200 mg/dL
What is a key concept between the ratio of insulin & glucagon?
Ratios of insulin & other hormones, particularly glucagon, regulate tissue specific metabolism under different nutritional states (e.g., fed, fasting, & prolonged starvation)
What must excess glucose, amino acids, & triglycerides be converted to?
Glycogen, fat, & protein
What part of the body produces insulin in the presence of excess glucose & amino acids?
Insulin is produced by beta cells in the islets of Langerhans in the pancreas
How low must your blood glucose levels be they begin producing catabolic factors such as glucagon, epinephrine, cortisol, & growth hormone?
Below 18mg/dL or 1mmol/L
How high must your blood glucose levels be they begin producing the anabolic factor insulin?
Above 162 mg/dL or 9 mmol/L
What occurs in an insulin-activated liver?
1) GLUT2 transporters transport glucose from the gut into the liver
2) High Km (low affinity) glucokinase glycolysis
3) Increased Glycogen synthesis
4) Increased Pentose phosphate pathway
5) Increased Protein synthesis
6) Increased Fatty acid and TAG synthesis
What occurs in an insulin-repressed liver?
1) Decreased gluconeogenesis (inactive pyruvate carboxylase & fructose 1,6-bisphosphatase)
2) Decreased glycogen breakdown (inactive glycogen phosphorylase)
3) Decreased fat breakdown
What occurs in activated pathways in resting skeletal muscle?
1) GLUT4 transporter transports glucose into the muscle
2) Increased glycolysis
3) Increased glycogen synthesis
4) Increased protein synthesis
What occurs in repressed pathways in resting skeletal muscle?
1) Decreased glycogen breakdown
What occurs in activated pathways in adipose tissue?
1) GLUT4 transporter brings glucose into adipocytes
2) Increased glycolysis (PFK, pyruvate DH)
3) Increased Pentose phosphate pathway
4) Most fat stored from diet in the form of triacylglycerol
What occurs in repressed pathways in adipose tissue?
1) Decreased glycogen breakdown