Lecture 5 - The concept of agility, The Rational Unified Process (RUP) Flashcards
Why do we need agility in ISD?
requirements are changing, technology evolving, unpredictable ISD process,
what are the downsides of traditional waterfall development?
inflexible when changes occur, costly when deviating from the plan in later part of development
Mention the 4 phases of waterfall method
analysis -> design -> code/test ->implementation
what are the agile values in the manifesto?
individuals and interactions over processes and tools, working software over comprehensive documentation, customer collaboration over contract negotiation, responding to change over following a plan
mention some important agile principles
satisfying customer, continuous delivery of software, welcome changing requirements, deliver working software frequently(as in sprints), close collaboration with the customer, working software is measure of progress, simplicity when developing, self-organizing teams
benefits of agile ISD
handles changing requirements, lowers cost of change, provides better visibility into projects progress, reduces risk, maximizes ROI as business value is prioritized, higher quality with simpler code, delivers business value early and often
Is the waterfall method agile or traditional?
traditional, but also has agile elements as the sequential steps can step backwards as well
Is the agile manifesto a method?
No, The agile manifesto is not a method, but general guideline that can help. So even practitioners are not using methods!
Are Scrum and XP techniques or methods?
They are techniques that together with other techniques are partial elements of a method in a company - som jeg forstår det, er det fordi en method aldrig følger 100% og derfor er de teknikker, som tilsammen udgør method-in-action?
How can agile development work without documentation?
Agile want’s to avoid documentation, so the software should document itself by being build up intuitive
What is on-premise development?
On-premise development: sitting at the customer and developing the system to know how it works in practice.
How do you measure progress in agile?
delivering features is only measure of progress for agile
What is timeboxing? and can you give an example of how this is used in scrum or xp?
Timeboxing refers to the act of putting strict time boundaries around an action or activity. An example of this in scrum are the sprints that are time to 7 days or 14 days. But could also be daily standup meetings that are timeboxed 15’ each morning.
What is K-03 in danish standard contracts?
The agile contracts for government projects
How would you explain agile ISD using the fitzgerald framework?
Context is the reason for having agile methods.
The IT-system is influenced by agile, if the requirements form plan-based(mentioned in the beginning) are present, then agile isn’t needed.
Role of method is influenced by agile. If we change the job descriptions to be more agile, the political role also changes. Can also empower the software developpers.