Lection 10 - Basic database design and modelling Flashcards
What is a data model?
source: slide 4
- Defines the structure of the data elements
- Contains the properties of the data elements
- Ensures consistency
- Defines what operations are allowed to be performed with certain data elements (insert/save, search, update, delete)
Which type of data model is the ER-Model? and describe this type of model
Source: slide 7+11
The entity relationship model is a semantic data model.
Semantic data models show the specific data structure of an organisation. They are used to document and communicate. They need to be applied to an abstract data model or a database language
Why is it important with a solid database architecture?
example: ERP systems are only as good as the data and the data model it’s based on, so this has to work for the system to be working well.
Also often the companies are data-driven today, and they interact with the customers, and this demands a good data control.
What are the three elements of modern society according to Habermas’ theory of societal development? (Myers & Young, 1997, Hidden agendas, power and managerial assumptions in information systems development)
- Lifetime (culture, society and personality)
- Systems (the expressions of any given lifetime, in a tangible organizational format)
- Steering media (The means by which the systems are held together, often power or money)
Which three key critical success factors did the IS unit find in relation to a successful implementation?
(Myers & Young, 1997, Hidden agendas, power and managerial assumptions in information systems development)
- Alignment of IT strategy with the organzation’s business plan.
- To put in place an architecture providing flexibility in case of futurebusiness change.
- Not to continue with current business practices that are inconsistent with new technology and/or new systems.
In the case study by Myers & Yung, 1997 “ Hidden agendas, power and managerial assumptions in information systems development: A Case Study Showing How Rational and Institutional Explanations Coexist and Complement Each Other.”, the implementaion went wrong, but why and what consequences did it have to the project?
Why the implementation went wrong: The steering media (senior management) had a secret agenda for the implementation of the time-based costing system. This led to a lack of user involvement in the development phase.
Consequenses: When the users found out about senior management’s hidden agenda, their hostility towards the project rose.
Describe the taxonomy of political processes in ISD and include the three distinct processes.
(Sabherwal & Grover, 2010, A taxonomy of political processes in systems development.)
Tug of war: Two parties strive to gain control of the project. The project is seen as a prize for which the proponent and the non-proponent compete.
Empire building: In Empire building the project is seen as an instrument for the proponent to gain higher power or other benefits in the company.
Obstacle race: In Obstacle race the project is perceived as a threat to the non-proponent and he or they will attempt to sabotage/delay the project.