Lecture 4 - The case study research paradigm in IS (Prototyping and Rapid Application Development (RAD)) Flashcards
What is a case study?
“A case study examines a phenomenon in its natural setting, employing multiple methods of data collection to gather information from one or a few entities (people, groups, or organizations). The boundaries of the phenomenon are not clearly evident at the outset of the research and no experimental control or manipulation is used.”
Try and see if you can explain what this article is overall about.
Naumann, J. D., & Jenkins, A. M. (1982). Prototyping : The New Paradigm for Systems Development.
The article “Prototyping: The New Paradigm for Systems Development” by Justus D. Naumann and A. Milton Jenkins (1982) is arguing in favor of the prototype model in management information systems as in comparison to the traditional approach in developing systems. The main argument in defense of the prototype modeling over the traditional approach consists of: the possibility to introduce changes during an ongoing process of system development until the system will provide the required functional role that will satisfy the user; which is significantly different from the traditional model that is more task specific, control oriented and less interactive.
In support for this argument, authors appeal for the use of several figures in order to provide the necessary clarification of: the prototyping processes, the individuals and their roles as well as the required resources. Moreover, authors offer an economic feasibility perspective over prototyping model and finalize by referring prototyping approach to other researchers’ investigations and their real life outcomes.
Try and see if you can explain what this article is overall about:
Beynon-Davies, P., Mackay, H., & Tudhope, D. (2000). “It”s lots of bits of paper and ticks and post-it notes and things…’: A case study of a rapid application development project.
This paper reports an in-depth case study of a rapid application development (RAD) project.
RAD is a recent information systems development method
noted for its high levels of user involvement and use of iterative prototyping. The paper develops a model of the core features of RAD gleaned from literature such as that published on the dynamic systems development method (DSDM). We report an ethnographic study of a RAD project and use this case material to contrast the theory with the practice of RAD. We conclude the paper with a consideration
of a number of possible revisions to the prescriptions of RAD and also discuss the role of RAD within the broader context of IS development.
Summary from presentations:
The article is split into three main parts; case study, key features of RAD and a practical example to show theory vs. the case study.
The case study presents how a project with Rapid Application Development (RAD) can be performed, from how the team is picked to how the processes are through the project. It explains what is important from the first week to the end of the project.
The next section of the article is where the key features of RAD are described. Because of the high rate of change in the business world an uncertainty follows, both with the business but also with the development arrier. RAD is a method to respond to the changing issues given in the report. E.g. the key objective of RAD is defined as the commercial need to deliver working business applications in shorter timescales and for less investment.
The following assumption is what generally defines the use of the RAD method:
· Impossible to specify requirements accurately.
· Design and testing are iterative processes. Development work is a process of organizational learning where iteration i demanded in terms of the design, production and testing of development artifacts.
· The application is always complete but never totally finished.
· The end-product of development work is always a complete system. But with the RAD approaches there are always an acceptance that systems are always subject to further change which comes from the uncertainty embodied in the relationship between organizations and IS.
The RAD methods are realized as a set for four different practises/features; project, team, product and processes.
The last section of the article is about RAD in theory compared to the use in the case study. For each of the four features the contrast between the RAD method and the use is discussed. E.g. how important it is to be a certain amount of team members in the group, where everybody know what their job function is.
What is the difference between the traditional development approach and the prototype model?
Source: Naumann, J. D., & Jenkins, A. M. (1982). Prototyping : The New Paradigm for Systems Development.
While the use ot prototyping as an approach to systems
development is markedly different from the traditional phased life cycle approach, the prototyping approach ‘s evolutionary
What are the four steps of the prototype model, and what is the purpose of each step?
Source: Naumann, J. D., & Jenkins, A. M. (1982). Prototyping : The New Paradigm for Systems Development.
Prototyping an information system is a four-step procedure.
- Identify the User’s Basic Information Requirements
- Develop a Working Prototype
- Implement and Use the Prototype System
- Revise and Enhance the Prototype System (Iterations)
p. 31-33
Why is the element of revisability, so essential in developing modern information systems?
Source: Naumann, J. D., & Jenkins, A. M. (1982). Prototyping : The New Paradigm for Systems Development.
Undesirable or missing features identified by the
user must be corrected. Rapid turnaround
remains Important; therefore, the resources
required to build the first prototype are necessary
to the revision and enhancement process. The
user is not likely to identify all the remaining
problems in the system during a single evaluation
step. Therefore, several iterations will
undoubtedly be required. Steps 3 and 4 must be
repeated until the user accepts the system as a
good fit.
p. 33
What responsibilities do the users, the builders and the application system have respectively?
Source: Naumann, J. D., & Jenkins, A. M. (1982). Prototyping : The New Paradigm for Systems Development.
The User:
Users play more active roles in prototyping than is
possible vwith traditional development methods. In
effect they are system designers who use and
evaluate a system, and in the process, identify
problems and suggest solutions. Users set the
development pace by the time they spend using
and evaluating the prototype. They decide when
the cycle of evaluation and refinement ends.
The builder:
The prototype builder constructs successive
versions of the system, compromising and resolving
conflicts between the context (;.e., user
needs and desires) and the form, as constrained
by technology and economics. This role more
closeiy resembles that of the systems designer or
programmer analyst than of the information
analyst [4|. In addition to functional knowledge,
e.g., understanding of the user’s responsibilities,
the builder must understand the available
technology that can be used to support development
of the prototype system.
The application:
Using the Gorry and Scott Morton [14| model of
an information system as a frame of reference,
prototyping can be used in any functional area. It
will be most useful at the tactical and strategic
levels of applications. Managerial activities at
these levels are less structured. Decisions are
more open and less programmable. More uncertainty
exists in the user environment and in design
p. 37
Which five factors are fundamental for an economic analysis of the prototype model?
Source: Naumann, J. D., & Jenkins, A. M. (1982). Prototyping : The New Paradigm for Systems Development.
These five factors,
- development cost
- development time
- prototyping resource cost
- operating cost
- maintenance
are parameters of any
economic analysis of the prototype model.
p. 38
What are the four important features when using the RAD method and what characterize these?
Source: Beynon-Davies, P., Mackay, H., &a Tudhope, D. (2000). “It”s lots of bits of paper and ticks and post-it notes and things…’: A case study of a rapid application development project.
- Project Features.
RAD projects are typified by joint application design, focused problem-solving, short duration
and a small number of participants. - Team Features.
The formation of the project team in terms of size, composition, skill set and supporting activities
is a critical characteristic of RAD. - Product Features.
The products of RAD usually demonstrate low background complexity but high interactivity.
They are also normally built using rapid development tools. - Process Features.
The RAD process is highly focused; it uses product-based project management, incremental
prototyping and high levels of both user and developer involvement.
p. 205-207
Why choose the RAD method instead of a more traditional ISDM?
Source: Beynon-Davies, P., Mackay, H., & Tudhope, D. (2000). “It”s lots of bits of paper and ticks and post-it notes and things…’: A case study of a rapid application development project.
The traditional development paradigm does not
respond well to increased complexity and uncertainty.
How is the RAD method iterative?
Source: Beynon-Davies, P., Mackay, H., & Tudhope, D. (2000). “It”s lots of bits of paper and ticks and post-it notes and things…’: A case study of a rapid application development project.
Design and testing are iterative processes. Development work is a process of organizational
learning, which demands iteration in terms of the design, production and testing of
development artifacts.
p. 204
What is the difference between the intensive RAD and the phased RAD project?
Source: Beynon-Davies, P., Mackay, H., & Tudhope, D. (2000). “It”s lots of bits of paper and ticks and post-it notes and things…’: A case study of a rapid application development project.
There are two types of RAD project: the intensive and the phased RAD project. In the intensive
type of project, a team of developers and users are located in a clean room for several
weeks and are expected to produce a working deliverable at the end of that time. A phased
project is spread over several months. Such projects are normally initiated by a JAD or JRP
workshop. The subsequent phases of the project are then frequently organized in terms of
the delivery and demonstration of three incremental prototypes. The aim is continually to refine
the prototype into something that is deliverable at the end of the project.
p. 205
What is meant by the term “Timeboxing”?
Source: Beynon-Davies, P., Mackay, H., & Tudhope, D. (2000). “It”s lots of bits of paper and ticks and post-it notes and things…’: A case study of a rapid application development project.
Project control in RAD is seen to involve scoping the project by prioritizing development and
using negotiated delivery deadlines or ‘timeboxes’. If projects start to slip, the emphasis in
RAD projects is on reducing the requirements to fit the timebox, not extending the deadline.
p. 207
What is RAD?
Source: Beynon-Davies, P., Mackay, H., & Tudhope, D. (2000). “It”s lots of bits of paper and ticks and post-it notes and things…’: A case study of a rapid application development project.
Rapid Application Development
RAD is a recent information systems development method noted for its high levels of user involvement and use of iterative prototyping.
RAD is a comparatively new ISDM that can be seen to be a response to the changing business
and development environment.
What can RAD be seen as?
Source: Beynon-Davies, P., Mackay, H., & Tudhope, D. (2000). “It”s lots of bits of paper and ticks and post-it notes and things…’: A case study of a rapid application development project.
RAD can be seen as a response to two types of uncertainty evident in this proposition: business
uncertainty and development uncertainty.