Lecture 5 - Meninges Flashcards
Meningeal layers
Dura mater
Arachnoid mater
Pia mater
Dura mater
Tough fibrous Smooth Doesn't dip into sulci and fissure Double layer in cranium Fuses with the periosteum lining the inner table of the vault bones Single layer in spinal cord
Pia mater and arachnoid mater
Arachnoid mater
Dips into fissures but not sulci
Loose CT
Soft and translucent
Pia mater
Thin and delicate
Adherent to the brain
Runs along with sulci and fissure
subarachnoid space
Between the arachnoid mater and pia mater
Contains CSF and blood vessels
” layers of dura
Periosteal dura
Meningeal dura
Dural venous sinus
Separation of the 2 layers of dura filled with venous blood
Dural folds
Elongation of the meningeal layer
Falx cerebri
Elongation of the meningeal layer of the dura mater
Attached to the crista galli of the cribriform plate
Separates the 2 hemispheres in the longitudinal fissure
Tentorium cerebelli
Horizontal and attached to the falx cerebri superiorly
Confluence of sinuses
Connects the superior saggital sinus with the inferior saggital sinus
Occipital, transverse and straight sinus
Bridging veins
Connect the cerebral veins within the subarachnoid space to the dural venous sinuses by traversing the subdural space
Emissary veins
Connect scalp veins with the dural venous sinus by traversing the bone
Types of intracranial haemorrhage
Extradural haemorrhage
Bleeding between the inner table of bone and the periosteal layer of dura
Lemon shaped
Lucid interval
Fractures pterion damages the middle meningeal artery
Subdural haemorrhage
Bleeding between the dura mater and the arachnoid mater
Common in elderly due to brain atrophy causing the bridging veins to stretch with increased tension. Increasing the risk of tear
Banana shaped
Subarachnoid haemorrhage
Between the arachnoid mater and pia mater
Can occur due to ruptured aneurysm or secondary to trauma
Bleed in the circle of Willis
Blood can mix with CSF - sudden often fatal
CT and lumbar puncture if inconclusive
Intracerebral haemorrhage
Bleeding within brain itself due to:
- contusions
- tearing of white matter