Lecture 5-7 Flashcards
What principle is the cognition model based on? And what is it?
The cognitive mediation principle - it is not event per se, but how we interpret events that make us feel good or bad.
What is the premise of treatments based on operant conditioning?
Abnormal behaviors result from a faulty reinforcement history. And what can be learned can be un-learned.
What does the cognitive model assume?
Disordered cognition so cause psych. Disorders. And by changing these cognitions, the disorder can be alleviated.
Who came up with Rational emotive (behavior) therapy?
Albert Ellis
What is Ellis’s model?
Activating event, Belief system, Consequence. (ABC).
According to RET, what is at the core of mental disorders?
Absolutistic evaluations of events, ie. musts, shoulds, have-tos.
What is the RET casual sequence?
Biological tendency to think, absolutist demands (I must), derivatives (ex. awfulizing), emotional distress.
What is the RET treatment goal?
Switch client from “philosophy of musturbation” to a philosophy of desiring. Ex. Must to preference.
How does RET achieve its goals?
- Increase patients awareness of “musturbatory” techniques.
-Forcefully debate truth of irrational beliefs.
-okay to use radical interventions.
Ex. To use shame-attacking exercises.
What are four behavioral techniques used in CBT?
- Role rehearsal
- Skills training
- Problem solving
- Homework assignments
What does Beckian CBT do especially well?
Preventing relapse because client has learned skills and is able to identify irrational thinking.
What is the RET casual sequence after treatment?
Activating event, belief system, emotional consequence, dispute, new effect or philosophy. (ABCDE).
How effective is RET? And what are the criticisms?
- Good for mild-moderate anxiety, anger, shyness.
- Criticized for not reporting drop-out rates.
What is the Beckian casual sequence?
Negative childhood experience, negative schema (belief system), (activated by a negative life event), negative automatic thoughts, depressed mood.
What is the principle that Beck extended his model based on?
Cognitive specificity ie different mental disorders have different schema.