Chapter 12 Flashcards
What is Alogia?
Speaking less than do most other people. They will take a while to muster the mental effort necessary to respond to a question.
Those with schizophrenia have cognitive difficulties how?
Sustaining and focusing attention.
Research has found that the underlying causes of auditory hallucinations is…?
They have difficulty distinguishing between verbal info that is internally generated and verbal info that is externally generated. They may also mis-attribute they’re thoughts to other people.
Difficulties in attention may show an impairment of what?
Working memory. - they do not organize info efficiently.
What is the Deficit subtype of schizophrenia?
Severe neurocognitive deficits in attention, memory, and exec. Functioning as well as the pos. and neg. sxs that are the manifestations of these deficits.
What is the prognosis of non-deficit pxs compared to deficit ones?
Non-deficit pxs have a better prognosis.
What is the non-deficit subtype of schizophrenia?
Has pos. sxs in conjunction with relatively intact cognitive functioning.
Pxs with the deficit subtype are thought to be impaired in part because…
Parts of their brain do not work together properly. They also have abnormalities In their white matter (connects brain areas).
Explain the Cognitive deficits seen in schizophrenia?
They endure over time. They set the stage for the disorder, but do not cause it.
What is Schizophreniform Disorder?
Diagnosis given when a person’s sxs meet all the criteria for schizophrenia except that sxs have been present for 1-6 months. In addition, daily fxn may or may not have declined over that period of time.
When does Schizophreniform Dx become Schizophrenia?
If the sxs persist for more than 6 months (and daily fxn has significantly declined).
What is Brief Psychotic Disorder?
Sudden onset of hallucinations, delusions, or disorganized speech or behavior that last between 1 day and 1 month and are followed by full recovery. No neg. sxs can be present during episode.
How else is Brief Psychotic Disorder characterized?
Intense emotional episodes and confusion, during which the px may be so disoriented that he or she cannot fx safely and independently. Have increased risk for suicide.
What is the prognosis for Brief Psychotic Disorder?
Once recovered, they have a good prognosis for full recovery.
What is Delusional Disorder?
Only symptom is delusional beliefs that has persisted for at least 1 month.
What are the five types of delusions found in delusional disorder?
Erotomanic, Grandiose, Persecutory, somatic, jealous.
What is a Erotomanic delusion?
The belief that someone is in love with the patient. Usually focuses on romantic or spiritual Union rather than sexual attraction.
What is a jealous delusion?
The belief that the pxs romantic partner is unfaithful. This is based on tiny amounts of evidence, such as the partner’s arriving home a few minutes late.
Prevelance of Schizoprenia
1% of population.
Comorbidity of Schitzoprenia
90% suffer another psych. Dx. Most are substance related, mood, anxiety.
Gender differences of Schizophrenia
1.4 men to 1 women. Women generally function at higher levels before illness develops. Women have fewer neg. sxs. And women develop the disorder later.
Culture differences in Schizoprenia?
More common among people in rural areas and lower ses.
Prognosis of schizophrenia.
1/3 improve significantly. 1/3 stay the same. 1/3 become chronically and severely disabled. 10-15% die by suicide. Those with paranoid are at higher risk.
What are the brain structures involved in schizophrenia.
Enlarged ventricles. Impaired Frontal lobe. Smaller hippocampus. Decreased size of temporal lobe and thalamus.
Brain Interactions in schizophrenia.
Disrupted interactions among frontal lobes, thalamus, and the cerebellum. Thalamus fails to screen out sensory info which overwhelms subsequent processing.