Chapter One Flashcards
Resistant/anxious Attachment
Become angry when mother leaves and remain angry upon return. Sometimes even hitting her. (Associated with mental disorder later in life)
Secure Attachment
Upset when mother leaves but quickly calm down upon her return.
Avoidant Attachment
No change in their emotions based on mothers presence or absence. (More likely to develop psych disorders).
Disorganized Attachment
Exhibit a combination of resistant and avoidant styles and also appear confused or fearful with their mother. (More likely to end up with psych disorder.)
According to psychoanalytic theory, a pattern of thoughts, feelings, or behaviors, that expresses an unresolved conflict between the ego and the id or between the ego and superego.
Psychosis (to frued)
A break from reality characterized by conflict between the egos view of reality and reality itself.
Mental processes (psychoanalytic)
The internal operations that underlie cognitive and emotional functions (such as perception, memory, and guilt feelings) and most human behavior.
Mental Contents (psychoanalytic)
The specific material that is stored in the mind and operated on by mental processes.
Persistent false beliefs that are held despite evidence that the beliefs are incorrect or exaggerate reality.
An impaired ability to perceive reality to the extent that normal functioning is difficult or not possible. The 2 types of psychotic symptoms are hallucinations and delusion.
Psychological disorder
A pattern of thoughts, feeling, or behaviors that causes significant personal DISTRESS, significant IMPAIRMENT in daily life, and/or significant RISK OF HARM, any of which is UNUSUAL for the context and culture in which it arises.