Lecture 4 - Vasculature of the Lower Limb Flashcards
Which arteries branch from abdominal aorta?
the right and left common iliac arteries emerge from the distal end of the abdominal aorta.
The common iliac artery further divides into the internal and external iliac arteries
What are the three branches of the internal iliac artery?
the internal iliac artery gives rise to three brances that supple the lower extremity, they are:
obturator artery
superior gluteal artery
inferior gluteal artery
Obturator Artery
the acetabular branch provides an artery to the head of the femur through the ligamentum teres
superior gluteal artery
supplies gluteal muscles
inferior gluteal artery
sends branches to the gluteus maximus and muscles that attach to the ischial tuberosity
what is a common site for intramuscular injections?
the gluteal region
When performing an intermuscular injection of the gluteal region what 5 structures must be avoided?
superior gluteal artery and nerve
inferior gluteal artery and nerve
and the sciatic nerve
make a line b/w PSIS and greater trochanter, inject superiorly and laterally to this line and you’ll avoid these structures
Femoral Artery
the internal iliac artery becomes the femoral artery when it passes under the inguinal ligament.
- passes through the femoral triangle and down the anterior thigh
- penetrates adductor hiatus to enter the posterior aspect of the thigh
- becomes the popliteal artery
What are the branches off of the femoral artery?
superficial epigastric arteries profunda femoris (deep femoral artery) external pudendal artery
superficial epigastric arteries
run subcutaneously and superiorly towards umbilicus
profunda femoris (deep femoral artery)
descends to supply much of the adductor compartment
external pudendal artery
runs medially over spermatic cord (males) or round ligament of the uterus (females) to supply external genetalia
Lateral and Medial femoral circumflex arteries
both the lateral and medial femoral circumflex arteries can arise from either the femoral or deep femoral artery
Which circumflex artery is the most important?
the medial femoral circumflex artery is the most important bc it supplies most of the blood for the head and neck of the femur. The lack of blood supply to this area puts the femoral head at risk for avascular (ischemic) necrosis after injury
Once the femoral artery passes through the adductor hiatus it becomes?
the popliteal artery