Lecture 1 - Pelvis and Hip Flashcards
What movements do the hips perform?
extension, flexion, abduction, adduction, medial and lateral rotation
The hip bone is also called?
os coxae & the innominate (“unnamed”) bone
What are the three parts of the coxal bone?
ilium, ischium and pubis - these fuse at the acetabulum
Obturator Foramen is formed by?
Conjuction of ischium and pubis
What makes up the pelvis and what are the three articulations formed?
The pelvis is the bony ring made up by the two os coxae and the sacrum.
The three articulations found within this ring are the
-two sacroiliac joints
-pubic symphysis
What forms the sacroiliac joint?
auricular surfaces of ilium and sacrum form synovial part of the SI joint
What type of joint in the sacroiliac joint?
The sacroiliac joint is actually 2 types of joints:
A synovial joint inferiorly and a syndesmosis joint posteriosuperiorly
What can occur with the sacroiliac joint with age?
It may undergo stenosis (ossify)
Sacroiliac Ligaments?
Ventral and Dorsal Sacroiliac
-thickened regions of the SI joint capsule
-from iliac crest to TVP of L5
Interosseus sacroiliac
-syndesmotic portion of the joint (fibrous) between the iliac tuberosity and sacrum
-sacrum to ischial tuberosity
-sacrum to ischial spine, which forms the greater and lesser sciatic foramina
What limitations does the iliolumbar ligament create?
limits rotation and anterior gliding of L5 in relation to the sacrum.
limits side-bending of L5 in relation to the pelvis.
The interosseus ligaments provide stability to the sacrum, how?
downward compression of the sacrum, due to the weight of the upper body cause the interosseus ligaments to pull the ilium bones together to tighten the joint.
Anterior sacral rotation is limited by which ligaments?
interosseus sacroiliac
What is nutation?
Nutation is rotation or tilting of sacrum around axis through interosseus ligaments (horizontal axis - 2nd sacral segment)
Nutation brings the iliac crests together and the ischial tuberosities further apart - this increases the size of the pelvic outlet
Anterior Nutation?
Promontory moves interior and anterior
Coccyx moves superior and posterior
-occurs during birth
(“Nutation” - generally refers to Anterior)
Posterior Nutation?
“Counter nutation” - oppositve of Anterior Nutation
Promontoy moves posterior and superior
Coccyx moves interior and anterior
Intertrochanteric line
separates the neck from the shaft of the femur, anteriorly.
Linea aspera
Ridge on posterior aspect of the femural shaft
Adductor tubercle
small prominence at superior part of the medical epicondyle (tagged on lab exams)
What type of joint is the hip joint?
The hip joint is a ball and socket synovial joint between the head of the femur and the acetabulum of the coxal bone
What connects the hip joint?
Transverse acetabular lig and acetabular labrum (c-shaped cartilage lining) - enlarges the articular surface
Ligamentum teres or ligament of femoral head - from head to transverse acetabular ligament
What are the 3 main ligaments that make up the main stabilizers of the hip joint? What are their actions?
Iliofemoral (the Y ligament of Bigalow) - limits hypertension of femur
Ischiofemoral - reinforces hip capsule posteriorly
Pubofemoral - reinforces hip capsule inferiorly