Lecture 4 Flashcards
What are the purposes of psychological testing?
- Classification
- Diagnosis/treatment planning
- Research
- Program evaluation
- Coaching/training
- Legal applications
What are the four types of psychological tests?
- Intelligence tests
- Personality tests
- Interest tests
- Aptitude tests
What kinds of intelligence tests are there?
- Individually administered tests (e.g. Stanford-Binet IV, Wechsler Scales (WAIS, WISC), etc.)
- Group administered tests (e.g. Raven’s)
- Neuropsychological assessments
What kinds of personality tests are there?
- Broad omnibus tests (e.g. NEO-PI-R)
- Specific tests (e.g. SHL “Wave”, OPQ)
- Related tests (e.g. Attitudes, intentions; well-being; state emotion; integrity tests)
What are the 4 individually administered intelligence test batteries?
- Wechsler Scales
- Stanford-Binet V
- Woodcock-Johnson
- Kaufman Scales
What is the primary group the Stanford-Binet is used for?
What is the primary purpose of the Woodcock-Johnson?
Diagnosis (for special needs help or cognitive illness)
What is an important component of the Kaufman Scales?
Importance of rapport
What marked the beginning of intelligence testing?
The first Stanford-Binet test in 1905
What are the 10 subtests of Stanford-Binet 5?
o Nonverbal fluid reasoning o Nonverbal knowledge o Nonverbal quantitative reasoning o Nonverbal visual-spatial processing o Nonverbal working memory o Verbal fluid reasoning o Verbal knowledge o Verbal quantitative reasoning o Verbal visual-spatial processing o Verbal working memory
What are the 5 nonverbal IQ subtests of Stanford-Binet 5?
o Nonverbal fluid reasoning o Nonverbal knowledge o Nonverbal quantitative reasoning o Nonverbal visual-spatial processing o Nonverbal working memory
What are the 5 verbal IQ subtests of Stanford-Binet 5?
o Verbal fluid reasoning o Verbal knowledge o Verbal quantitative reasoning o Verbal visual-spatial processing o Verbal working memory
What are group administered intelligence/aptitude tests generally used for?
High-stakes selection
What are some group administered intelligence/aptitude tests?
- ASVAB (Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery), TOEFL, GAMSAT, UMAT
- Various intelligence tests commonly used for job selection (Ravens, SHL)
What is an example of an interest test?
Holland’s Vocational Interest Model