Lecture 4/5: Protists Flashcards
Antoni van Leeuwenhoek
- developed hand held microscope
- allowed to view entire new biosphere previously hidden
- viewed a diverse group of unicellular organisms
What are protists classified as?
eukaryotes (mostly single-celled)
What do eukaryotes have that prokaryotes (archaea and bacteria) don’t?
A nucleus enclosed within the nuclear membrane
Is it true that some protists are more closely related to plants/fungi/animals than other protists?
Yes, True
Biologists now only use the term protists to refer to…
eukaryotes that aren’t plants/fungi/animals
What’s the diversity of protists?
- very difficult to give key traits to protists, b/c so diverse
- most are unicellular but still some colonial/multicellular species
- single celled protist are considered the simplest eukaryotes, yet their internal cellular level are very complex
What are some styles of acquiring nutrition that protists use? (Photoautotrophs, Heterotrophs, Mixotrophs)
-> use photosynthesis
-> absorb organic molecules, ingest larger food particles
-> use both photosynthesis and heterotrophic nutrition
Photosynthesis rundown / eqn
- organism uses light energy to convert carbon dioxide and water into carbohydrates and oxygen
- needed for carbon fixation
CO2 + H2O + light energy -> carbohydrate + O2
Explain Carbon fixation
process of when carbon dioxide is converted into sugars
Have protists always been able to photosynthesize?
No, they developed it. It is a process that has been passed around organisms during the diversification of eukaryotes
What bacteria was the first to use oxygenic photosynthesis?
Explain endosymbiotic theory (simple)
- theory explains how eukaryotes evolved
- suggesting that some of the cell’s organelles (mitochondria and chloroplasts) were once free-living
- but then, these organelles were swallowed/entered into larger cells
- instead of being digested, they underwent symbiosis, where the organelle provided energy and the host cell provided protection
- over millions of years these bacteria became permanent parts of the cell
- supported by the fact that mito and chloro have their own DNA and reproduce independently within the cell
Protists live in almost any environment that contains…
liquid water
What eukaryotic organism shares traits from both plants and animals?
Where could I find a Euglenoid?
fresh water ponds, soil, ditches (can only see with a microscope)