Lecture 4 Flashcards
What is Piaget’s Theory ?
the theory which posits that cognitive development involves a sequence of four stages that are constructed through the processes of assimilation, accomidation, and equilibrium
What is assimilation ?
the process by which people incorporate incoming information into concpets they already understand
What is accomidation?
the process by which people improve thier current understadning in response to their new experiences
What is equilibrium ?
the process by which people balance assimilation and accomadation to create stable understanding
What is the sensorimotor stage ?
infant’s intelligence is expressed through their sensory and motor abilities
What is object permanence ?
the knowledge that objects continue to exist even when they are out of view
What is the A-not-B error ?
the tendency to reach for a hidden object where it was last found rather than in the new location where it was last hidden
What is deferred imitation ?
the repetition of other’s people’s behaviour minutes, hours, or even days after it occured
What is the preoperational stage ?
toddlers and preschoolers become able to represent their experiences in language, mental images, and symbolic thought
What is symbolic representation ?
the use of one object, word, or thought to stand for another
What is egocentrism ?
perceiving the world solely from one’s own point of view
What is centration ?
often focus on a single, perceptually striking featrue of an object or event to the exclusion of other relevant features
What is the conservation concept ?
changing the appearnace or arrangement of objects does not necessarily change other key properties
What is the concrete operational stage ?
children can reason logically about concrete objects and events
What is the formal operational stage ?
adolescents and adults can think deeply not only about concrete events but also about abstractions and purely hypotehtical situations
What is guided participation ?
a process in which more knowledgeable individuals organize activites in ways that allaw less knowledgeable people to perform the activity at a higher level than they could manage on their own
what is social scaffolding ?
a process through which adults and others with greater expertise organize the physical and social environment to help children learn
what are cultural tools ?
symbol systems, manufactured objects, skills, values, and the many other ways in which culture infleucnes our thinking
What is private speech ?
they tell themselves aloud what to do, much as thier parents might have done earlier
What is analogical problem solving ?
a process in which experience with previously encountered problems is applied to new ones
What is intersubjectivity ?
the mutual understanding that people share during conversation
What is joint attention ?
infants and thier social partners intentionally focus on a common referent in the external environment