Lecture 35 - Upper Respiratory Tract Flashcards
Understand the organization of the upper respiratory tract into nasal and oral cavities, the larynx and the pharynx
These structures collectively facilitate the initial processes of breathing, including air filtration, humidification, and warming, as well as serving as a passageway for air and food. The larynx has the additional function of voice production and protecting the lower respiratory tract from foreign materials
Nasal septum
Divides nasal cavity into left and right sides
Provides structural support and helps separate airflow into two parallel stream, allowing for more efficient air passage and distribution.
Nasal conchae (turbinates)
Bone structures that are covered with mucous membrane that protrude into nasal cavity.
There are three pairs: superior, inferior and middle
They function to increase SA, create turbulence (enhances process of air warming and humifying) and nasal resonance
mucus membrane
Lines entire nasal cavity and contains specialised cells i.e. goblet cells
Secretes mucus and lined with cilia which help traps particles
blood vessels
Nasal cavity is richly supplied with blood vessels
Function to help regulate temperature of incoming air
olfactory epithelium
Located in superior part of nasal cavity and contains specialised cells for sense of smell
Responsible for detecting and identifying various odours in the air
paranasal sinuses
Function to lighten the skull, enhance voice resonance and produce mucus that drains into the nasal cavity
Explain the key features and clinical problems related to the paranasal sinuses
o Four groups of paranasal sinuses
Ethmoid, frontal, sphenoid, maxillary
o sinusitis = inflammation
o Sinus polyps = noncancerous growths that can develop in the sinuses and nasal passages which can obstruct airflow
List the main features of the oral cavity, including the tongue and teeth
lips and cheek
soft palate
hard palate
salivary glands
hard palate
Bony front portion of roof of mouth
soft palate
Muscular, flexible part behind hard palate
Muscular organ located on floor of oral cavity
Covered with papilla which contain taste buds
Incisors, canines, premolars and molar (+wisdom)
Usually 32 teeth in adult
salivary glands
Contain enzymes that help begin processes of food breakdown
Small, fleshy, conical structure that hangs from soft palate
Thought to play. Role in speech and swallowing
Lymphoid tissues located in lateral walls of oral cavity and part of immune system
Describe the organization and main features of the larynx
o Cartilages = larynx has multiple i.e. thyroid cartilage, cricoid cartilage, arytenoid cartilages and epiglottis
o Vocal cords = two pairs true (vocal folds) and false (vestibular folds)
o Glottis = opening between vocal cords
explain the function of the vocal ligament in breathing and phonation
o breathing
o phonation (sound production)
o vocal ligaments need to be adducted for phonation and abducted for breathing
o Located in uppermost part of pharynx, behind nasal cavity and above soft palate
o Contains adenoids (tonsils) and opening of the eustachian tubes (help equalize air pressure in middle ear and drain fluids from the ear)
o Located behind oral cavity and extends from soft palate to upper part of epiglottis
o Contains palatine tonsils, lingual tonsil, palatoglossal and palatopharyngeal arches, opening of the eustachian tubes.
o Located at lowest part of pharynx, extending from the upper border of epiglottis to the oesophagus and larynx
o Contains epiglottis
functions of pharaynx
Swallowing, respiration and sounds production