Lecture 30- intro to Mental Health Flashcards
Whats Taha tinana?
physical health
Whats Taha hinengaro
mental health
Whats Taha wairua
Taha wairua (spirituality)
Whats Taha whanau?
Taha whānau (social relationships)
Whats Whenua?
connection with the land or environment
Whats Resilience?
Resilience is the ability to spring back from and successfully adapt to the ongoing demands and challenges of life.
Define Mental health illness
illness or disorder that negatively impacts on way a person;
* Feels
* Behaves towards themselves or others
Mental health illness develops when these difficult experiences or feelings go on for a long time and affect our ability to enjoy and live our lives in the way we want to. You might receive a specific diagnosis from your doctor, or just feel more generally that you are experiencing poor mental health.
Define Mental wellbeing (also known as ‘positive mental health)
Mental wellbeing is more than the absence of mental illness and it is more than feeling happy.
Someone with positive mental health and high wellbeing is feeling good, functioning well, has satisfaction with life, is developing as a person, and has strong relationships.
What are the four dimensions of mental health?
Flourishing, Languishing, lack of mental illness and mental illness.
Define mental health
a person’s condition with regard to their psychological and emotional well-being.
A state of well-being in which an individual realizes his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and is able to make a contribution to his or her community.
Define poor mental health
Poor mental health is a state of low mental wellbeing where your ability to cope with the day-today pressures of life, work productively or contribute to a community are impaired.
A person’s ability to realise their potential is hampered because of impacts on their emotions and thinking, and in turn their behaviours.
Can you have poor mental health without having a mental illness?
Define flourishing
Positive emotion, engaged, emotionally stable, energetic, optimistic, resilient, good self-esteem, competent, sense of meaning and positive relationships.
Define languishing
A hollow or empty life, negative frequent low mood, disengaged, emotional instability, sluggish, pessimistic, low self-esteem, poor competence, lack of meaning/ directionless, and dysfunctional relationships.
What percent of New Zealanders are flourishing
What percent of New Zealanders are doing ok but could be better?
What percent of New Zealanders are languishing?
What percent of New Zealanders are experiencing mental illness right now
What influences our mental wellbeing?
And Environmental Factors
What are the 4 influences of mental health Dahlgren & Whitehead Model (1991)
1) Socioeconomic status, culture & environmental conditions.
2) living and working conditions
3) Social and community networks
4) individual lifestyle factor