Lecture 21- School years (5 - 11 years) Flashcards
What age must children attend school in NZ?
Six to 16
How much does weight and hieght increase for school children per year?
Weight increases by 1.4 to 2.7kg a year.
Height increases by 5.1 to 7.6cm a year.
What physical development occurs in school years?
The brain reaches 90 - 95% of adult size & the nervous system almost completely matures.
Gross motor, fine motor and perceptual skills continue to be practiced and refined. For example a five year old who can hold a pencil and print short words will have the ability to write in script and sentences by age 11.
Sexual organs grow but remain dormant until hormonal changes begin late in this time period.
By age 12 all permanent teeth are present (except the second and third molars).
What is the developmental theory ecological transition?
Regardless of age, children undergo a major change known as an ‘ecological transition’ in their life when they go to school. Ecological transition occurs when a person’s position in their ecological environment is altered as a result of a change in role, setting or both. Such change brings about many challenges for the child and their family.
What can occur if ecological transition causes harm to the child?
These reactions may include separation anxiety and fear of the loss of the primary caregiver. Children may start worrying and develop irrational fears, take things out of context, or fret about overheard conversations. Children may lapse into babyish and attention seeking behaviour and show signs of behavioural regression - examples may include losing control of toileting during the day and bed wetting at night.
What age does Piaget’s Concrete operational stage occur?
Piaget’s Concrete operational stage encompasses the ages 7 to 11 years.
What is Piaget’s Concrete operational stage?
Ages 7 to 11
Logical thinking develops as does an understanding of reversibility. Children of this age develop beyond previous egocentricity and begin to understand the perspective of others.
‘Concrete’ thinking, struggles with ‘abstract’ concepts
* Becoming more logical, becoming ‘problem solvers’
* Use inductive reasoning to solve new problems
* Develops concepts of mass, volume, weight, measurement.
* Can relate concepts & compare events
* Develops classification systems
* Understand reversal of events
* Becoming less egocentric
What does 4. Erikson’s Industry versus inferiority suggest?
In this stage of development children are focused on learning useful skills. The accomplishment of such learning is satisfying and and is often rewarded with positive recognition. A sense of identity begins to emerge. However, if not accepted by peers or if the child has a sense of not meeting parental expectations, a feeling of inferiority and a lack of self-worth can develop.