Lecture 3 - Urogenital system, udder examination Flashcards
goal cow gestation duration in days
283 days
(9 months 12 days)
calving interval
1 year
what is the “service period”
the period between date of calving
and date of successful conception
a cow should be pregnant within how many days of previous calving?
within 82 days
uterine involution is usually complete by how many days after calving?
40 days
Examination of the female genital organs includes what 4 things
- External examination of the female genital system
- Rectal examination
- Vaginal examination
- Potential further diagnostic tests
Clear tacky vaginal discharge in cows is a sign of?
Dark, red watery discharge in cows is a sign of?
48h after heat
lochia lasts for how long after calving
7-10 days
white discharge in cows is a sign of?
chronic problems of the uterus
Foul smelling, brown/red discharge in cows is a sign of?
acute infection of the uterus (inflammation)/ pyometra
fetal membranes are described as retained if they remain how long after calving
if they take longer than 24 hours to fall
Sinking of the anus in anterior direction/ The upper comissure of vulva is dragged forwards → distortion of
the vulva → fecal contamination may be seen in?
older cows (+ some breeds Charolais)
Rectal examination allows assessment of?
Placement, size and condition of
* Cervix
* Uterine body and horns
* Ovaries
* Palpable from 6 weeks
Involution of uterus after calving
In older animals a part of/the whole uterus may hang over the pelvic brim (assessment via rectum) - in this case you may…
Attempt to retract the uterus into the pelvis (pull the intercornual ligament or scoop the whole uterus back to pelvis)
size of cervix in heifers?
older cows?
Heifers 2cm width + 4cm length,
older cows 4-5cm width + 8cm length
Just before and after calving the cervix feels softer to touch and is enlarged.
purpose of Broad ligament
Supports the genital tract, attached to pelvis on both sides
Main source of blood for the uterus
Middle uterine artery
Arises from the internal iliac artery.
The blood flow increases greatly as pregnancy progresses so that At 5months of pregnancy a turbulent flow is usually palpable within the middle uterine artery on the pregnant side of the uterus, towards the end on both sides.
Uterus feels much softer and slightly wider than the cervix during which phase of estrus
The uterine horns in heifers → same size, 2cm wide.
Older animals → difference of size because of earlier pregnancies.
uterus feels Turgid and tightly coiled during which phase of estrus
during estrus
location of ovaries upon rectal exam
Located on the pelvic floor approximately at the level of uterine body-horn junction
- Left ovary may have slipped
under the anterior border of the
broad ligament (cause of the rumen)
size of inactive and active ovaries
inactive ovaries are 1-1,5cm Ø
Active ovaries are 2,5-3cm Ø
describe follicles upon palpation
Fluid filled and readily compressible structure.
- Smooth surface, often rising above the ovarian surface
- More than one follicle may be present → mature follicle is up to 2cm Ø, soft to touch
describe corpus luteum upon palpation
Firm and non-compressible to the touch ”a mushroom”
describe cysts upon palpation
Cystic ovarian disease
* Common, usually one ovary is
* Size greater than 2,5cm Ø
Luteal cyst
* Symptoms – anoestrus, signs of virilism
* Thick wall, progesterone is secreted
Rectal examination - ultrasound enables pregnancy diagnosis from what day
At 25 days (necessary to check again 45-75 days)
Viability of the fetus – heartbeats, movements.
In later pregnancy only fluid and cotyledons
When fully dilated, what cannot be distinguished from the vagina/uterus
the cervix
The vaginal lumen should be
clean and empty, any contents may
be pathological
A female twin to a male calf is called a
May have a prominent clitoris, always has
shortened vagina and no cervix → cannot
be inseminated. Sterile.
Hydrops allantois refers to
refer to the pathologic accumulation of excessive fetal fluid within the allantoic compartment of the placenta.
the allantois is one of the fetal membranes, and is part of and forms an axis for the development of the umbilical cord.
Seen in later pregnancy.
* Cow in poor condition, severe abdominal distension because of excess fluid in the uterus
* Calf is small, numerous small accessory
Hydrops amnion is
an accumulation of excessive fluid in the amnionic space.
Seen from 6 months of pregnancy.
* Cow in good condition, normal cotyledons
* Calf palpable, often with cleft palate
age of puberty for bulls?
when are they used for breeding?
Puberty at (4…6…) 9 months,
used as breeding bulls usually after 18 months
Scrotal circumference at the largest point should be approx.
The pointed anterior tip of the penis can be palpated through
the preputial skin 10cm or more caudal to the preputial orifice
penile sigmoid flexure may be palpated where
caudal to the scrotum
location of left kidney in bovine
Left kidney lies beneath 3.-5. lumbar vertebrae, suspended in a fold of mesentery (distended rumen pushes it to the midline).
left kidney palpable per rectum
location of right kidney in bovine
Right kidney lies beneath the are of 12th thoracic vertebrae – 3rd lumbar vertebrae.
bovine bladder upon Rectal examination
Empty bladder lies in the pelvis.
Distended bladder lies in the peritoneal cavity just anterior to the pelvic brim.
- Females – beneath uterus
- Males – beneath rectum
Rectal examination → tense, rounded
noteworthy anatomical feature in the context of bovine urinary catherization
Small blind suburethral diverticulum arising from the caudal border of the external urethral orifice (difficult to catheterise).
Urethral exam occurs how
In male cattle, the urethra is palpable per rectum →
firm, muscular tube Ø1,5cm
Note: Can’t catheterize (because of the
sigmoid flexure)
bovine urine ph
7-8 so slightly alkaline
Dysuria =
defined as the sensation of pain and/or burning, stinging, or itching of the urethra or urethral meatus associated with urination.
may be accompanied by frequent passage of small amounts of
some causes of proteinuria can be (4)
Proteinuria = presence of exessive protein in urine
- Causes: glomerulonephritis, renal infarction, nephrosis, amyloidosis
what is sulfonamide poisoning
Sulfonamides are the oldest and remain among the most widely used antibacterial agents in veterinary medicine, chiefly because of their low cost and relative efficacy in some common bacterial diseases.
can cause Haematuria in bovine
what are downer cows
A cow becomes recumbent when it is unable to stand. A recumbent cow is often described as being ‘down’ and when it has been recumbent for a prolonged period as a ‘downer cow’.
There are many causes of a downer cow, including: 1) Trauma at or after calving: Bone fracture or nerve paralysis.
ectopic ureter
A ureter that does not connect properly to the bladder and drains somewhere outside of the bladder is called an ectopic ureter.
Most common bovine urinary system diseases - kidneys
Haemoglobinuria due to babesiosis
in cattle uroliths are usually
calcium magnesium ammonium phosphate
Ca/P ratio should be what in the diet
Babesiosis in cattle
Ticks spread the disease
Clinical signs: pyrexia (43C), depression, anorexia, Haemoglobinuria, anemia
Examination of the mammary gland includes (3)
- Visual inspection
- Palpation
- Milk examination
most common pathogens to cause mastitis (4)
E. coli
Staph. aureus
Strep. agalactiae
Streptococcus uberis
California mastitis test (CMT) is used to
diagnose subclinical mastitis
Equal amount of milk and CMT liquid → the more viscous the mixture becomes, the greater is the somatic cell count (>200 000 somatic cells in milk – starts to coagulate)
Early in the course of the mastitis, approx. 24-36h before the rise in the SCC, there is
an increase in the sodium (Na) and chloride
(the Cl concentration increases the electric conductivity)
so electric conductivity of milk is used a a diagnostic tool for mastitis cases
SCC in mastitis
somatic cell count >200 000 → subclinical mastitis
SCC in chronic mastitis
somatic cell count > 250 000 3 months in a row
S. aureus often the cause
most common pathogenic causing summer mastitis
Trueperella pyogenes
Usually dry cows
Severe suppurative mastitis, severe systematic symptoms, permanent damage to udder tissue
Most common type of udder ligament rupture is
The medial ligament rupture
Results in lateral displacement of the right and left halves of the distal udder
* Teats splaying outwards
Intertrigo is
is a superficial inflammatory skin condition of the skin’s flexural surfaces, prompted or irritated by warm temperatures, friction, moisture, maceration, and poor ventilation.
so inflammation of the folds between two halves of udder or between udder and leg
Teat conditions caused by milking (3)
swollen teats
Diseases of the teats causing vesicles (4)
Bovine herpes mammilitis
Foot and mouth disease (NOT IN ESTONIA)
All are zoonoses except bovine herpes virus.
Which mastitis pathogens are spread mainly in manure, bedding and feed?
E.coli and Klebsiella
Which heat sign is most accurate?
standing reflex
What is causing the teat hyperkeratosis?
milk machine faults