Lecture 3- Theories of Gender Identity & Gender Role Development Flashcards
How many genes does it take to make a person biologically male rather than biologically female?
a) Just the gene for testosterone.
b) Principally the SRY gene which is found on the Y-chromosome.
c) Principally the gene SRY gene which is found on the X-chromosome.
d) All the genes on the Y chromosome
Which of these two statements is correct. Statement 1: Gender identity is about gendered behaviour. Statement 2: According to behaviourism, gender identity is central to gender role development.
a) Both 1 and 2
b) 1 only
c) 2 only
d) Neither 1 nor 2
Why is the development of Gender Identity so important in Social Learning Theory?
a) Gender Identity determines whether a child plays with boys or girls.
b) Gender Identity determines whether a child chooses to imitated male or female role models.
c) Gender Identity determines which behaviours are reinforced and punished.
d) Gender Identity determines sexual orientation.
According to Kohlberg’s theory of gender develop, which of these two statements is correct. Statement 1: Gender identity is a representation; 2: Gender stability is achieved after gender constancy.
a) Both 1 and 2
b) 1 only
c) 2 only
d) Neither 1 nor 2
According to Kohlberg’s theory of gender development, children start to exhibit gender-typical behaviour when…
a) they realise that their own gender identity cannot change.
b) they realise that they have a gender.
c) they reach the Gender Identity Stage.
d) they reach the Gender Constancy Stage
According to Triver’s (1972) Parental Investment…
a) Women have a lower sex drive than men.
b) Men are unable to determine a woman’s fitness.
c) Women usually invest more than men in caring for children as adolescents.
d) Women select a mate carefully because they can only have a small number of offspring.
what do each cells contain?
chromosome= mix of DNA and protein
State the importance of SRY gene
a gene on the Y chromosome that makes you make, makes testosterone, male autonomy, male brain
How does the brain become masculinized?
testosterone and aromatisation of oestrogen
How is the brain feminised?
absence of androgen production
Sate the difference between male and female brain
1) more between network connectivity
2) More grey matter density
3) more grey matter volume
1) more within-network connectivity
What is the behaviourist take on gender?
1) Skinner- shaped by operant conditioning= repeated behaviour which meet with other’s approval
2) reduce behaviour that meets with others disapproval
3) conditioning drives us towards gender-typical behaviour
4) child has no control over their behaviour
5) gender identity is irrelevant- something we learn
What does the Social Learning theory state about gender?
1) learn gender identity first and then build on it
2) use gender identity to copy others (make observations)
3) choose identity
What does the Social Cognitive theory state about gender?
1) Child constructs old understanding through active interaction- active role
2) self-socialization- construct gender identity
3) Peer socialization- segregate same-gender children and construct roles together
4) gender identity is crucial as gender roles are constructed on these foundations
What is Kohlberg’s theory?
3 stages
1) Gender identity (2.5 years)
2) Gender stability (3 - 4 yrs)
3) Gender constancy (7 yrs)