Lecture 3: School Based Therapy and IDEA Flashcards
IDEA: The individuals with disabilities education act (IDEA) is a federal law, with state education agency oversight, that supports the provision of public education for all children - regardless of the natural or severity of their disability
IDEA ensures that all children with disabilities have available to them a free appropate public education that emphasizes special education and releated services designed to mett their unoque needs and prepare them for further education, employment, and independent living.
In 1997 the education for all handicapped childrens act became the individuals with disabilities education act. president clinton reauthoried IDEA with several key amendenments that emphasized provinding all students with access to the same curriculum
in 2004 congress amnded IDEA by calling for early intervention for students, greater acountability and improved educational outcomes, and raised the standards for instructors who teach special education classes
before 1975 did the schools have a legal obligation to provide education if your child had a disability?
this is bad for non verbal kids that are perfectaly capaible of learning
What is part C of IDEA considered
* where do services occur
* How often is it reviewed and updated?
this is early education Early education
* so this is infants and toddlers up to age 3, with disabilities and their families reciebe early intervention services under IDEA part C
Individualized family service plan (IFSB): plan for the family
Foundation for a familys involvement with early intervention services
Services occur in natural setting - aka in the childs home or basically anywhere but a PT clinic
Takes into account childs present level of functioning and needs
reviewed every 6 months and updated at least yearly
What is part b of IDEA (individuals with disability education act)
* age
* what does it transfer from?
* part C comes with an individualzied family service plan, however, this plan transitions to a?
Special education and releated services under IDEA part B
Age 3-21
Part C to transition to B
* this transition starts 3 months before third birhday
Indiviidualized family service plan –> individual education plan
must occur before childs 3rd birthday
Coordinated by early intervention service providers.case manager in conjunction with district/school representative
Evaluation and eligibility evaluation under IDEA part B (the school one)
* this means if your child has a physical disability, but has no need for educational adaption (think making straight A’s in school). They do not qualify for an IED (individualized education plan)
* Child must have a defined comphrensive disability categories AND a need for specially designed insutrction, or special education - they basically have to fail to get services
disability categories below
OHI = other help impairment
the day they turn 6 they no longer have developmental delay
School is not required to except outside diagnosis by other medical providers. Meaning they won’t take outside paperwork lots of the time
Individualized Education Program:
Provides special education and releated services to a student who is identified as having a disability that negatively impacts thie ability to reciebe academic instruction
A student who recieves special education services is entitled to modification of curriculum, Classroom accommodations, specialized instruction, and releated services such as occupational therapy, PT, speech therapy and/or counseling
You cannot have releated services of PT/OT/Speech / counsiling unless you have an IEP. Meaning if your child needs releated services for a phsyical disability but doesnt have a learning disability than they cant get it at the school and needs to go outside the school to recieve this.
inclusion = in a regular education classrom
You can have an IEP and still get the same diploma
If child does not need education disability but has other problems (think more physical) thats when they get the 504 plan
* these are very common
* think kids that have ADHD, or kids that have autism but are super smart, kids with medical needs (even things like type 1 diabetes)
IEP Parts
Present levels of performance: Summary that describes current specific, measureable, objective baseline information for each area affected by the distability
Goals: Descriptions of what a student can reasonably be expected to accomplish within a 12 month period with the provision of special education services. Goals should be SMART: specific, measureable, achieveable results, time limited
Benchmark objects - think standrized tests
* benchmarks are major milestones that specify skill or performance levels a student needs to accomplish to reach his annual goal
objectives are measure, intermediate steps between a students PLP and the annual goals established for the student
Least restrictive environment: According to IDEA, IEPs should provide the greatest exposure to and interaction with general education students and person without disabilities
Assistive Technology: Every IEP must consider technology programs, services, or devices that a student must have to be successful
Description of special education services: Time, frequency, and any related services that student needs, and amounts of time these services will be provided. The amount of time and areas in which the student will be removed from genderal education setting identified.
it needs to be documented why they are pulled from regular classes
IEP Team - everyone needs to be present for it to be a legal meeting
Parent or guardian
At least one of the students general education teachers
At least one of the students special education teachers
A school district representative
An expert who can interpret the students evaluation results
Translator (if needed)
Anyone else parents wish is allowed
Questions to ask - as the PT
Is the student able to safely access their educational environment - can work on this
Are additional supports and equipment required for a student to safely access and participate within their educational environment
Does the student have mobility deficits that impact his or her ability to access the educaational environment and genreal curriculum
What is the students performance in comparision to same age peers
Dosage considerations:
* Participation restrictions
* Chronological age/readiness for skill acquisition
* impact of theapeutic intervention
* Support available at the school
* Tranisitions
* Expertise - is the teacher in the classroom going to be able to provide some of the services that are needed or does someone else need to be there
* Amount of Clinical Decision Making and Problem solving required
* Previous Therapy Health Condition
* Assitive Tech
but in releatly school decides dosage