Lecture 22: Standardized tests and measures Flashcards
imairement lvl = decreased flexion
function would be decreased elbow flexion not allowing them to eat
if given an age its for a reason
family functioning = what family wants
have to do an eval but need to get info w/ play
need to get info from family
daily activites and why they can do what they can do
devices and past devices
why are they here for PT
shows pain scales we use w/ kids
* use w/ conditions that have pain
posture = structural posture = muscle posture
* muscle imbalances can lead to poor posture
* lay them down where muscles are no longer working to dilinate between muscke and bony posture problem reasons
muscle strenghth in kids should be functional
mmt at ~3 or when they can follow directions
reasons we do pediatric standardized tests
want to see if they’re at risk for something
can predict later outcomes unless intervention is introduced
determmines if the introvention you’re already doing is working well
cons of standardized tesing
they take forever
these tests change so older might not have knowledge of these
these tests take training and theres to many to be trained on all of them
when we pick our tests
* going to need a standardized test on every kid
pick based on outcome u want
pick it if its for your specific pop
chacteristics of the kid
why you’re picking specific tests
based off family goals - if fam wants kids to walk pick one that has walking
age/dignosis - dont use tests where they wont show a change - think walkinging test for c4 sci
also do what your clinic wants you to use
tests to memorize
* timp
* pbody
* pdms
* bot
* gmfm
* pedi
icf model framework
impairment = decreased control of selective m function; increased resistance to movement
* think spasticity / hypertonicity
activity limitation = difficulty w/ independent mobility
we have a hard time getting them from activity to participation
* they can walk but are they walking
what is criteron refernce?
compares child to same childs performace over time
* gmfm, pedi
* more pass fail
what is norm referenced?
child is compared to peera at a specific point in time to determine performance
* “If you score this you’re at the 5th percentile”
* guves you a percent rank
pdms, bayley, bot
* must be standardized - meaning you must give it exactly as it is written
TEST how old do you have to be to do the pbody
* will be a question like “pt is this age what test should be administered
pbody 2 = on paper
pbody 3 = online
basal = bottom
6 subtests for pbody
under 11 months only score these
* score reflexes, stationary, locomotion
12m+ do all + object manip, grasping, visual motor integration
* and dont do reflexes
peabody test
on the test it tells you where to start the test based on the age of the child
* so if it says 36 months start at the 36 month mark
need to get 3 2’s in a row to get the basal score - need 3 2’s to enter the test. so essential you start the test at some point and keep going until they get 3 2’s in a row and then everything before that counts as a 2. so, if question 20 is where they start than everything before that is scored as a 2. if you get 0’s or 1’s you keep going backwards until you get 3 2’s in a row. you keep testing them until they get 2 0’s in a row. if they get 0,0,1 you keep going. once you get 0,0,0 you stop because that means they’re at their ceiling
* possible scores are 0,1,2
* 0 = cant do it
* 2 = do it at the set criteria
ceiling score = three 0’s in a row
pediatric evaluation of disability inventory (PEDI)
* age range?
6m-7 years
* however, can be used w/ children >7.5 w/ significant functional delay
pbody is the skill, the pedi is talking about self care, mobility, sociql function
3 domains
* self care
* mobility
* social function
* * 197 functional skills
structured interview
* parents or observation -so you’e asking if the parents if they can do specific functions
* 20-30 minutes
bruininks-oseretsky test of motor proficiency (BOT-2)
* test age
* 5 domains
age 4-21
* fine motor control
* manual coordination
* body coordinarion
* strength and agility
Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of motor proficiency (BOT3)
* age
age 4-26
can do it on pen and paper
which bot can you take when your older
bot 3