Lecture 1: Intro to Pediatrics Flashcards
What is the American with Disabilities Act?
Protection for all Americans regardless of age/gender
Serious disabilities used to be put away and did not recieve the services necessary to reach their potential
* created by world health organiaztion
* classification systems for health and disability
Originally in 1980 we had the internal classification of impairments, disabilities and handicaps and have now moved to ICF
Traditional classification systems focus on mortality; ICF focuses on life
What the ICF is trying to show is that “I dont have ankle DF, which means i dont have heel strike on initial contact, and if I don’t have heel strike on initial contact than maybe i dont have good push off that leads to being unable to have good toe off which could mean I’m not walking as fast. Well if I’m not walking as fast than functionally I cannot keep up with my peers.
* So it impliements how its functionally impacting the person
ICF is supposed to be gold standard, however, other systems are still implemented
* but we do tie it to goals in the clinic. “pt will be able to get 160 degrees of shoulder function so they can get things in the cabinet (we tied it to function which is essnetially to point of the ICF model)
Which model/system places mental disorders on par w/ physical illness?
ICF model
Which ICF component encompasses physiological functions of body systems (including psychological functions)
Body functions
Which ICF component encompasses anatomical parts of the body, such as organs, limbs, and their components
Body structures
Which ICF component encompasses problems in body function or structure, such as a significant deviation or loss
Which ICF component encompasses execution of a task or an action by an individual
Which ICF component encompasses involvement in a life situation?
Which ICF component encompasses difficulties an individual may have executing activtiies?
Activity limitations
Which ICF component encompasses problems an individual may experience in involvement in life situations
Participation restrictions
Which ICF component encompasses physical, social, and attinudinal environment in which people live and conduct their lives?
Environmental factors
KNOW: Just because someone can do an activity doesnt mean they participate in it. For instance maybe they can do it in the clinic, but there isnt carryover into their life at home.
Difference between Peds and adults
* congitive status
* communication
* interventions (add play)
If child comes in and says their elbow hurts, well i can rule out loads of other body parts immediately
shouldnt MMT under
Tests and measures that can be done
Sensory processing = cant handle touch, light, or sound
How often are reevals done on normal pt
every 10 visits
how often to reeval a pediatric pt
6 months
Interpret of results from tests and measures
* look at scores / everything else and find a diagnosis/prognsis/POC
Integration of subjective and objective data
determination of a diagnosis and progrnosis
development of POC
Synthesis of findings from hx/systems review/tests and measures
consideration of contextual factors
a twisting of the neck that causes the head to rotate and tilt at an odd angle.
common pediatric diagnosis