Lecture 3 Flashcards
‘Nekby, (2006)’
Found 72% of working-age foreigners leaving Sweden between 1991-2000 were returning home
‘Wahba, (2008)’
In OCED countries between 20-50% of immigrants left the destination country in 5 years of arrival
‘McKenzie et al., (2013)’
Found possible Tongan migrants to New Zealand underestimated their potential earnings (expected $227 less than actual values) and probability of employment (57% when actually 75%)
‘Yang, (2006)’
Defining the difference between life-cycle migrants and target earners and understand the decision of migrants regarding return migration in the Philippines after the natural experiment of the Asian Financial Crisis (1997) and the varying effect it had on exchange rates round the world in regard to the Philippine peso. Showed Philippine migrants are life-cycle migrants as a 10% increase in the exchange rate lead to the return rate decreasing by 1.4%
‘Wahba, (2015)’
Found Egyptian return migrants earned 16% more than non-migrants
‘Borjas and Bratsberg, (1996)’
Tested the assumption of return migration on immigrants into the US after 1970.
Increasing the share of the source countries population who migrates found selection patterns were diluted when immigrants positively selected but no effect when negatively selected.
Increasing the fraction immigrants who take part in return migration increase the average income when immigrants positively selected and decreases average income when immigrants are negatively selected.
‘Rooth and Saarela, (2007)’
Test of return migration from the initial migration flow of Finland to Sweden. Higher returns to skill in Finland and Finish migrants earned 12% less than non-migrants. Return migrants earned 10% more than permanent migrants.
‘Ramos, (1992)’
Tested for return migration from the initial flow of Puerto Rico to the US and found return migration of the Borjas model occurred.
‘Adda et al., (2015)’
Showed Turkish return migrants are much less likely to learn, read or feel German when living in Germany.
‘Dustmann and Gorlach, (2016)’
Showed OAP’s are very expensive in OCED countries they spend x6 on over 65’s than working individuals
‘Jansen and Piermartini, (2009)’
Looking at if temporary migrants affect the economic relationship between the origin and the host nation, through improving bilateral trade flows. Looking at temporay migrants into the US from 2000-2. Their disadvantage of minimal knowledge and experience in the host nation is compensated by the improved connections and knowledge of the source nation meaning overall they are more helpful than permanent migrants in import/export industries. Skill base has no effect on the influence of reducing transaction costs of trade.