Lecture 3 Flashcards
Liberal feminism core argument
o Core argument; functioning of the international relies on private division of labor. Mid 1980s, there were about 3000 military bases around the world. Unpaid domestic work of wives of military men contributed to assimilation of the base and furtherance of diplomatic interests and careers.
Key goal liberal feminism
o Key goal is making women visible. See the whole back story supporting traditional analysis of traditional military stuff.
Limits of liberal feminism
contains no critique of positivist foundation of realist theories. These theories tend to ignore the experiences of women, liberal feminism doesn’t criticize this. A second critique is “Add women and stir”? What does this liberal feminism imply concretely, what does paying attention mean? Liberal feminism also essentializes women’s identities. The idea that we need to pay attention to women and analyze their role it can reinforce the problematic thing in the first place which is treating women and men differently.
Standpoint feminism core argument
o Core argument; distinction between the international and the domestic relies on gendered assumption, tropes and metaphors. International is associated with = (strength, power autonomy, independence and rationality) Domestic is associated with = (weakness, naivete and irrationality. This has to with women’s role in the world).
Main goals standpoint feminism
o Main goals; to include women’s experiences to transform global politics and to understand history of exclusion and devalorization of women in global politics.
Implications standpoint feminism
o Implications; Behavior in the domestic and international sphere are inseparable, people operate in both areas (the brave citizen soldier abroad depends on idea of a vulnerable woman at home in need of protection). Identity therefore becomes important, forms of identity including gender influence behavior, stereotypes of masculinity influence behavior of male world leaders (inclusion of women’s views might lead to more peace). Gender equality is important, how does it influence security outcomes? Different behaviors in IR that we see can be affected by social relations and human insecurities often have gendered origins, only gender equality and a non gendered discipline can address them.
limitations standpoint feminism
Are there authentic female views and experiences across time, space and culture? Can there be truly a non gendered discipline?
Post structural feminism core argument
o Core argument; Our viewpoints are never neutral and always gendered, we always speak from dominant assumptions about what is masculine or feminine. Gendering (Assigning characteristics of masculinity and femininity to certain phenomena.) Sex is not the same as gender.
Main goals post structuralist feminism
o Main goals; break down or deconstruct gender categories, showing how gender and ex are socially constructed. Critically engage with consequences of gendered global politics, show how national security reproduces heirarchies and structural violence against which it claims to provide protection.
limitations post structuralist feminism
o Limitations; how can we pursue change if we cant speak for women? “To be unable to speak for women only further reinforces the voices of those who have constructed approaches to international relations out of experiences of men.” Tickner 1992.
Overview WPS agenda
o Women in armed conflict have specific experiences as observers and victims of violence and peace makers. Women as peace makers work across lines (coalitions across cultural and sectarian divides), act as honest brokers (seen as outside power structure), stage mass action (women’s groups), broaden the agenda (political, social economic and legal reforms) and aid post conflict recovery (monitoring peace process, reconciliation).
o Policies; UN security council resolution 1325 (2000) and resolutions 2122 (2013) and 2242 (2015).
Assessing WPS agenda
o Theoretical origins: liberal and standpoint feminism. Where are the women? Improve representation of women and women’s experiences can contribute to peace.
o Post structuralist critique; by making the resolution about women and not gender, we reproduce the sources of inequality, hierarchy and male dominance.
o Challenges are; securitizing women’s right and gaps in implementation.
Four pillars of wps agenda
Four pillars; prevention, participation, protection, relief and recovery.