Lecture 28- Cultural Psychology 1 Flashcards
Does cultural psychology fit nicely nested within social psychology?
No, in reality it is connected with a lot of different ideas + subfields (lots of overlap)
Who does cultural psychology apply to?
Everyone we are all influenced by culture it’s not just those on the outs with ‘distinctive’ culture i.e. being western is still a culture
What is the occlusion technique (use context of sport to explain)?
Show a participant a video Nadal serving and then stop it just before he hits the ball and ask expert/novice participant to try and anticipate the location of the serve.
If a difference in sporting ability i.e. elite athletes was just based on physical differences not perception what would we expect to find when using the occlusion technique?
- Everyone would receive the same input as would perceive the game/ thing in the same way
- Therefore, shouldn’t be a difference in the experts and novice’s anticipation of where the ball will end up
What was actually found in the handball occlusion study (Cocić, Vaci, Prieger, & Bilalić, 2021) ?
1. Individually, elite and novice participants watch a video of a player
shooting a goal in handball from the goalie’s point of view
2. The video is then stopped at one of three time points.
3. The participant must guess what part of the goal the attacking player is
going to throw the ball
At first time point both the athlete’s and novices were equally bad at predicting where the ball would go (low accuracy). At second time point however athlete’s were way better than novices. Then at third everyone pretty good (but athlete’s still better). This shows there is a difference in perception/ how they view the game between athlete’s and novices.
Why can athletes perceive information better?
Perceiving order allows elite athletes to extract critical information
• Make unconscious predictions about what will happen next
• Novices are looking at the correct area of the opponents body, they just didn’t
have the cognitive database needed to extract information from it
-same info= different thinking
Is sport the same as culture?
No: Each sport is determined by explicitly defined goals and boundaries according to a particular set of rules. These rules guide the behaviours of players and they become better when they learn/ follow these ‘rules’. Sports rules “limit” the complexity.
This provides a difference to culture where there is no rule book. We need to experience it for ourselves to understand/ get better.
What is the analogy between sport and culture?
They both change how we think, understand and behave in the world around us.
What does the study about who you would save in a fire (mother or spouse) by Wu et al. (2016) show? How does these findings differ between different age groups?
- For 19 year olds Taiwanese have clear preference for saving mum, American clear preference for saving spouse
- For older people (with spouses) there is still cultural difference but less pronounced in Taiwanese (i.e. more said they would save their spouse as opposed to before). And it was more extreme for Americans (more people who said they would save their mother swapped to saving their spouse).
What is the Wu et al. study an example of?
Cross-cultural methodology: participants differ in how they receive/ perceive the same input according to their culture
Typically Americans/ western cultures are more independent so would value mother less: grow independent from them. Whereas more Asian cultures are interdependent and would value mother more: wouldn’t have strayed so far
How is the occlusion technique and cross-cultural techniques different in methodology?
- For occlusion there is a ‘right’ answer
- There is not a right answer for the cross cultural differences
What is the definition of culture according to Markus & Conner, 2014)?
The distinctive customs, values, beliefs, knowledge, art, and language of a
society or a community. These learned values and concepts are passed on
from generation to generation, and they are the basis for everyday behaviors
and practices
What are the 3 key elements of cultural psychology definition from the APA?
- An extension of general psychology concerned with psychological processes
that are inherently organized by culture - There is a focus on explaining how human psychological functions (i.e.,
behaviour, emotions and cognition) are culturally influenced through various
forms of relations between people and their cultural contexts - An interdisciplinary field that relates most closely to cultural, social,
developmental, and cognitive issues.
How are cultural differences produced?
Dominant cultural social practice/norms which reinforce particular depictions of the self e.g. Independence/Interdependence
What are the two predictions of the affect valuation theory (Tsai, Knutson & Fung, 2006)?
- First prediction: Ideal affect is shaped by cultural factors
- Second Prediction: Differences in ideal affect will show up in behaviour