Lecture 27- Animal Adaptations III Flashcards
What problems do the brids and mammals face when they remain active throughout the winter?
- Must maintain narrow range of body temperatures needed to be maintain or you get denaturing of enzymes
- Maintain body temperature much higher than air temperature
- Must produce enough metabolic heat to offset to cold air
What is conduction?
Loss of heat through physically touching something (heat transferred to the ground)
What is convection?
Loss of heat to a water or a gas
What is radiation?
Heat that is always given off by some sort of heat source
What is Evaporation?
Transfer of liquid to a gas (occurs through respiration)
What are the four ways that contribute to energy loss?
- Conduction
- Convection
- Radiation
- Evaporation
How is heat loss from a small homeotherm?
- Losing heat from the core body
- Cant store heat in the body
- Conduction
- Convection
- Radiation
- Evaporation
What are some assumptions of heat loss?
- Latent heat exchange is small in most homeotherms
- Total heat loss from outer surface = heat conducted from the core of the animal to the outside surface
- Heat cannot be stored on the surface of animals
Describe total heat loss
- Total heat loss is a function of the conductivity of the general thermal conductivity and the surface area exposure, so how much of the animal is being exposed to heat loss to occur on
- Relationship between temperature gradient and distance between the core and the outside air
- How much distance does the thermal energy need to travel from the core
How to maintain a constant metabolic rate?
- Decreasing thermal conductivity
- Decreasing surface area exposed
- Increasing thickness of insulating layer
- Modifying microclimate
- Nightly state of torpor
- Solitary mammals can group together
How do you increase the thickness of insulating layer?
- Increasing distance to core
- Add fat
- Erection of hairs
- Fluffing of feathers (trapping air)
- Thicker hair
How do you modify the mciroclimate?
- Build nest of insulating materials or go underground where there’s less wind
- Reduces the different between body temperature and air temperature
Whats an example of mammals grouping together?
Beaver lodges can be 35C warmer than outside air temperature, muskrats live in the beaver lodges, they bring in food and share the food, its a symbiotic interaction
How to Taiga Wolves survive the winter?
- Nests of 5-10 taiga wolves
- Never completely vacated so foraging animals return to warm nests
- Animals also huddle in the nest
- Nests about 15-20cm underground
What is a subnivean environment?
Habitat under the snow where small mammals will live in winter