Lecture 22: The Gastrointestinal Tract Flashcards
Localisation of pain and embryological origin
- Pain arising from the foregut derivatives localised in the ____
- pain arising from midgut localises in the _____
- pain arising from hindgut derivatives localises in the ___
Localisation of pain and embryological origin
- Pain arising from the foregut derivatives localised in the __(epigastric region)
- pain arising from midgut localises in the ___(periumbilical region)
- pain arising from hindgut derivatives localises in the ___(hypo gastric region)
Adult hindgut derivatives
Slide 5 Supplied by inferior mesenteric artery -distal portion of transverse colon -descending colon -sigmoid colon -rectum Be able to label slide 5 -anal canal -epithelial of urinary bladder -most of uretha
Large intestine
- 5m long
- absorbs water and important ions from faeces
- compacts faeces for delivery to rectum
Teniae coli: 3 longitudinal bands of smooth muscle on colon surface
Haustra: sacculations of colon created by contracting taeniae coli
Omental appendices: small fat accumulations that hang from colon
-greater luminal diameter
Look at slide 9- memorise
Tell me about the teniae coli
- 3 longitudinal bands of smooth muscle
- originate at base of appendix
- broaden and terminate as a continuous layers around rectum
- tonic contraction causes sacculations known as “haustra”
- 5 x 7.5
- receives terminal portion of ileum
- inferior to ileocaecal junction
- continuous with ascending colon
- right iliac fossa > greater pelvis provides protection
Ascending colon
-ascends on right flank to reach liver
-bends into right colic (hepatic) flexure
-site of most of water reabsorption in large intestine
Slide 12
Transverse colon
-runs transversely from right to left hypochondrium
-attachement to posterior abdominal wall by transverse mesocolon
-bends to form the left colic (splenic) flexure.
Slide 13
Descending colon
-Secondarily retroperitoneal
-commences at left colic (splenic flexure)
-descends along left flank to join sigmoid colon in left iliac fossa
Slide 14
Sigmoid colon
-between descending colon and rectum
-extends from left iliac fossa to S3 vertebrae
-suspended by sigmoid mesocolon
15 slide
Rectum slide 16
- accumulates and temporarily stores faeces
- primary retroperitoneal and sub peritoneal
- extends from S3 vertebrae to anal canal
- ends anteroinferior to tip of coccyx as GIT pierces the pelvic diaphragm
- anterior and lateral reflections of peritoneum create
- anterior and lateral reflections of peritoneum create recto vesical pouch in males and rectouterine pouch in females.
- arterial perfusion via branches of inferior mesenteric artery and internal iliac artery
Venous drainage:
- anastomosis between portal and systemic veins in wall of anal canal.
- superior rectal vein drains back to the inferior mesenteric vein (➡splenic➡ portal vein)
- middle rectal veins drains back to internal iliac veins
- anastomosis between rectal veins
How is the rectum innervated?
Sympathetic: lumbar splanchnic nerves
Parasympathetic: pelvic splanchnic nerves
Visceral afferent: rectum inferior to pelvic pain line so all visceral afferent fibres follow pelvic splanchnic nerves retrogradely back to S2-S4 spinal sensory ganglia.
Male rectum exam.
In males the following structures can be palpate through the walls of the rectum:
- prostate gland
- seminal vesicles
- pelvic surface of coccyx and sacrum
Female rectal examination.
What structures can be palpate a through wall of the rectum?
- cervix
- pelvic surface of sacrum and coccyx
2.5-3.5cm long.
-internal anal sphincter: smooth involuntary (contraction stimulated by sympathetic fibres; parasympathetic fibres from pelvic splanchnic nerves inhibit sympathetic contraction and evoke peristaltic contraction for defaecation.
Importance of tonic contraction?
External anal sphincter: large voluntary sphincter innervated by inferior anal nerve- branch do pudendal nerve
-external haemorrhoids (piles)
-anal fissures
➡Distal anal canal is sensitive to touch, pain and temperature
All visceral afferent fibres travel retrogradely with parasympathetic fibres to S2-S4 spinal sensory ganglia.
Anal canal perforates levator ani muscle
Puborectalis muscle. Slide 26
Has a major role to play maintaining faecal continence
Haven’t finished..only 3 more slides, couldn’t do it. Piece out negro